Now that I have my SWTPC 6800 loading and saving programs with paper tape, cassette, and floppy disk (using the Percom LFD-400 controller and their MiniDOS and MPX ?operating systems?), the next logical step is getting FLEX up and running. Unfortunately, I only have the Percom floppy controller and I don?t know if FLEX compatible disk drivers and boot code were ever written for it. Before I go create Percom support for FLEX from scratch, does anyone have any leads?
On 3/3/20 4:26 PM, Joe George wrote:
> Yup! Single sided, single density, 32 hard sectors. And the Wang 2200 had apparently some weird insert orientation, the ?Wang? labels are on the back of the diskettes, opposite side of the manufacturer sticker.
> Cheers,
My recollection is that the 8" floppy drives (in a lowboy floor-standing
unit) were vertically mounted and placed to the right of the operator.
The floppy eject button was then closest to the operator and any disk
inserted would be visible from the "rear" of the floppy.
Not nearly as weird as the Altos ACS8000, for example, that mounted the
floppy drives upside-down and horizontally, such that the eject button
was topmost. Those disks do have content labels placed on what we'd
consider the "backside" of the floppy for obvious reasons.
Did any 5.25" floppy-equipped systems do this?
I was watching this video on highway construction in the 1960's (as you do) and noticed what appears to be
a System 360 console, that I couldn't place. Presumably it's some peripheral or CE maintenance panel. I didn't
find it in the Physical Planning Guide (not that that's comprehensive) nor from perusing google images.
I'm a little curious as to what it is.
It's at 23:13 in
> On Sun, 1 Mar 2020 at 17:58, Joseph Zatarski via cctalk
> <cctalk at> wrote:
> >
> > I've started inventorying a lot of the stuff I'd like to pass on here:
> >
> I can't see these in the Google sheet, for some reason:
> > -Mac network cards (nubus and one for IIsi or SE/30) as well as a couple
> > other accessories (Dayna Mini Etherprint, AAUI transceiver, more
> > accessories to come)
> I am interested in an SE/30 NIC and associated bits (transciever,
> AppleTalk bridge).
> I am happy to pay international postage. I'm in Prague.
> --
> Liam Proven ? Profile:
> Email: lproven at ? gMail/gTalk/gHangouts: lproven at
> Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn/Flickr: lproven ? Skype: liamproven
> UK: +44 7939-087884 ? ?R (+ WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal): +420 702 829 053
Hello Liam,
The NICs I have are Asante brand. They are located in the Apple/Macintosh
Unfortunately for you, sale is pending on the SE/30 NIC. If the sale falls
through, you are in line behind one other person. I'm fairly confident that
even if the first buyer falls through, the second in line will not.
If you're still interested in the other accessories, I can have a look when
I get home, get a few pictures put up for you, and we can continue from
there. International shipping should not be an issue, filling out a customs
form is not very hard.
Best Regards,
Joe Zatarski
The set of config files you need to edit in TOPS-20 is found here, about
halfway down the page:
I'll paste it here:
Configuring the system
The *Panda Distribution* README has this to say about initial configuration:
You?ll need to edit the following files. EMACS is installed on this system,
along with TECO and EDIT. [More on these editors later.]
SYSTEM:7-1-CONFIG.CMD to set your timezone
SYSTEM:HOSTS.TXT to define your local host name and network
SYSTEM:INTERNET.ADDRESS to define (again!) your IP address ? must be the
same as in klt20.ini. Also define your netmask here as LOGICAL-HOST-MASK
SYSTEM:INTERNET.GATEWAYS to define your IP gateway
That is the configuration file for DEC?s resolver; although it?s simpler it
has some interoperability problems with MMAILR which haven?t been resolved
SYSTEM:MONNAM.TXT to define your system name
DOMAIN:RESOLV.CONFIG to define your DNS servers, your default domain
(replacing MYDOMAIN.COM) and any users in addition to OPERATOR who can send
control messages to the resolver.
To actually edit any of those, you'll probably need to ENABLE first, eg:
The dollar-sign ($) prompt indicates that your privileges are enabled.
