I'm looking for the inter connection cables to connect my HP 9706 drive to
the 13037D MAC controller and to the HP 2114E.
I'm also looking for cables to connect the HP 7970 tape drive to the HP
In return I can offer a trade with HP equipment or some kind of a beer fee.
Hi Paul,
Mine is the BA11-K (PSU at back). It is quite a deep case so needs the full
size rack, but as I'm hoping to use a relatively small SCSI drive (with the
appropriate card) dont need a CAB. I'm looking for something small with
This is OT, in that they're not going to be used in a classic computer,
but people here tinker with other devies too...
I am repariign an old French office telephone at the moment, It is
missing a number of screws, whih looked to me M3. I therefore
(incorrectly) assmed there'd be no problem replacing them.
Alas they are not standard M3. After measuring up some of the exisitng
screws, they appear to be 3mm in diamter, 0.6mm pitch (standard M3 is
0,5mm pitch). A look in a 1943 Machinery's Handbook suggests this is a
French metric thread.
Does anyone know of a source of such screws? If I can't get them, I will
have to make them I guess (and I think I can get a suitable die which
will make life a lot easier), but I'd prefer to buy them. Ideally slotted
cheese head, but I would consider just about anything.
>> It is a French telephone after all ;-)
> I am not sure if you're implying that that's why a 'French Metirc
> Thread'
> is likely to be correct or if you're saying 'It's French, it's bound
> to
> be odd'. Having maintained Citroen car for 13 years, I came to the
> conclusion that French engineering is often strange, but equally it's
> often very good (and ingenious).
I totally agree with you. I have no problems with French engineering at
all. I have spent a lot of my childhood and adolescence in France and I
love it. But they do like to do things their own way, so to speak ;-)
Very good engineering but usually not like anybody else's.
I'd like to put my PDP 11/35 into a small rack - say a 12U, something that isnt too out of place in an office environment. This needs to be 'full size' ie having the required depth for a PDP 11, and also able to take the weight.
Has anyone tried this? Most of the smaller racks I've seen tend to be for music gear, so are light weight and also not as deep as a 'full size' 19" rack.
Hi all,
I am restoring an old IBM terminal with a ferro resonance transformer.
I slowly increase the prim voltage with a variac.
At the same time I measure the sec voltages.
The normal voltage at the prim site is 240V
At +/- 130V (prim) I have already normal voltage at the sec site.
(+5V , -18V etc)
The sec side is loaded and contains no regulators.
Anyone any idea why at 130v everything is normal.
I don't dear to go to 220V
Thanks for all your replies.
Colorado Crystal would make one for you, don't know much that would
> On 5/23/2011 6:50 PM, Adrian Stoness wrote:
>> got any odd XT searial cards theres a potential for there being one on them
>> i have been told
> Good idea but no luck so far, all of the old serial cards I could find
> have an 18.432 MHz oscillator.
> I remember seeing many more Apple II's connected to Teletypes than PC's
> so I'll check old Apple serial cards next.
Well, it's been a good couple of months, and I've managed to acquire a couple of things I've been looking for for a long time. One elusive bit of hardware that I'm still trying to track down is an Ann Arbor Ambassador terminal. Unlike my "big" terminal grail (Tektronix 4010/4014), I've never seen one of these on eBay. I haven't seen one at all in a very, very long time.
It probably doesn't show up simply because it's really not all that interesting from a historical perspective. Also, I'm not so sure they were very reliable. It's an ASCII only terminal, no graphics. I don't believe it's VT100 compatible. But it's got some neat features, it's fast, and has a very nice keyboard.
So, does anyone even have one of these? I'd definitely be interested in acquiring one, but even if you don't want to part with it, it would be nice to know that there are still some out there.
Hello all,
I have several LA 120's with and w/o keyboards. All equipment has been in
storage for many years. I am tearing apart for scrap. If anyone wants parts
and is willing to pay shipping from Wisconsin and a small stipend for the
parts and packaging, email me privately.
PS Later on VT 100's and 220's will be going. Other equipment such as 8"
floppy drives and media.
Fred writes:
> On Mon, 23 May 2011, Shoppa, Tim wrote:
>> I'd still bet a donut, that a 5-40 would fit just fine for anything
>> without a long engagement.
> Are you suggesting that ARD should use screws that are "almost the right
> size"??
I was the same guy who once recommended that one should scavenge a spare board to get a terminal working, rather than repair the existing board :-).
The moral equivalent here would be to have a "parts phone" that one strips for screws as necessary.