I have a question that concerns vintage/classic computing intersecting
the education world: Can anyone tell me what was the first
microcomputer used in an education setting for teaching purposes?
Murray :)
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 11:37 AM PST Adrian Graham wrote:
>On 02/03/2013 21:57, "Chris Tofu" <rampaginggreenhulk at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> preferably not on the west coast.
>Oh, therefore preferably not in the UK either? I have one 6 feet away from
>me that's less than well...
So fix it! What is wrong with it anyway? It's the only non-2000 TRS-80 that catches my fancy these days.
Where have you been anyway? And where's Andrew ("aliensrcool")? Are those of you with A's as their first letter too Aloof to hang out with us??
>Binary Dinosaurs creator/curator
>Www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk - the UK's biggest private home computer
On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 12:01 PM PDT Doc wrote:
>On 3/12/13 1:40 PM, Liam Proven wrote:
>> I have communicated privately with "Chris Tofu". I know him to be a
>> nasty, bigoted, hate-filled fundamentalist - and really very stupid to
>> boot. So all I wish to do is shut him up.
> Oddly enough, that perfectly describes both my assessment of and my desire concerning you.
> Please stop rationalizing your bigoted spew and shut the fuck up.
> Doc
I mean really. I did approach him in a friendly manner, for the purpose of engaging in friendly debate. And it would seem he just couldn't handle it. I cannot understand why the discussion turned so vitriolic. I'll extend the olive branch once more, and even apologize fully for earlier comments. But like doc said you really need to shut that little trap once in a while Liam.
On 3/11/2013 11:37 AM, Enrico Lazzerini wrote:
> Hi, I received a Xerox 820-II mainboard. I've found that does not have a FDC
> on board and that the 37-pin connector used to connect the floppy disk it
> seems to have a bus and its own protocol to talk to an external FDC board
> outside. Is there anybody who knows more and is it there a way to try to
> connect and operate the drive with this mainboard?
Having cleaned the heads, about every other disk going through a box of
8" 820 disk, sthere is nothing in the drive other than the drives and a
power supply. I am not sure if the 820-II is different but, I doubt it.
The cable just splits off to each drive. Everything is on the mainboard.
On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 9:03 PM PDT Dave McGuire wrote:
> I don't know offhand, but amusingly, I know that seller well. That's
>a surplus place that I used to shop at every Saturday when I lived in
>Maryland. I haven't been there in about twelve years, but it was
>AWESOME the last time I was there. He was never really open to the
>public, but a group of us would go every weekend and drop way too much coin.
I can believe it. 90$ for a Jornada??!
Incidentally 6 months ago or a bit more someone on the list was clearing out their storage unit and was offering boxes in this category. Chicago area I think.
Found one thanks to a listmember.
Still chasing a 5150 compatible keyboard.
Proud owner of F-15C 80-0007
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ScarletDME - The red hot Data Management Environment
A Multi-Value database for the masses, not the classes.
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I have two more books free for shipping. The Fortran 77 one is gone.
Here's what I have:
*Motorola CMOS/NMOS Special Functions Data (1986)
*Turbo C Reference Guide (1987) from Borland
*UNIX Primer Plus by Waite Group Staff (1983, Softcover)
*Introduction to WordStar by Arthur Naiman (1983, Paperback)
*WordStar with Style by Roger White (1983, Paperback)
*The Illustrated CP/M WordStar Dictionary with MailMerge and SpellStar
*Word Processing on the Kaypro by Peter A. McWilliams (1983, Paperback)
Take one or many.
David Griffith
dgriffi at cs.csubak.edu
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
You're supposed to embrace love and worthwhile judgment. People cherry pick what suits them from the bible and ignore the rest. You've never read it. You don't have a clue.
VICIOUS ATTACK??!! Someone threatens me publicly. Did I threaten anyone??? What the hell is said or going to be done about the threats issued??? NOTHING. And if I were inclined to take it the least bit seriously, I'd do something. Little big mouth. You can also go to Hell Dave. Talking crap like that could get you in a lot of trouble real quick.
On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 12:46 PM PDT Camiel Vanderhoeven wrote:
>On Wednesday, March 13, 2013, Chris Tofu <rampaginggreenhulk at yahoo.com>
>> Yes Chuck I enjoyed and appreciate your inputs over the years also. But
>there's just too much going wrong with the fucking world to just sit idly
>by. That's the price that has to be payed I guess.
>> Thanks for the kind words though. Bound to be a lot more then I'll get
>from anyone else.
>I agree that a lot is wrong with this world. One of these things is
>Christians forgetting love and embracing judgment. Nowhere in the
>example Jesus set can I find any justification for this kind of vicious,
>hurtful attack on a fellow human being. If it were justified , I would
>rather be an atheist than a selfrighteous christian.