> From: Ethan Dicks <ethan.dicks at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Chips that changed the world
>> Then of course there were those programmers that thought they were
>> clever, using the top 8 bits to store flags in pointers, etc. ?
>> Royally
>> messed up when upgrading to 68020 and up.
> I remember reading a warning against such practices the original Mac
> system manuals (the "hernia manuals"), but faced with 128K of RAM,
> early programmers did not universally heed the warning.
As I remember it, the warning was there because Apple had already used
the top eight bits of pointers to hold flags for locked, resource,
purge-able etc and if you wrote over them the OS crashed or made your
application crash when it overwrote your flags. A big chunk of one the
developer conference was going 32 bit clean, whereby developers had to
use system routines to test and set the flags instead of system macros
which had been compiled into our source code without us realising they
were macros. For instance it was normal to get the status byte of a
handle before locking it and instead of unlocking it, restore the
status byte. As these had been done using macros they just went
straight to the master pointer and acted on its top 8 bits. There were
also system calls or macros for extracting the lower 24 bits which
very few people had used as it worked without, but Apple wanted us to
use them so they could redefine them to do nothing later. Saving a few
bytes caused both Apple and its developers a huge amount of effort
later on.
Incidentally, you refer to the "hernia manuals". Do you mean the ring
bounds ones? At least you could split them up, volume 5 was the
problem one, it was a paperback about 2" x 8.5" x 11". Later there was
a volume about OCE (IIRC, Open Connectivity Environment) which was as
bad if not worse, but at least I never needed to read it, I think that
technology died because the application programmers were intimidated
by the size of the manual.
Does anyone here happen to have a copy of the original loose leaf
QuickDraw 3D manuals? Someone chucked out my copy at work thinking
they had been supeceeded, but they were far better than the later
documentation and still apply to the Quesa open source project I use
in my work. I would be willing to pay for them to be copied or
scanned, maybe they could go on BitSavers or be put in the official
Quesa documentation at SourceForge.
Roger Holmes.
Enough people are asking about the P112 that I think I can justify
taking preorders. I don't know exactly how much it'll cost for this
run, but I'm fairly sure it'll be decently similar to how it was last
time, which was US$165. I'll have the parts costs calculated out in a
couple days. Then I'll know how many preorders will be needed to get
things rolling. Stand by for more info.
I anticipate three visible changes in the kit.
1) Depending on how many 32k chips I have left, I may go ahead and make 1M
modules of the sort that Terry made up a while ago. 512k chips in DIP
packages is very expensive, but for SMT packages, it's very cheap. The 1M
module is nothing more than a daughterboard that plugs into the P112 and
behaves exactly like a pair of DIPs.
2) Add two holes near the RTC crystal. I think it would be cleaner to
use a loop of wire to hold the crystal down instead of a blob of epoxy.
3) Change the battery holder to something more compatible with add-on
David Griffith
dgriffi at cs.csubak.edu
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
> I've never heard of the "Swift board for the Apple II". Googling
> didn't turn up anything useful, although maybe I just didn't use the
> right incantation.
Try "SwyftCard".
It's interesting to see how the concepts that were swimming around
in Jef Raskin's head turned up and around into realizations in the 80's.
The PCjr Speech Adapter sidecar is rumored to be identical to the PS/2
version, at least as far as the BIOS support on the adapter goes.
I'd like to play around with mine, but the only programming notes I can
find are in BASIC using some assembler hidden in some DATA statements.
If I get really desperate I can extract the relevant code from the DATA
statements, but I'm hoping somebody has the tech ref.
> I just noticed that the total size of the Bitsavers archive seems
> to have surpassed 100 Gigabytes in the past few days.
> In historical storage units, that is 160000 miles, nearly one light
> second, of paper tape.
Hmm, how big/high would the pile of chad be?
> That is 1.25 Billion punched cards. At about 143 cards to the inch,
> those punced cards would make a stack 137 miles high. Production of that
> many cards would require three major deciduous forests, which by my
> exchange
> table is also the same as one ship's peanut.
> That is 40000 RK05 carts. At about 10 pounds per cart, that's almost half
> a million pounds of RK05's.
> Great job, Al!
> Tim.
