Looking for a DECMATE (VT-278 model) RX278 Floppy Drive Interface Connector
cable, part number is RC26N-2L It's a 37 male-25 pin male cable.
Here is photo I took of one (not mine)
I have the pinouts for the 37-pin end but not the 25-pin end. If no one
has a cable I can do a continuity test of the cable next time I have access
one, but it's not easily available.
I am located near Philadelphia.
Does anyone have an -11/24 in a BA11-A 10-1/2" mounting box? If so, I'd love
some images of the internals, if possible!
I ask because the BA11-A doesn't use the usual MATE-N-LOC connector for
sending power to the CPU; instead it has bus bars, and in the -11/44 (the
usual denizen of this box), the KD11-Z CPU backplane has a Flexprint cable
which bolts to those, to carry the power.
The thing is that the -11/24 backplane uses the usual MATE-N-LOC connectors;
to run an -11/24 in that box (the manuals says that's the standard 10-1/2 box
for it) the prints show a special adapter plate: that's what I'd like to
get images of.
If anyone has a spare adapter plate, that would be even better; I'd love to
buy/trade it, if so. (I'm interested in running an -11/24 in the BA11-A since
in a BA11-L 5-1/4" box, the limited +5VB severely limits the amount of memory
one can have.)
would anyone happen to have a 12016A SCSI card? If so and you want to sell or trade for some other HP hardware, let me know.
Jesse at cypress-tech.com
UniBone emulates now the M9312 bootstrap ROM card.
Each of the 5 ROMs can be loaded with MACRO11 listings files from
The tricky bootvector redirection logic is also implemented.
The address to execute after power-on is given as symbolic MACRO11 label.
For demonstration the script "m9312+xxdp_dl0.sh" is given,
which boots into 11/34 console emulator, or auto-boots XXDP from RL02.
kind regards,
Jerry Weiss <jsw at ieee.org> wrote:
> On 2/12/20 11:28 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:
> > > That fourth card (M7268) is apparently a connector card for the Q-Bus
> > > and drive bus.
> >
> > Yes, but actually there are 6 cards: the M7269 is a dual card which goes
> > into the QBUS backplane, and the M993-YA which goes into the first RK05,
> > to convert from the two flat cables which come from the M7268.
> >
> > > From: Al Kossow
> >
> > > Also, it is only 18 bits.
> >
> > Actually, only 16-bit DMA addresses, I'm pretty sure.
> >
> > Noel
> That's what is documented in Micronote #5. There is a comment in the
> 15-Dec-1994 DECUServe Journal that says it can be modified for 18 bits
> from Alan Frisbie.
Yes, it can, and it works well. I ran RSX-11M from RK05s on my 11/73 system.
I even managed to find the article I wrote, on a 1986 backup of an RSX-11
disk, now loaded on SIMH on my Alpha/VMS system. I have already sent a
copy of the RUNOFF file (and resulting text file) to Dave McGuire, who
tracked me down, and will do so for anyone else who would like it.
I also have the RKV11-D manual and print set, but they are buried in one of
the many boxes in my shop, so it might take a while to find them. If you
need them, let me know and I'll dig them out and scan them.
Alan "Packrat" Frisbie
Does anyone here have a CDC 9270 (SMD HDD) status/control panel that I
could borrow to check whether the drive that I have thinks that it is OK?
Two things:
1. Does anyone here have documentation for Fujitsu's M2372 SMD disk?
M2382 is on bitsavers, but there are some differences between it and the
2. I removed the drive from the Sun Storage Pedestal chassis, so I could
see what status LEDs are turning on when I power it up. STS0 is solid
and STS3 is flashing. Is this some transitory state as the drive is
coming up or is this a fault indication? It has stayed in that state for
at least 10 min, so I presume it is a fault.
If I am reading the M2382 manual correctly and is is applicable to the
M2372, the fault "indicates the condition to Power Ready is not correct
or the drive detect the unexpected MPU interruption".