test-drb February 2020

  • 95 participants
  • 82 discussions

Crimping 68pin (HD68) Wire
by cctalk@ibm51xx.net
5 years

VAXmate PSU Failure
by robert.jarratt@ntlworld.com
5 years

Teac FD-54
by vax@purdue.edu
5 years

large HP DesignJet plotter needs a good home
by shumaker@att.net
5 years

Happy 74th Birthday ENIAC
by blstuart@bellsouth.net
5 years

Sun external SMD cables
by aperry@snowmoose.com
5 years

Respond to items I offer offlist please
by couryhouse@aol.com
5 years

Have extra ge. G11a. First GE landmark transistor for counter and computer cicurits
by couryhouse@aol.com
5 years

d-112 users handbook. Have xtra copy...
by couryhouse@aol.com
5 years

"itt courier nibble computer" have discovered 2 unpopulated boards ca.1981 there was a,plant in phx.....for IBM cluster terminals....
by couryhouse@aol.com
5 years
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