Good Monday Evening (or Tuesday Morning if you are beyond the International
Here is the latest batch of computers and boards and peripherals and things
that I've carefully curated for your consideration and consumption from my
Homebrew Small Form Factor S-100 System
Indus GT 5.25" Floppy Drive (Atari)
ADPI Easi-Disk 5.25" External Serial Disk Drive
Camwil Printwheel - Pica 10
Camwil Printwheel - Elite 12
Diablo Black Cloth Ribbon
Diablo HiType-I FIlm Ribbon (6 pack)
GP Technologies Printwheel - Titan Legal 10
Xerox Metal Printwheel - Titan Legal 10
Xerox Metal Printwheel - Vintage 12
Toshiba T1950CT Laptop
Toshiba T4900CT Laptop
Commodore 1311 Joystick (boxed)
Microsoft InPort Mouse w/Mouse Interface
Articulate Systems Voice Impact Pro
Dysan 100 MD2HD 5.25" Floppy Diskettes (10-pack)
Curtis Electro Devices PR5200B 32x8 Memory Programmer
Asante FriendlyNet Adapter
Perkin-Elmer PC AT Single T4 4 Meg Transputer
CompuPro CPU 8085/88
CompuPro CPU 8085/88 (incomplete)
CompuPro RAM16
CompuPro RAM21
Comrex The S100 TimePiece
JVB Electronics Spool-Z-Q 100
MATCO Data Products EPROM Emulator/Programmer
Morrow Designs MM256K
CompuPro/Viasyn SPUZ 64K
Viasyn Interfacer 3A (bare board)
Viasyn Interfacer 4 (bare board)
Atari XG-1 Light Gun
Atari XE Keyboard
IBM PCjr Internal Modem
IBM PCjr RF Modulator
MOS Technology KIM-1 (Rev. A)
Commodore KIM-1 (Rev. G)
Radio Shack TRS-80 64K Color Computer
DEC Celebris FP 590 PC
Links to information on these items and more can be found here:…
Photos are linked in the descriptions. I will be going back and adding
photos for the last couple batches in the near future and will post an
update when they are up.
As ever, please contact me directly by e-mail via <sellam.ismail at>
to inquire or make an offer on a particular item.
Thank you!
Hi, All,
In preparing for my VCF-East exhibit, I went through my stack of DEC
Pro gear. The good news is I had enough working hardware to get a
Pro350 running Venix fully operational. The bad news is that I don't
have enough working hardware to have even a second functional Pro.
One of my RX50 controllers has a mechanically bunged up CTI ZIF
socket. It doesn't look repairable so I'm probably going to have to
replace it with a transplant from another board.
One of my standard (mono) video cards displays bit garbage on
power-up. I haven't found schematics for it yet (bitsavers has
schematics for the Pro380 CPU, the RX50 controller, the RX50, the
RD50). I could probably pull the RAM and test it outside the board,
but beyond that, I'm stabbing at things.
I did a lot of googling around and I haven't seen a lot of repair
details on these. Not really surprised about that, but I figure it
was worth asking if anyone has attempted component-level repair on DEC
Professionals. I'm sure there's lots of experience with board
swapping - that will definitely solve my problems.
Oh... and I happen to be one video controller short anyway. I suppose
a partial machine made its way to me at some point. I know my Pro380
used to be a console for our 8530. I was able to rescue the console
at least. I probably got the Pro350s sometime in the mid-1990s when
people were dumping them. I'm still a bit puzzled why I have *5* 256K
memory cards. There's only 6 slots and once you put in the RX50
controller, the RD controller, the video card, and possibly the color
bitplane extension card, you've got 2 slots left.
One fun bit - I was able to break into the Venix box using the 'guest'
account (I guessed there was one) and run John the Ripper on an i7
Linux laptop to crack all the hashes. 10/12 took literally seconds.
One password was '82', another was 'Bob'. The root password took a
few hours because it was two dictionary words. In the end, though,
they all fell. The default root password for Venix is in the manuals
('gnomes'). They at least changed it on this box, but 1984 crypto is
no match for 21st Century cracking.
I don't see DEC Pro systems talked about much - they were kinda slow
and definitely limited in their expansion. For a time, they were a
cute packaged PDP-11 system but that CTI bus connector is a royal
PITA. I am not shocked there weren't that many peripherals for it,
but for a "desktop computer", how many different kinds of interfaces
does the average office user need?
If anyone happens to be coming to VCF East this weekend and has dead
Pro gear, I could use a card to pull a CTI connector from. At least I
should be able to get the one RX50 controller going.
All ?
