At 12:24 PM 2/10/2018 -0700, you wrote:
>Does anyone have source to a 6809 monitor program?
>I'm looking for something I can make work in a CoCo.
>Functionality I'm looking for is something that will let me read and
>write to memory.
Attached is the zipped C source code for a 6809 monitor I wrote in the early 1990s.
Compiler used was HiTech C. Build files included.
It worked, but of course 'there may be bugs.' :)
It's fairly generic, so not many changes needed for other CPUs. I also did an 80C196 ver.
If the zip file attachment fails, it's online here:
Doco from the MONITOR.C file:
/* File: MONITOR.C
For machine: Dual 6809 game board.
Compiler: Hitech 6809 C.
Written: Guy Dunphy, 4/9/94, derived from an earlier version. (by me)
This file contains all code for a versatile serial monitor.
It is event driven, and time sliced, so it can operate in the
background with other CPU tasks.
All data is stored big-endian.
All serial I/O is via the functions aux_get_ch(), aux_put_ch().
Serial Tx is polled, while Rx can be either polled, or buffered interrupt
driven with hardware handshaking (via RTS). See monitor_init().
This monitor can be used in multi CPU systems, where only one CPU has a
serial comms interface, and each has different IO/mem maps and codespaces.
If there is a means for passing strings between the CPUs, then the one
with serial IO is used to run a 'master' copy of the monitor, and the
other CPU(s) runs a 'slave' monitor version.
The master CPU does all command line entry/edit operations, and can be
set to pass complete command lines on to other CPU(s). It also will echo
text returned from the slave CPU(s) to the serial interface.
To use this file:-
* For single CPU operation, just compile it as is.
* As a 'master' (talks to a slave), predefine symbol MON_MASTER.
* As a 'slave', predefine symbol MON_SLAVE.
Monitor commands (See also mon_help_text[] )
Multiple cmds allowed on a line, use ';' to separate.
Upper/lower case of commands and parameters is not significant.
A 'range' may be:-
start end
start length (Shorthand form: if length is small and < start.)
start L length
space (as 1st char) Repeat last command. Execute or re-edit.
tab (as 1st char) Repeat 'saved' command. Execute or re-edit.
tab (not 1st char) Copy cmd to 'save' buffer.
esc (as 1st char) Allow re-edit of following 'repeat' cmd.
(... twice ) Kill 'pass cmds to slave' mode.
D range Dump mem.
D (no other chars) Dump another 64 bytes
F[W][I] range data Fill memory. W=word, I=increment.
G addr Go (call) to addr
M start [data]... Modify mem.
data ::= hex_byte | string | char
string ::= "text"
char ::= 'c
R [reg_name = value] Optionally modify register(s), then display all regs.
reg_name ::= cc a b d dp x y u pc
Z [flag_val] Zot! Set operation mode. Bit flags set are:-
b0 Halt system (no return from monitor).
b1 Inhibit serial echo.
b2 Inhibit serial prompt output.
b3 Inhibit all monitor output (incl help).
b4 Pass all cmds to slave CPU. ESC,ESC to exit.
Z Re-initialize monitor. Lose trailing cmds.
Z 0 Restore normal operation, continue.
Z F Just accept commands, no system, echo, etc.
Z 2 Normal, but no echo (ie half duplex).
S1ccaaaadddddd....ddss<CR> Motorola data record. Load to memory.
Each hex line is treated as a command, so there is no special 'load' cmd.
Before sending hex, best to do a Z6 or Z7 to stop all other time
consuming tasks. When finished, do a Z 0 to restore normal ops.
An ASCII ACK ($06) is sent when line processing is complete and no
error found. This can be used as an acknowledge.
If an error is found, a '?' is returned. See s19_decode().
S0.... and S9.... Header and end records: ignored.
Does anyone have source to a 6809 monitor program?
I'm looking for something I can make work in a CoCo.
Functionality I'm looking for is something that will let me read and
write to memory.
tim lindner
"Proper User Policy apparently means Simon Says."
I was contacted about an 11/34 system available. It appears to be not just a
system, nor just a system in a rack, but pretty much a full installation and
all the trimmings (printers, terminals, documentation, media, etc.). I am
pretty sure some of the terminals will invoke interest at the very least ;)
Note - the person who has it is looking for a sale. No prices have been
discussed, but my impression is they aren't going to let it all go for $50
:) The stuff is located in the Detroit metro area.
I am not (nor do I want to be) involved in this transaction in any way. I'm
just passing it on. I would prefer to pass it to someone who has a
demonstrated ability (and resources) for rescues of this size and type of
equipment. All I care about is that the equipment is rescued and by a
responsible party. Do not email me expressing interest in just one or two
items. I will pass it all to one person - if THEY want to part it out *after
the deal* that's fine. I do have a single picture I can forward. If
interested email me directly..
Terminals (screen, keyboard, mouse) (1 is custom built)
- Quantity: 2 -Tektronix 4012
- Quantity: 1 -Tektronix 4010
- Quantity: 1 - Custom Built Tektronix
Printer Terminal with Monitor (keyboard)
- Quantity: 1 - Digital VT100
- Quatity: 2 - Digital VT105
Printer Terminal
- Quantity: 2 - DEC Writer IV
PDP 11/34 (edit by jay - I believe there is only one 11/34, not 4. I could
be wrong.)
