What started out as a novelty search for an old IBM COBOL coding sheet
has turned into a serious-ish quest: I am now looking for any original
IBM (and other) coding forms so that I might build a collection on our
documents site.
As for IBM, Google has helped me uncover the part/form # GX28-1464 for
the COBOL form, GX09-0011 for FORTRAN and GX21-9279 for Assembler.
More useful would be part # GX21-9818, which is listed as "Coding
Forms Masters" and may contain these and other forms.
If anyone has these and can a) scan them with high quality or b)
lend/send them to me for scanning, I'd much appreciate it.
Of course, if my Google-fu has failed and they're already out there,
pointers to the downloads will do, too.
Hi guys,
I'm toying with the idea of importing a couple of Hitachi HFD532EIU
5.25in 2.4MB floppy drives from the USA. Thing is, the postage on these
is rather steep -- they won't quite fit into a USPS Small flat-rate box,
and the next size up is the $47.50 Medium International flat-rate box
(or $65 via Priority Mail in the seller's own box... yeah, right).
So here's the question.
Given that each drive costs $15, plus $47.50 shipping for all three,
would anyone be interested in taking one or two of these drives off my
hands for the cost of the drive, plus a contribution towards the
original postage fee (the $48)?
(I'm also open to offers along the lines of "I have a spare you can have
for less money!" -- I only need one drive, and maybe a spare)
classiccmp at philpem.me.uk
On Feb 7, 2011, at 3:46 AM, cctalk-request at classiccmp.org wrote:
>> This is a group to become a lot like MARCH (http://www.marchclub.org/)
> We prefer http://www.midatlanticretro.org.
OK, sorry, I'll start referencing that URL.
>> for the greater Atlanta / southeast US region. A few of us had our first meeting in a restaurant yesterday, so I think that is a good start.
> David, you're probably sick of hearing me repeat this, but I strongly
> suggest that you follow MARCH's lead and put something about Atlanta or
> at least "Southeast" in your new group name. That would help * local *
> people find you, rather than people thinking, "Looks like an interesting
> group .... oh wait they're only in some place far away from me."
No, I actually agree, and we discussed this in our first meeting on Saturday. One of the names to consider is SEARCH (pretty cool) -
S = south
E = east
A = area
R = retro
C = computing
H = hobbyists
That's a lot like MARCH, so you guys don't mind?
David Greelish, Computer Historian
Classic Computing
The Home of Computer History Nostalgia
Classic Computing Blog
Classic Computing Show video podcast
"Stan Veit's History of the Personal Computer" audiobook podcast
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Classic Computing Expo 1.0 - planning for sometime late 2011!
Hi guys,
I'm working on the configuration file format for the DiscFerret. As I
might have mentioned earlier, this is based on the Lua programming
language -- in fact it *is* Lua. To load the config, the DiscFerret
tools fire up a Lua virtual machine, compile the config file into
bytecode, then run it and pick the config values out of the VM's global
What this gives you is an absolute ton of flexibility: you can do things
like use a FOR loop to generate repeated Drive or Format specs.
Something like this:
for kv in { "pc35a", "pc35b" } do
drivetypes[kv] = {}
drivetypes[kv]['friendlyname'] = kv
drivetypes[kv]['crossed_cable'] = true
In the DiscFerret implementation, you have two config files:
- DriveSpec: these tell the software how to talk to a given drive.
Basically, what to do with the I/O lines.
- DiscSpec: these tell the software what the parameters of a given
disc are. Minimum/maximum track numbers, double stepping required (or
not), hard/soft sectored, and so on.
( There are also DecodeSpec files, which MagDAS uses to decode
transition data into disc images -- and which I'll document when I've
actually designed them! )
Here's an example DriveSpec file:
# DiscFerret Disc Drive Specification File
# PC 3.5in Drives A and B, twisted cable or CBL-01A cable kit
-- DriveSpec version flags
drivespec_version = 1.0
-- Drive types recognised by this drivespec
drivespec = {
pc35a = {
-- Passed to Drivespec functions
drivetype = "pc35a"
-- Shown to user
friendlyname = "PC 3.5\", twisted cable (CBL-01A), drive A"
-- Default step rate in milliseconds
steprate = 3.0
-- Spin-up time in milliseconds
spinup = 1000
pc35b = {
drivetype = "pc35b"
friendlyname = "PC 3.5\", twisted cable (CBL-01A), drive B"
steprate = 3.0
spinup = 1000
Given the drive type, track, head and sector, return a list of output
pins which need to be set.
Called once per sector on hard-sectored media, once per track on
soft-sectored media
function getDriveOutputs(drivetype, track, head, sector)
pins = 0
-- 3.5in FDD settings are really easy to set up. First start with drive
if drivetype == "pc35a" then
-- Shugart DS0 = motor enable A, DS2 = drive select A
pins = pins or PIN_DS0 or PIN_DS2
else if drivetype == "pc35b" then
-- Shugart DS1 = drive select B, MOTEN = motor enable B
pins = pins or PIN_DS1 or PIN_MOTEN
error("Unrecognised drive type '" .. drivetype .. "'.")
-- Handle side selection
if head == 0 then
-- do nothing, Head 0 is PIN_SIDESEL (p32) inactive/floating high
else if head == 1 then
pins = pins or PIN_SIDESEL
error("Head number " .. head .. " out of range.")
