-------------- Original message from "Chuck Guzis" <cclist at sydex.com>: --------------
> Under the heading of "where did *that* come from?", I've stumbled on
> a loose leaf binder from Motorola titled "MVME121 System Hardware
> Manual". There are several publications within, but the bulk of the
> binder's taken up by a document called "MVME319 Intelligent Disk/Tape
> Controller User's Manual", which contains all sorts of detail,
> including principles of operation, command layouts and schematics.
> Circa 1986.
> A customer must've sent it to me; I have no use for it. Anyone want
> it for the cost of shipping?
> Cheers,
> Chuck
Hi Chuck
If you have not found a home for this, I will take it.
Jerry Wright
JLC inc.
1517 So Central Ave
Kent, Wa. 98032
Just let me know how much and where to send it.
- Jerry
Any interest in this? It's just come from a customer of mine who's
had it from new, with compatible inkjet printer, o/s disks & virtual PC.
If I don't hear any responses it'll go on the local Freecycle when
I've shredded the disk, but I thought I'd offer here first.
I don't suppose anybody knows where one would dig up old unixes for 8086
or 80286 based PCs? Source would be a big bonus. I've been playing
with the bcc compiler and the V7 source and just curious what "real"
ports looked like.
> Just because we are on the subject already.
> What is the last version of the firmware ?
I can't remember exactly, but the 100A was definitely 4.xx series (maybe
4.12?) while the 100B was definitely 5.xx series (maybe 5.03A). I've
never seen different values on any Rainbow, though, suggesting that the
boot roms were finalized before manufacturing started and never again
updated. Could be wrong, though.
Some Rainbow's have different character set ROMs, like the Technical
Character Set ROM, but that doesn't change the firmware version on the
boot menu.
jba at sdf.lonestar.org
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org
I've been digging through my pile of stuff again and figured that my
old HP98789A 17" (Sony) monitor might be a good match my my beige Mac
Okay, my next step is to wire up an adapter. The HP is RGB (3 BNC)
to sync-on-green. I read that the Power Macs don't support SOG, so I
need to combine both the HSYNC and VSYNC with green (a couple of
74HCxx gates should do that; I can steal power from the sync
signals). Otherwise, it's connect pin 4 to 7 (S0 to S1) on the Mac
video connector to signal that I want "RGB 1024x768".
Do I have this right? Does anyone have anything to add before I take
out my soldering iron?
>Subject: Re: 8-bitters and multi-whatever
> From: "Chuck Guzis" <cclist at sydex.com>
> Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 13:51:12 -0700
> To: "Roy J. Tellason" <rtellason at verizon.net>,
> "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
>On 10 Sep 2007 at 16:24, Roy J. Tellason wrote:
>> I remember seeing that in some sales literature and it always did strike me as
>> being more spendy than I wanted or could afford to get into. :-)
>For the purist, Multibus has a lot more going for it than any of the
>"hobbyist" buses. If you look at the signal layout, it appears that
>some thought actually went into the design. AFAIK, Multibus cards in
>some incarnation are still being produced or at least sold.
>And the MDS-800 was built like a battleship.
Thats and understatement. If you ever moved a MDS800 it was a battleship.
>re: CP/M Networking:
>> What does that take on the software side of things?
>A CP/M add-on called CP/NET. The downside is that it takes valuable
CPnet was less than half the software. You still needed a nios, network
bios which was often unser created for the specific IO used to network.
>PC's had a number of "cheap" networking setups. I've got one here
>called "The $25 Network", basically run through serial (maybe
>parallel) ports. There were others, some with low-cost cards, such
>as "The Invisible Network". I wonder if a ring could be set up using
>the old DOS Interlink.
Many of those "cheap" PC networking schemes were found in the 8bit world.
The interlink like scheme I'd done for going between my S100 crates back
in '81 to solve the problem is limted disk and more than one computer
needing a disk.