- Quantity: 1 - 11/34A-DH - 115 Volts / 60Hz
- Quantity: 1 - 1134A-XE - 120 Volts / 60Hz
- Quantity: 1 - 11/34A-YE - 120 Volts / 60Hz
- Quantity: 1 - 11/34A DE - 120 Volts / 60Hz
Digital RL01 - Quantity: 2
Digital RL02 - Quantity: 2
Digital RX02 - Quantity: 4 - 1 out of the 4 is non-functioning
Digital RX01- Quantity: 2
DEC Magnetic Disk Drivers
- Quantity: 23 (possibly more)
Some are RL01K-DC and some are RL02K-DC
One has Fortinet on it
IEE Serial Display Quantity: 1
Digital M9202 Quantity: 5
Digital M9741 Quantity: 1
Digital M9312 Quantity: 1
Digital M9302 Quantity: 2
Digital M7850 Quantity: 2
Digital M9301 Quantity: 2
Digital QSC H322 Quantity 1, possibly 2
Various Spare Parts
-Printing Paper
-Original Printing Ink
-INMAC Air Filters
-RX02 Replacement Fan
-Extra Cable for PDP 11/34
-Moss Memory for PDP 11/34
-Spare Power Supplies
-3 cases of documentation for the different components and programs
Half Rack with Built In Power Supply Digital 872-A Quantity: 1
Full Rack, Chasf CD3001-99-0141 Quantity: 1
Anyone interested in the following books??
?? "OpenVMS with Apache, OSU, and WASD: The Nonstop Webserver"
????? (Alan Winston, Digital Press, 2003, 454 p.)?
?? "Teach Yourself COBOL in 24 Hours"?
????? (Thane Hubbell, SAMS, 1999, 477 p., incl. unused and
????? unopened CD-ROM)?
?? "TRS-80 Assembly Language Programming"
????? (William Barden Jr., Radio Shack/Tandy Corp., 1979, 224 p.)?
?? "Assembly Language Programming for the TRS-80 Model 16"
????? (Dan Keen & Dave Dischert, Tab Books, 1984, 184 p.)?
?? "ASP in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference"
????? (A. Keyton Weissinger, O'Reilly, 1999)?
Some other books can be seen here: <>, also
some other computer and related items here: <>.?
All is located in the Netherlands.? On Friday they will be thrown
if nobody is interested.?
?- MG?
On this list, about 2.5 years ago, I offered up a bunch of misc computer books, PC parts, and software, for the cost of shipping, but then I got occupied with some other parts of life, and didn't follow through with those that responded.
I still have the emails and will let those that answered before get first dibs.
I will follow up with them in a day or so, if their emails still work.
But I have added more stuff to the list, including some misc hardware bits.
The current list is on
I will give priority to the first, but if you don't come through with pickup or shipping costs,
they will go to the next in line.
I am hoping to move this stuff out in the next few months.
Thanks for your patience, hope some of this is useful.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Let me start by saying this isn?t intended to start a flame war or anything. I?m genuinely curious.
Why is the VT100 so popular?
Personally I prefer the VT420?s, though I?d love a VT340/340+ or VT525.
I have VT100?s, 320?s and 420?s. I really only use VT420?s. In fact I have one sitting next to my desk in my office hooked to a DECserver 90TL.
Looking for used LTO-5 tapes that I can erase and add to my library at
home for backing up spinning disk archives. I can use LTO-4 as well but 5
gives the most bang for buck.
- Ethan
: Ethan O'Toole
On 10/4/2017 3:33 PM, Dominique Carlier via cctech wrote:
> Hi all
> I start here another topic concerning my research about a new Operating
> System for my freshly restored DCC-116 E.
> I originally intended to install RDOS on my machine but it seems very
> difficult to find the files needed to make a system installation tape.
FIRST: If you have drawings for the DCC, please let me know. I have
two of them (long in storage in the house, but they ran when I pulled
them from their Unitote/Regitel rack a couple of *decades* ago.
There is an RDOS - disk images, available at:
(Top entry in the list) It is about a 2.5MB disk image.
I suggest that you might download SimH and that image, configure SimH as
a straight Nova (rather than a /3 or /4) and see if it runs that image
OK. If so, there you go!
Beyond that, I *might* be able to help, but it will depend on what the
status of copyright is on what I have, and whether your system can even
run what I do have. I am looking into the copyright part of it - that
may take a week or two. (This is something I needed to to anyway).
In the meantime:
Do you have a way to *write* a tape image? I have an AWS format image
of an RDOS starter system. Note, however, that the label on the RDOS
starter image I have suggests it may only be appropriate for a NOVA 3
or NOVA 4, so it might not run on your system. So, I'd have to take
some time to boot it and try and set up a system for a straight Nova.
As this would take several hours, I'm not keen on doing that unless you
know that one from SimH will not work for you.
I also have some OS and compiler DG floppy images, if you have a
DG-compatible floppy setup. Several different operating systems there.
Same issue: one would have to see how many are compatible with a
straight Nova. I have images of the floppies.
Diagnostics for DG systems are notoriously difficult to find. I have a
few, in listing format.