*Linux Host*
On the host side, I like to convert my ethernet to a bridge so I can add
virtual interfaces easily. Here's the script I use (requires sudo, and
that the user running it be in group adm, and that the tuntap devices be
owned by and writeable by group adm):
eth0text=$(/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet ")
HOSTIP=$(echo "${eth0text}" | awk '{print $2}')
HOSTNETMASK=$(echo "${eth0text}" | awk '{print $4}')
HOSTBCASTADDR=$(echo "${eth0text}" | awk '{print $6}')
HOSTDEFAULTGATEWAY=$(/sbin/route -n | grep ^ | awk '{ print $2 }')
# Change as we add more guest OSes with network stacks
for i in $(seq 0 ${_maxtap}); do
/usr/bin/tunctl -t tap${i} -u adam -g adm
/sbin/ifconfig tap${i} up
# Now convert eth0 to a bridge and bridge it with the TAP interfaces
/sbin/brctl addbr bridge0
sleep 1
/sbin/brctl addif bridge0 eth0
sleep 1
/sbin/brctl setfd bridge0 0
/sbin/ifconfig eth0
/sbin/ifconfig bridge0 $HOSTIP netmask $HOSTNETMASK broadcast
# set the default route to the bridge0 interface
/sbin/route add -net gw $HOSTDEFAULTGATEWAY
# bridge in the tap devices
for i in $(seq 0 ${_maxtap}); do
/sbin/brctl addif bridge0 tap${i}
/sbin/ifconfig tap${i}
For some reason this seems to work even though that should be group
netdev. I guess because "adam," who is running the emulator, owns the
tun/tap devices.
I have this in /etc/udev/rules.d/99_net_tun.rules:
KERNEL=="tun", GROUP="netdev", MODE="0660", OPTIONS+="static_node=net/tun"
I don't think that's standard; I think I added that at some point.
And then in klt20.ini, I have a statement that looks like:
devdef ni0 564 ni20 ifc=bridge0 ipaddr= dedic=false
And then finally the dnpni20 executable is setuid root.
All of this together gives me a TCP/IP stack on klh10 that allows the
emulator to run as me, not as root, and bridges the TOPS-20 host into my
real network.
I'm having loads of trouble getting networking going with the Panda
Distribution of TOPS20 and KLH10. Could someone point me to a
step-by-step guide on doing this?
David Griffith
dave at
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
>> Hi.
>> I forgot to mention it?s an eye phone
>> 11 PRO 256gb.
> I may be missing something -- *what's* an "eye phone"? I thought you
> were listing vintage kit, not smartphones?
> --
> Liam Proven ? Profile:
> Email: lproven at ? gMail/gTalk/gHangouts: lproven at
> Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn/Flickr: lproven ? Skype: liamproven
> UK: +44 7939-087884 ? ?R (+ WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal): +420 702 829 053
I believe Kevin replied to the wrong e-mail by mistake. He must be
selling something himself and had a similar subject line.
That said, no hits on my post yet? what, nobody needs nubus ethernet
cards? or various ISA/PCI/PCI-X expansion cards? a dozen computer mice?
DEC Alpha 4100 RAM? some nice combination SCSI/fastethernet cards?
OK, I get that it's mostly junk ;), but no attention at all so far. Keep
checking, getting more stuff in the list every day. I added a recent
section so people can keep up on the recent additions without having to
check the whole list.
As before, I'm in the west suburbs of chicago in case anyone is local
and sees some stuff they want.
I bought some 8? diskette cases and they arrived with a bunch of old software for a Wang 2200 in them. One of the boxes HP was badly water damaged, and the diskettes are shot, but those look like backups of some company software. Diskettes that look like they may still viable include 2 marked ?WANG 2200 MVP Operating System v2.6.2? and one marked ?2200 MVP (Multi-user) BASIC-2 System Platter Release 2.5?. There?s also a box of diskettes of what look like source for something ?GBS Mod 1 Diskette Version?.
I?m not a Wang person and I can?t use these diskettes for anything, does anyone on the list have any interest in them? Is the software worth rescuing or is it already archived somewhere?
If anyone wants them, drop me an email off list. Gimme a couple of bucks to cover shipping and I?ll send you all the ones that look viable.
> On Feb 29, 2020, at 11:00 AM, cctalk-request at wrote:
>> Anyway, my Googling turned up nothing on the OS, although I did find a Robert Knight at Princeton, but no information on stuff he's done. I will likely email him to ask about it, but wanted to ask here first if anyone knows anything about it.
When you do, please tell him Adam Thornton says ?hi.?
I worked for him at Princeton for a while. IIRC he wrote the LPR RFC.