Hello David
I saw your posting on the cctalk mailing list regarding RSX180.
It is Hector Peraza that's been tinkering with this. He intends making the
full source-code available via SourceForge or GitHub but is still working
on preliminary web pages and documenting etc. No doubt he will provide you
with more details.
I've been tinkering with a Z280 system designed by Bill Shen (the Z280RC on
the RetroBrew web site at
https://www.retrobrewcomputers.org/doku.php?id=builderpages:plasmo:z280rc )
and have contacted Hector about porting it to the Z280.
A Z180 system is also on my hobbyist "to-do" list. Should you decide to
produce another run I'd be interested in one. Most likely I'd use a
CompactFlash on IDE interface and an GoTek style floppy emulator with it.
Tony Nicholson <tony.nicholson at computer.org>
I don't know who did it, but here's a video of a P112 running RSX:
If the creator of this thing is reading, I'd very much like to get my
hands on RSX-180 and put it up on the P112 page at Sourceforge, Gitlab,
et al.
David Griffith
dave at 661.org
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
The re-work of that Dallas nvram chip is just beautiful. It makes me
ashamed of myself. (I just chopped into the epoxy with a pocket knife,
soldered two leads, and velcroed the new batteries somewhere inside the
machine I installed it in.)
I salute you sir.
At 12:24 PM 4/12/2018 -0800, you wrote:
>On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 5:09 AM Christian Corti via cctalk <
>cctalk at classiccmp.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> how does one open a RL02 disk pack? A couple of packs need cleaning but I
>> can't figure out how to open them...
>I was curious to see if there would be any replies to this. I have just shy
>of 40 RL02 packs, and a few of them had bad scratches rendering them
>useless. Therefore, I attempted to open them in a non-destructive way, just
>to see if it was possible. So far, I haven't had much luck. Also, I noted
>that while all the packs I attempted were DEC (not clones), they did have
>slightly different construction and mechanics, probably based on production
>- Earl
Ha, this made me realize I don't know either. Despite that I now have some RLO3K-DC
packs, and one RLO2 drive.
Dug one out. After a few moments of being stumped, found the trick. Here's how:
On the blue handle, top center, look on the section that has the pivot pins.
There is a flat plastic 'button' on which one end is slightly concave.
With the handle DOWN (flat), put finger on that concave end of the button, and
push sideways, till the button reaches the end of travel.
With it still at end of travel, lift the handle up to vertical. At about 45 degrees
(half way) you'll feel a resistance, then hear a thump.
Once the handle is vertical, lift the pack up by the handle. The lower cover is
separated and the disk is exposed.
But it still is mostly covered, only a slot for the heads is open.
You could lever open the several latches that hold the bottom inner cover on if you wanted.
Since RS6K systems have been mentioned recently, I thought I should ask
for advice.? I have a Powerserver 320H with 32MB of RAM, an 8-port async
EIA-232 adapter, a SCSI adapter and a 400MB HD.?? No framebuffer or
keyboard; no LAN card.? Because of the last issue, I haven't tried to do
much with it.? I tried getting it to talk on the serial console (Serial
1 connector in the back), following all the advice I found on the net:?
The pinout of the MODU serial connector, the null modem cable with full
handshake (also driving the DCD line in the 320H).? I turn it on in
service mode, and it spits a lot of LED codes, finds the HD, spins it up
and it apparently loads something (I suppose AIX) from it.? But nothing
is? ever sent out on the serial 1 port, or any other serial port.? I
believe that during the POST it fails to initialize the serial 1 and 2
ports, because the 320H's DTR and RTS lines are never asserted (the
ports in the async RS232 card do assert these on power up, but they are
equally silent). I made sure that the CTS, DSR and DCD inputs of the
320H are being driven by the external terminal.
I made a video of the LED codes during POST and found some problems;
here are the codes and their meaning:
120 BIST starting a CRC check on the 8752 EPROM.
122 BIST started a CRC check on the first 32K bytes of the OCS EPROM.
124 BIST started a CRC check on the OCS area of NVRAM.
130 BIST presence test started.
101 BIST started following reset.
153 BIST started ACLST test code.
154 BIST started AST test code.
100 BIST completed successfully; control was passed to IPL ROS.
211 IPL ROM CRC comparison error (irrecoverable). !!!!!!!
214 Power status register failed (irrecoverable).?????????? !!!!!!!
218 RAM POST is looking for good memory.
219 RAM POST bit map is being generated.
290 IOCC POST error (irrecoverable).???????????????????????? !!!!!!!
291 Standard I/O POST running.
252 Attempting a Service mode IPL from 7012 DBA disk-attached
???????? devices specified in IPL ROM Default Device List.
253 Attempting a Service mode IPL from SCSI-attached devices
???????? specified in the IPL ROM Default Device List.
299 IPL ROM passed control to the loaded program code.
814 NVRAM being identified or configured.
538 The configuration manager is going to invoke a configuration
???????? method.
813 Battery for time-of-day, NVRAM, and so on being identified or
???????? configured, or system I/O control logic being identified or
???????? configured.
538 The configuration manager is going to invoke a configuration
???????? method.
520 Bus configuration running.
538 The configuration manager is going to invoke a configuration
???????? method.
869 SCSI adapter being identified or configured.
538 The configuration manager is going to invoke a configuration
???????? method.
954 400MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured.
538 The configuration manager is going to invoke a configuration
???????? method.
539 The configuration method has terminated, and control has
???????? returned to the configuration manager.
551 IPL varyon is running.
553 IPL phase 1 is complete.
The code 290 above is particularly worrysome, I think.? The NVRAM
battery reads 2.85 volts even after all these years. I reseated all of
the chips that are on bases, all of the cards, and connectors; there was
no change.? Any ideas on how to proceed?
Hi all --
I picked up a ZAX ICD-178 in-circuit debugger in the hopes of using it
to help debug / reverse-engineer a couple of 68k-based machines I have.?
This unit can work with 68000, 68010, and 68008-based machines, however
a different emulation CPU module is used for the 68008 vs. the
68000/68010.? Unfortunately, mine came with only the 68008 CPU module.
Since this is a fairly uncommon device, I figure it's unlikely, but just
in case someone's sitting on a pile of parts somewhere, if you have the
68000/68010 Emulation CPU module ("CPU S-813") please drop me a line.
Thanks as always,