Certified : VCP 3.x, SCSI 3.x SCSA S10, SCNA S10
This is a very long shot (but it's on topic), so here goes.
I have some of those Sony full-height single-sided (single head) 600rpm
3.5" floppy drives -- the ones that are used in the HP9121, HP9133V,
early Apricot PCs, etc.
Now, on the main board of these drives is a little ferrite-cored
transformer. This is the only drive I've ever worked on that doesn't have
a centre-tapped read-write head, and this transformer frovides a balanced
signal into the read amplifier chain. It's surrounded by transistors that
are involved in the read/write switching (this is not done with diodes as
is conventional).
Unfortunately, I've mechanically damaged (read 'ripped it off the PCB')
this trnasformer in one drive of one of my HP9121s (long story...). So I
need to do somehtign about it. I can't find a 'spare' single-head drive
in my junk box, and I can't get a double-head one to work in the 9121
(this may be because the double-head drive I found has a fault, I've not
seriously tested it). I can't use parts of the double head drive to
repair the single-head one, the double head drive is conventional with a
centre-tapped head, diode switching and no transformer.
So what I am looking for is :
A new transformer (no chance!).
A working or defective-somwehre-else logic PCB (it's labelled 'FC-6' in
the silk-screen). No I am not going to try to desolder the transformer
>from it (the thing is _very_ fragile), but I could, say, take the
microcontroller off my existing PCB if necessary
Such a floppy drive with a fault other than in the transformer.
Winding details (yes, I am prepared to have go at making one...)
And while I'm on the subject, did anyone ever do serious repairs to such
drives and have the special tools (compliance-testing weight, alighment
pinion driver, etc). I have a load of quesitons on those...
Ahh but Jules,
We know something you dont know !! ... ner ner ...
Watch this space for some good news regarding the museum
(apart from addition of an SGI Origin 2000 obviously)
We had a great time and the Gadget Show Live a few weeks ago
See : http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/news/4058/Gadget-Show-Live-2009-Awesome/
which has helped gain us some much needed support ...
Anyway, does anyone know where I can get signed drivers for Windows Vista that
support the Origin 2000?
Curator & Chief Geek
The Centre for Computing History
-----Original Message-----
From: jules.richardson99 at gmail.com
Sent: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 16:42:05 -0500
To: cctalk at classiccmp.org
Subject: Re: free/pick-up: Origin 2000 sgi 2400, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Joost van de Griek wrote:
> On Apr 29, 2009, at 20:29, Joost van Baal wrote:
>> The machine will be rescued by the Centre for Computing History
>> (www.computinghistory.org.uk) near Cambridge, UK. (It might even get
>> hooked up
>> on the internet, within a couple of months.) Thanks locutus for help in
>> mediating. See http://abramowitz.uvt.nl/sgi.txt for latest status.
Knowing that museum, I'm wondering where they're going to put it ;-) (I also
believe it'll be well looked after, which is good news)
home brew S-100 backplane project
Doug Jackson doug at stillhq.com
Hi Andrew,
Could you please put me down for one.
I am in Australia, so that has to be factored into the postage.
Hi! Thanks Doug! I will do that. Shipping overseas would be $5 per PCB.
Please contact me offlist so we can discuss further.
Two of the eight PCBs available for the initial round of testing are already
I will post pictures of the PCBs and my build progress on the wiki.
Thanks and have a nice day!
Andrew Lynch
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Lynch [mailto:lynchaj at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2009 2:29 PM
> To: 'cctalk at classiccmp.org'
> Subject: RE: home brew S-100 backplane project
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Andrew Lynch [mailto:lynchaj at yahoo.com]
> > Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 10:29 AM
> > To: 'cctalk at classiccmp.org'
> > Subject: home brew S-100 backplane project
> >
> > Hi!? I've been working on a home brew S-100 backplane as a side project
> [snip]
> Hi! The experimental prototype S-100 backplanes will be available in
> about 3 weeks. They will cost $32 each plus shipping which should be $2
> in the US and $5 overseas. All the parts are common and available from
> the usual suppliers such as Mouser, Digikey, etc.
> Thanks and have a nice day!
> Andrew Lynch
Hi! The S-100 backplane PCBs have arrived. Please contact me if interested
in getting one. Thanks and have a nice day!
Andrew Lynch