test-drb October 2011

  • 199 participants
  • 234 discussions

In search of HP 12821A
by mloewen@cpumagic.scol.pa.us
13 years, 3 months

Free! HP Netserver LX Server P-Pro Parts
by mikelee@tdh.com
13 years, 3 months

For Sale: Phillips PX-1000cr terminal with crypto capabilities
by tosteve@yahoo.com
13 years, 3 months

Free for the cost of shiping : Altos CPM and MiocroSoft COBOL 8"disc's
by hp-fix@xs4all.nl
13 years, 3 months

open FTP index
by tshoppa@wmata.com
13 years, 3 months

old clocks
by Arno_1983@gmx.de
13 years, 3 months

C trivia - was Re: Dennis Ritchie has died
by jonas@otter.se
13 years, 3 months

C trivia - was Re: Dennis Ritchie has died
by dm561@torfree.net
13 years, 3 months

C trivia - was Re: Dennis Ritchie has died
by jonas@otter.se
13 years, 3 months

Sperry 5000/Arete' 1200 Unix Mini
by silent700@gmail.com
13 years, 3 months
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