I was poking around a junk shop that I visit from time
to time and I saw a toy. It didn't really strike me as
that interesting when I saw it but I've been wondering
about it since I left the place this morning. The
thing was mostly red plastic with a cardboard bottom. It
had a two-prong AC cord and a four prong "old fashioned"
telephone jack. It had two big buttons and a spool of
paper tape mounted on the front. The tape was about 1/4
inch wide. I call it a toy because it had that sort of
feel about it. It was not clearly labeled as such. It
was also styled in a way that suggested late 1960s to me.
The whole thing was the size of a small shoe box. I
can't find anything like it in google searches. I wonder
if it might have some early modem like device in it. Does
this description "ring a bell" with anyone?
Bill S.
I should point out. one of yahoo's primary criteria for deep-sixing listserv
traffic. is if the reply-to is set to the list instead of the (arguably more
standard/compliant but less useful) reply-to-sender.
No, don't want to start that flame war again. Just saying. that's a yahoo
I keep getting emails from the list server disabling my account for
excessive bounces. Is it possible to get a log showing where the problem is
coming from so I can complain to my ISP?
Well with yahoo domain having a hard fail specified it looks like it's too
stay. The typical troublemaker with yahoo mail is lists modifying message
bodies or subject lines. Those practices will gauge have to end (and
frankly it can't be soon enough imho).
That said the usual consequence is that messages *from* yahoo through the
list get binned for Gmail users or anyone else who enforces DKIM. I've
noticed Gmail has started marking messages in Spam with the reason why
they're there and when they first started a *lot* if them were due to
signature fails. There are very few these days which make me believe the
lists I'm on have changed practices. Certainly yahoo hasn't rolled back
their dns records.
So unpredictability makes since sense as the bounces you see will be very
dependent on the domains *sending* the messages and their dns records. If
you have a thread with a couple yahoo uses talking back and forth you could
well see a series of bounces from users on servers that respect Yahoo's dns
records requesting a hard fail.
Long ago there was a thread about FOCAL-65 for the 6502, and I asked
the people involved but it seemed it never came to light.
As it happens I appear to have both the user-manual and a quite thick
photocopied (not great quality) listing of FOCAL-65, that I am happy
to scan and upload somewhere.
However, if this already exists somewhere and can point to it, I can
put this scanning task aside.
I know a few list members who have been doing this, after fixing CRT
Was that glass additionally leaded to cut down on X-rays at all? Is there a
risk to that?
These are mostly black and white CRTs.
Ian Finder
(206) 395-MIPS
ian.finder at gmail.com
Actually we want this Packard Bell http://www.smecc.org/itemsklkljl;_3.jpg
for the computer display at SMECC!
Also want any promo material, artwork, manuals etc etc etc....
drop me a line offlist with a title of SMECC Packard Bell please
to _couryhouse at aol.com_ (mailto:couryhouse at aol.com)
thisis what we are looking for
In a message dated 7/1/2016 10:49:36 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
js at cimmeri.com writes:
Computers don't (yet) have voting
rights. :-)
But you're defining "spirit" and listing
criteria by which a machine is
appropriate or not. A PS/2 with an
80386 running Windows 3.1 is acceptable,
whereas a Packard Bell with an 80386
running Windows 3.1 is not. Yeah, you
and I would cringe at a PB being
discussed, but maybe there's someone out
there who really is fond of their PB.
So as Terry ("Tezza") acknowledges,
terms like "landmark," "classic,"
"collectible" are subjective (but I
don't think "vintage" is subjective --
that term is usually set by age alone).
This is why it's just easier to use a
single criteria -- age -- and leave it
at that. Why is age acceptable
everywhere else in collecting, but not
here? Otherwise, someone (the list
owner?) has to pontificate over a list
of acceptable computers. Good luck with
- J.
For some things like video ?editing ?a tube monitor has better color gamet..sp?... than chap or enemy middle expensive lcds....
Most important to me is this color although for data and juSt to ?stretch ?time line across I use 40 Inch lcd flats.... ?
Good flats ?are good but price is very expensive. ...
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: TeoZ <teoz at neo.rr.com>
Date: 7/1/2016 3:00 PM (GMT-07:00)
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
Subject: Re: what's vintage? was Re: Latest addition: A bondi-blue iMac
People junked most of the older small low res slow refresh non working (bad
caps) non widescreen LCD monitors by now. I kept one I got free and fixed
ages ago for bench testing (has just a VGA connection) since it is easy to
move around. Newer gaming video cards don't even have VGA out anymore so the
older VGA connector monitors are of no use. Could also be instead of
offering them for sale or free people just straight up recycle them because
of low demand for working ones. On a recycling forum I read people were
trying to sell working older units for $10 each with no luck. The last 2 LCD
monitors I purchased new were $100 (Both DELLs a 23" IPS 1080P and a 24"
1080P) so pricing is not a problem like it used to be in the 90's were a 17"
quality monitor was $800.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Guzis
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 3:14 PM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: what's vintage? was Re: Latest addition: A bondi-blue iMac
On 07/01/2016 11:48 AM, Toby Thain wrote:
> Or, for free, a dumpster LCD. I find working ones discarded
> regularly, and 90% of the non-working ones are just bad inverter caps
> ($2 worth).
Been there, done that--and even depopulated the inverter section on one
PCB (badly designed--capacitors hot-glued to heatsinks, that sort of
thing) and replaced it with a cheap "universal" CFL inverter.? Still
works fine.
Strangely, I don't see nearly as many junked LCD displays today as I did
5 years ago for some reason.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Actually we want this Packard Bell http://www.smecc.org/itemsklkljl;_3.jpg
for the computer display at SMECC!
Also want any promo material, artwork, manuals etc etc etc....
drop me a line offlist with a title of SMECC Packard Bell please
to _couryhouse at aol.com_ (mailto:couryhouse at aol.com)
thisis what we are looking for
In a message dated 7/1/2016 10:49:36 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
js at cimmeri.com writes:
Computers don't (yet) have voting
rights. :-)
But you're defining "spirit" and listing
criteria by which a machine is
appropriate or not. A PS/2 with an
80386 running Windows 3.1 is acceptable,
whereas a Packard Bell with an 80386
running Windows 3.1 is not. Yeah, you
and I would cringe at a PB being
discussed, but maybe there's someone out
there who really is fond of their PB.
So as Terry ("Tezza") acknowledges,
terms like "landmark," "classic,"
"collectible" are subjective (but I
don't think "vintage" is subjective --
that term is usually set by age alone).
This is why it's just easier to use a
single criteria -- age -- and leave it
at that. Why is age acceptable
everywhere else in collecting, but not
here? Otherwise, someone (the list
owner?) has to pontificate over a list
of acceptable computers. Good luck with
- J.
Hi all,
I've got an Dolch C100D Analyzer with an bunch of Probes lately,
And I'm lookinffor someone that has an Dolch LA with an Disassembler
Option - ROM installed and is able to read out it's contents.
I Do habe an C100D analyzer, got it w/o any documentation but the
LAM3250 docs available at the uni Stuttgart fits alsmost exactly.
It seems, that most of the Dolch LAs are internal powered from a Z80 so
it is'nt unlikely that the Options will fit in different models.
I'll get two Dolch 64300 tomorrow, one for repair..disassemblers
included, but the 64300 has ROM cassettes for plugin.
Kind Regards,
Technik Service u. Handel Tiffe, www.tsht.de, Holm Tiffe,
Freiberger Stra?e 42, 09600 Obersch?na, USt-Id: DE253710583
www.tsht.de, info at tsht.de, Fax +49 3731 74200, Mobil: 0172 8790 741