??????????????? Over the last few months, I?ve built myself a nice little PDP-11/23 with a SCSI interface/drive, extra SLUs and Ethernet. With the help of a few people, I was able to get an Ethernet configuration running, which is kind of cool. It?s been a great learning process getting this up and running. It?s a Q18 system, so memory is limited and I don?t think able to run BSD (I?m running RT-11 right now).
So, for playing around, what can I practically do with this? Is it even possible to access any Web sites (unconventional browsing for sure; I?ve read about telnetting to port 80)? I?m sure email is possible, as is FTP/Telnet (I?ve used that inside my lab setup), but I don?t really know where to start with that.
??????????????? If anyone has any pointers/suggestions, I?d appreciate it.
??????????????? Thanks!
Rich Cini
Thanks. That?s how I was able to get on-line (with lots of help from JerryW). Great resource and highly recommended.
Get Outlook for iOS<>
From: cctalk <cctalk-bounces at> on behalf of Brian Roth via cctalk <cctalk at>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 9:51 AM
To: Paul Koning via cctalk; Grant Taylor; General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: What do to with an Internet-connected PDP-11?
I apologize if this has been mentioned.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 9:25 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk<cctalk at> wrote:
> On Apr 29, 2019, at 9:05 PM, Grant Taylor via cctalk <cctalk at> wrote:
> On 4/29/19 6:47 PM, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:
>> I want to say that the OSU webserver for VMS supports running over DECnet, but my memory could be faulty. I?ve only used WASD on VMS.
> I think this sounds like a neat ~> fun thing to do.
> But how does a web server run over DECnet?
> I guess conceptually you can serve web pages across any protocol that can carry HTTP.
> But I guess you could also have a client that ran over DECnet or need a gateway to TCP/IP.
Yes. What I meant is that one could take an existing HTTP client and server, or create one, substituting DECnet sockets for the TCP sockets. The protocol would work just fine that way. You'd need to decide how to deal with DECnet packet boundaries, something TCP doesn't have (a major omission). The simplest is to pay no attention to them, which is what I understand Ultrix "streaming DECnet" sockets to do. An alternative would be to make use of them, for example by saying that the entire HTTP header is in one packet and the payload (if any) follows in separate packets.
Dear ccmp'ers:
For a while now, I noticed that my vaxstation 4000/60 with OpenVMS 7.2
had become sluggish, but I had not had the time to investigate the
problem.?? The system is mostly idle, RAM is mostly free (there's 32mb),
there is almost no paging, but the CPU is spending upwards of 70% of the
time in the interrupt stack mode.? Currently, I am running it headless
because I have not had the time to fix the monitor (it still has the
framebuffer inside, but this sluggishness issue was present before with
the monitor attached).? I have read that this can be caused by "faulty
i/o devices that interrupt the cpu continuously".? What else can be done
to locate the source of the problem?
Back in 1984 I had cloned a Logical Microcomputer Co. Genix
system based on the Nat. Semi. 16032 chip set. I had a dd
dump of the distribution on floppies, but that was unreadable.
I just found a binder with about an inch of fanfold
printouts of all the device drivers, low-level system
routines, boot loaders, etc in c source format.
These were printed on my Honeywell "big iron" drum printer
with a funny character set, so many of the ASCII 96
characters are printed using overprints. Like, { shows as a
< overprinted with (.
So, it might be tricky to scan and OCR it without training
the OCR. Not sure anybody would be interested in it, anyway.
I have the 32MB memory expansion card for my SPARCstation 2 (P/N 501-1823) but not the accompanying cable (501-1814) or 32MB mezzanine card (501-1824).
Does anyone have either the cable or mezzanine card that they?d be willing to part with for a reasonable price? I?ve only found sellers carrying them for hundreds of dollars recently; I managed to snag the ?1823 from someone who was selling it far more reasonably, probably because they didn?t know what they could get for it.
-- Chris
I am new to the list and would like to introduce myself. I am a computer
history buff who especially likes DEC machines. I unfortunately don't own
any hardware but I use Simh on a daily basis. I would like to start off
with a question. I see that Bitsavers has a copy of VMS 1.5 and wanted to
know if anyone got it working with the Vax 780 simulator?
I hope to learn a lot from this group.
A friend not on the list obtained a Tandem 6526 terminal. In the process of trying to refurbish it, the first 80 bytes of its ROM got trashed. Does anyone happen to have one so she could recover from this?
Also, she has no keyboard, and no information about Tandem?s block mode or other protocols (much less the keyboard interface), does anyone know where to find such details or have a manual handy?
? Chris
Sent from my iPad
How safe is it to put modern rack rails (HP) in a classic DEC Rack? The DEC racks have small holes, while the new HP racks, IIRC, have big square holes. It looks like the rails will work, they just won?t clip flush.