It was on the fornt page yesterday (4/26) of's home page. I
always thought he was older than me but it seems I'm 6 years older - he is/was
just 37 at passing. As for the alcoholism I think it's just a part of the
basement programmer's life he chose since he's shown signs back even in the DOS
days of having substance and/or personality problems.
Marvin wrote:
I just received this notice from a friend of mine.
This was the first notice
I had seen. Anyone know any more of the details?
This appears to be a revisionist report with regard to why Pkzip was
created. I still have some of the email (somewhere) that circulated from
both Katz and the creators of ARC when the creators of ARC sued Katz for
IIRC having something to do with PKARC not being 100% compatible with the
widely used ARC compressions scheme used.