This had kept the prices on that model a bit higher. The serial port while smaller is easy to hack a cable for most connections you need. I guess it's not that way for the other models? I hear it very often for the lx-200 pretty exclusively.
-------- Original message --------From: Robert Feldman via cctalk <cctalk at> Date: 3/23/17 11:20 AM (GMT-06:00) To: cctalk at Subject: Re: Any faithful VT100 Emulators?
Warren Toomey wrote:
> are there any _good_ VT100 terminal emulators
Another alternative is to get a used HP LX 200 palmtop computer. Its DataComm program has a good VT100 mode.
Warren Toomey wrote:
> are there any _good_ VT100 terminal emulators
Another alternative is to get a used HP LX 200 palmtop computer. Its DataComm program has a good VT100 mode.
> Heck, I'd be fascinated to talk to anyone who purchased
> the machines during their lifespan (1997-2001) and could tell me what you
> used them for.
Not the e10k, but Cingular Wireless used clustered e15k's as Oracle
database engines. Dozens of them. Very impressive performance.
On 22 March 2017 at 02:02, Warren Toomey via cctalk
<cctalk at> wrote:
> Which raises the question, are there any _good_ VT100 terminal
> emulators, especially for Linux? For any other platforms?
xterm never gives me any problems. But the default terminal emulators
of Gnome or KDE have some issues in my experience. xterm is always
buried in the system somewhere though, and it works. I use it e.g. for
accessing my old minicomputer which has a VT100 setting.
Ethan wrote...
I'm following this thread because I too want a decent terminal emulator that
works with a variety of vintage text editors (that seems to be the torture
test) but for Linux or OS X. Putty seems to be a repeat suggestion but it's
not for my platforms.
The most faithful vt100 emulation I've seen myself (not that I've done a big
study or anything) is SecureCRT from Van Dyke. It is a commercial product,
but about the only commercial product I've decided is worth the cost. I use
it daily and pay for upgrades and new releases gladly.
I do know that they came out with a version for OSX a while back. I expect
that to be robust. There is a version for Linux, never tried that as I'm a
FreeBSD zealot. There is also an iphone/ipad app by secureCRT and I've used
it in a few pinches but never on a classic system. And the company has
actually heard of VMS ;)
Their support is off-the-charts. On more than one occasion I've emailed them
asking for this or that... and several times I've seen it implemented on the
next release. They actively listen and implement.
If the linux and OSX and app versions are as good as the windows one... it's
worth a shot.
OK, so I don't have a real VT100, so I'm accessing an old 4.3BSD system
with xterm and LXTerminal terminal emulators on Linux. Last night, for a
laugh, I ran vttest from the 1980s and the terminal emulators performed
Which raises the question, are there any _good_ VT100 terminal
emulators, especially for Linux? For any other platforms?
Cheers, Warren
Friendly reminder that Vintage Computer Festival East XII is only 10
days away! March 31-April 2 in New Jersey. Two hands-on exhibit halls, a
dozen tech talks, three keynotes, consignment sale, and you can visit
the year-round Vintage Computer Federation museum while you're here. All
the details are here:
Evan Koblentz, director
Vintage Computer Federation
a 501(c)3 educational non-profit
evan at
(646) 546-9999
Host is a HP 9000/382
Copied the orig drive using a linux box, adaptec 2940N and good old dd
Then swapped drives, a unused 9 GB 80 pin with a Chinese 80 to 50
Did have to issue a spin up command and then copied the data to this drive
again with dd.
Powered all off, added a motor start jumper to the adapter and put it on the
9000/382. Motor will not start, added a jumper right on the drive, no spin.
so .. any ideas what I'm doing wrong, or just try a different drive ?