test-drb August 2014

  • 213 participants
  • 244 discussions

Available: IBM 3290 split-view Plasma Terminal
by ian.finder@gmail.com
10 years

Using 10Mb Ethernet with 1Gigabit switches
by chd@chdickman.com
10 years

VT240 Monitor Error - 9
by robert.jarratt@ntlworld.com
10 years

Sun 3/50 and Sun 3 keyboards (Re: old Sun metal kbd is GONE!)
by ethan.dicks@gmail.com
10 years

Univac removable disk cartridges
by jdr_use@bluewin.ch
10 years

CAPS-11 on a TU-60 tape found
by malcolm@avitech.com.au
10 years

IBM PC rear trim panels… Why are they uncommon?
by nf6x@nf6x.net
10 years

Terminal emulator for TRS-80 Model 1?
by fozztexx@fozztexx.com
10 years, 1 month

Needed: Diagnostic listings for DEC RL controller&disk drives
by j_hoppe@t-online.de
10 years, 1 month

Looking for M7263 and M7847 boards
by jaquinn2001@gmail.com
10 years, 1 month
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