CP/M or most other OSs for non 8080/z80 could easily be fooled into
redirecting disk IO to a serial port. Though CP/M was modular enough
and most widespread it was most often hacked that way. There is
however no rule that says a OS must talk to a disk as storage and once
that is clear then it's easy to cobble up a packet protocal that transmits
the needed data across a serial or parallel port to a willing and enabled
host. Some systems like the big S100 crates or multibus running MPM used
the bus and some common memory so that multiple CPUs typically z80 with
128k ram, rom and serial IO plus a bus interface and memory manangement
for off board memeory. MPM would be the server and CP/M would be the
local cpus that users interacted with. It wasn't seen often as it was
expensive to ahve the hardware and the average hobbiest at the time
rarely had more than one fully functional system and maybe a SBC
of the KIM-1, EVK68, AIM65 or SDK85 level.
By '81 I had a NS* Horizon, Netronics explorer8085, an Altair, and two
NEC PDA-80(sorta s100) for the 8080/8085/z80 realm alone. Only two had
a disk controller but they all ran CP/M. When the NS* got a hard disk
since that was a $1K investment at the time sharing that resource with
the deprived systems was important as back then I didn't have a swarm
of floppy drives. So having read and seen networks in use I figured
sensing all that over a fast serial port was not unreasonable and
after some thought and a few tries it worked. These days people use
PCs for that but I personally would rather program z80 than 80x86.
>MS-DOS has had some flavor of networking "hooks" for a very long
>time. CD-ROM access is implemented as a networked device. I've
>implemented a number of foreign filesystem drivers using networking
>where file naming conventions or oddball block sizes weren't amenable
>to normal DOS filesystem conventions.
Thats PCs. ;)
Hi all --
I'm looking to do a bit of (simple) development targeting a 68k Mac (or
two, or three, or six...) and since I've never done any programming on a
Mac before I'm curious if anyone out there has any recommendations for a
development environment to use or to avoid. I'd prefer C/C++, but I'm
flexible :). I'd like to be able to run my code on a Mac Classic/SE (so
I need to be able to compile to 68000 code) but I'll be doing the
development itself on a IIfx.
In case you're interested, I'm writing the software to build a clock of
sorts out of a set of six "classic" form factor Macs I have lying around
(two Classics, two SEs and two SE/30s). Each computer will display one
digit of the time, and will be synchronized over an Appletalk network to
keep the system times in sync. Or so goes the theory. Figure it'll be
a fun display to have set up, and a somewhat interesting use for some
otherwise-idle Macintosh hardware :).
Thanks for any suggestions...
- Josh
Hey guys,
What is advertised as the "granddaddy of all hamfests" is coming up, at
the end of this month, in Shelby North Carolina. I have never been to
this particular event and will likely attend this years festivities.
Does anyone else on this list plan on attending?
Has anyone attended the Shelby hamfest before?
Thanks, SteveRob
steerex <at> ccvn <dot> com
-------------- Original message from Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk>: --------------
> We've just acquired a Motorola Exormacs system, which is sadly without its
> floppy drive cable (40 pins on the Exormacs side, 50 on the 8" floppy unit
> (Exordrive III I believe).
> I suspect the floppy side is just straight-through to the drives, but can
> anyone confirm that, and does anyone know the pinout on the system unit side
> of things?
> Worst-case we'll have to reverse engineer it, but maybe someone knows (we've
> got no floppies for the system and no useful manuals unfortunately)
> cheers
> Jules
I have a Disk II here and the cable is 40 pin from the
back of the drive to te controller card..
If needed it can open it up and see what happens inside.
The boot images are on Bit Savers but not set up yet.
I have the URL if needed
Still working on the NCR's
- Jerry
Jerry Wright
JLC inc
g-wright at att.net
Actually, thinking about it, ISTR that the "Jaguar Blaster" never made it to
market (despite being demoed at several electronics shows). Which would
certainly explain their scarcity, LOL.
Anyone know for sure?
TTFN - Pete.