-- That's pretty much it, unless we need to provide TG46 on the DENSITY
return pins
Given the current drive status flags, identify whether the drive is
ready for use.
function isDriveReady(drivetype, status)
-- 3.5in drives don't generally have a working READY output, and we
don't give a damn about DISK CHANGE.
-- If this were a Winchester drive, we'd be checking READY and SEEK
return true
So in about 70 lines of code (a fair few of which are comments), we've
added full control support for two 3.5in PC floppy drives connected via
a crossed cable. With a few more LOCs we could add support for 8-inch
and 5.25-inch drives which require a 'TG46' signal on pin 2, or an 'IN
USE' signal to mount the heads or switch on the LED.
FormatSpecs are even simpler:
# DiscFerret Format Specification File
# 40/80 track generic, soft sectored
formatspec_version = 1.0
formatspec = {
gen40ds = {
-- format name
friendlyname = "40 track, double-sided, soft-sectored, generic"
-- minimum track number
mintrack = 0
-- maximum track number
maxtrack = 39
-- track stepping -- 1=singlestep, 2=doublestep
trackstep = 1
-- minimum head number
minhead = 0
-- maximum head number
maxhead = 1
-- sectoring; 0=soft-sectored, or number of sectors if hard-sectored
sectors = 0
gen40ds = {
-- format name
friendlyname = "40 track double-stepped, double-sided, soft-sectored,
-- minimum track number
mintrack = 0
-- maximum track number
maxtrack = 39
-- track stepping -- 1=singlestep, 2=doublestep
trackstep = 2
-- minimum head number
minhead = 0
-- maximum head number
maxhead = 1
-- sectoring; 0=soft-sectored, or number of sectors if hard-sectored
sectors = 0
gen80ds = {
-- format name
name = "80 track, double-sided, soft-sectored, generic"
-- minimum track number
mintrack = 0
-- maximum track number
maxtrack = 79
-- track stepping -- 1=singlestep, 2=doublestep
trackstep = 1
-- minimum head number
minhead = 0
-- maximum head number
maxhead = 1
-- sectoring; 0=soft-sectored
sectors = 0
In about 60 lines of code, again mostly comments, we've added support
for three types of disc. Not bad. You could even go as far as generating
all of these in code when the script loads.
So on to the point of my message: does anyone have any comments to make
on this type of config file format?
Is there anything you'd like to see added, or done differently?
classiccmp at philpem.me.uk
Pontus writes:
> On Sun, Feb 06, 2011 at 09:43:42PM -0800, Roger Ivie wrote:
>> Nice little boxes.
>Does CHM have one?
Wouldn't it be better for CHM to concentrate on the truly innovative
boxes that re-invented computation as we know it or defined the
industry for extended periods, rather than the oddball historical
I mean as a DEC fan I understand the sweetness of a VS8000 as the
odd man out (a personal workstation with BI!), but it hardly seems
important in painting the broad strokes of the industry.
Heck, BI in itself is nothing more than an oddball historical footnote
looking backwards, I mean, there was very little third-party stuff
Made for BI (present company excepted). You wouldn't know it by the front page of the
Digital Review at the time! Oh Charlie Matco loved the leaks.
> Try here for the on line version.
> http://www.tubebooks.org/
> > Jonas
> >
> Ben.
> PS. A GM-70 ( $90 ) might substitute for V1505.
Thanks! You just saved my weekend ;-)
>A previous employer had two "MicroVAX 8000s"; we got them without the
>graphics hardware.
>One was supplied to us by DEC, for whom we did some VAXBI work. We also
>had a couple of 3rd party interfaces we designed.
>The other we bought from E&S when they were getting out of the business.
>Nice little boxes.
>roger ivie
>rivie at ridgenet.net
I have one without the graphics that was used for VAXELN develpment.
I am looking for a KDB50 cable assembly that plugs onto the backplane
so I can install a RA71 disk.
I could also use a T1031 KFBTA RD disk controller and cables.
Michael Thompson
>Hmmm... All I will say is that I maintained my father's Citroen car for
>13 years. I therefore have a great love of (some) French engineering.
>IIRC the Pascaline was French....
And just in case anybody misunderstands, I hold French engineering in
great esteem. They are brilliant in many ways, but do tend to be rather
careless about personal safety. I really love France. Including their
railways. And Cavaill?-Coll organs.
>Hmmm... All I will say is that I maintained my father's Citroen car for
>13 years. I therefore have a great love of (some) French engineering.
>IIRC the Pascaline was French....
Ah, but there is French engineering and French domestic wiring (and
French bricoleurs...)
I agree that Citroens are wonderful, I had the opportunity of test
driving a DS19 (or Pallas 21 or something probably) when I was 19 or
thereabouts, on a French gravel road full of potholes. Absolutely
fantastic suspension...
French domestic wiring, on the other hand... :-O
I remember getting a shock from a light switch, in my French godmother's
house in a village in Charente-Maritime (same place I drove the
Citroen). There was a fuseholder in the switch and the cover was broken
and I happened to touch the bare metal.
And I also had a look at the wiring in her Paris apartment. The previous
tenant had "improved" it, using lots of "sparadrap"
(sticking-plaster) to connect the extra wires... A wonder the place
hadn't burst into flames. French domestic wiring is more like doll's
house wiring. Flimsy 2-pin plugs where you connect the wires by jamming
the bared ends under the pins, which screw into the plastic body of the
plug. And so on. A Swedish inspector would probably have a heart attack
merely from looking at it.