Looking for command reference, documentation, boot disks, anything that will assist me. Also any spare parts from these systems.
It is a UNISYS labeled Convergent Technologies built TACCS system.
(US Army's Tactical Army Combat Service Support Computer Systems)
It has the following modules:
CPU 10186 8 Mhz
Memory 1MB
FH Controller
MP/EX ??
Micropolis 80MB MFM Drive Model: 1325 (Looking for one of these as well)
Teac 1.2MB FD-55GFR
Cipher Model 525 Tape Drive ( DC600A ) Tapes
I also have the remote terminal which has:
CPU 10186 8Mhz
Video Board
1MB Memory Board
I/O Board
It doesn't have FD or HD as it "clusters" to the one above and boots from that via cable (in a perfect world)
Along with documentation I am looking for a Video Board (1 is flakey) and a 1MB Memory board (1 is dead)
The main system boots the following:
FH01 V1.2
I am guessing EA:2 is an error code and B,D,L,M,P,T would be options for something.....
Any and all information greatly appreciated, I did take a bunch of pictures, just need to upload them to my web site....
John Kourafas
john at kourafas dot com
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Date: 5 Apr 2007 12:06:50 -0700
Groups: comp.sys.dec
From: "Chris" <cchiesa1 at rochester.rr.com>
Org: http://groups.google.com
Subject: VAXstation II/GPX in Rochester, NY needs a home
Id: <1175800010.745547.49550 at q75g2000hsh.googlegroups.com>
Hello all,
Career events require me to move, so am hoeing out old computer
stuff. Have a VAXstation II/GPX that is going to the curb next
Wednesday morning unless someone else wants to come and take it
away... First come, first served; respond via e-mail in case I don't
get back here to check; I'm pretty busy these days as you might
As-is. Has VCB02 8-plane color head & monitor. Loaded with VMS
V5.4 with DECwindows and C compiler, maybe Fortran??? Licensing is
left as an exercise for the reader. Three disk drives, don't remember
the models/size, think they're about 700MB apiece. Has TK50 drive
that doesn't work. Has third-party (Emulex?) dual-port SCSI card that
appears not to work. No manuals (already went out in trash before I
thought of offering machine here; sorry).
Richard wrote:
Got one of these too. They were used on Suns mostly, I think. Sun
even resold them under their brand for a while.
Billy responds:
Actually Sun sold off a large inventory that built up during a model
transition. The tape units had the Sun colors, mods and logo already.
Fujitsu also had an inventory to sell off when Sun buying went soft. For
years, it seemed like everyone had 2442's to sell. Took about 3 years to
burn off that inventory.
Does anyone on the list have documentation for the 1611s? I have the 6502
and Z80 systems. I need schematics, especially for the power supply and
Will pay for copying or will scan and return originals.
Thanks for any help.
I have a minor NextStep 3.3 problem...
on an otherwise perfectly working system, the command /usr/etc/
dmesg returns
# dmesg
Apr 4 19:32
Can't get kernel namelist
which seems to imply to me, that I have some permission hosed
someplace, but I haven't been able to figure it out.
In / I have
mach -> $BOOTFILE ( but I don't know what
$BOOTFILE is supposed to be ! )
odmach is permission 444
sdmach is permission 444 ( and same size as odmach... 836616 bytes )
I tried changing permissions on /dev/kmem... no effect.... right now
it's crw-r-----
Any Next folks have any ideas ?? Does dmesg work on your machine ??
I had a similar problem when I put together my first PC-XT clone. It had an open-frame Panasonic 9" monitor on top of the main box, which was made of 1/4" plywood (cherry stained). Putting a sheet of aluminum under the plywood top solved the problem.
>Message: 20
>Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2007 00:20:47 -0700
>From: "Chuck Guzis" <cclist at sydex.com>
>Subject: Re: SOLVED: RL02 faults when RX02 is on
>To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
><cctalk at classiccmp.org>
>Message-ID: <461440DF.25843.2CADF4F8 at cclist.sydex.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>I wonder if it's more EMI than RFI, because it reminds me of a nasty
>problem we had when developing the Durango F85.
>If you look at the machine, there's a 9-inch CRT placed above the
>dual floppy drive.
>The diskette drives refused to work on the production model.
>The engineers were baffled--until someone took the monitor off of the
>top of the diskette drive area to attach a scope probe--and the
>problem went away. It turns out that the FBT was kicking up noise
>something fierce in the read channels of the diskette drives. An
>shield made of sheet aluminum didn't get rid of the problem, but one
>made of steel worked just fine.
Hope this is okay to post to the list. If you like Apple II computers, please join us for KansasFest this July!
KANSAS CITY, MO -- March 30, 2007: KansasFest -- the annual Apple II
expo of sessions, contests, great stories, tips and tricks, fun and
games, and things that "just can't be done on an Apple II" -- is now
open for registration. KFest 2007 will be held at Rockhurst
University in Kansas City, Missouri, July 17 - 22. Five nights,
twelve meals, and countless sessions, contests, great stories, tips
and tricks, fun and games, and things that "just can't be done on an
Apple II" costs only $340 for a double room or $410 for a single. To
register, download and complete the PDF form at http://www.KFest.org/
and follow its instructions to return it via mail, email, or fax.
Wednesday's lunch (the annual Kookout) is now included in the price
of the event. Also, volunteers who present sessions will now receive
an on-site rebate: $15 for presenting a half-hour session, and $25
for a full hour.
In addition to official shirts, sold as always at the event, there's
also a KansasFest online store, where you can buy additional shirts,
hats, mugs, and more. You can find it at http://www.cafepress.com/
David Szetela, founding editor of Nibble Magazine and a former
manager at Apple Computer, will be KansasFest 2007's keynote speaker.
Szetela is now the founder, president, and CEO of Clix Marketing, an
Internet marketing agency. An experienced speaker, Mr. Szetela
promises a fascinating inside perspective on Apple and Nibble for
attendees of KansasFest.
"It's amazing and gratifying to me that the flame of passion for the
Apple II we shared nearly 30 years ago still burns brightly," says
Mr. Szetela. "I'm looking forward to attending KansasFest 2007 and re-
connecting with old friends, reminiscing about Apple II milestones,
and maybe sharing some little-known insider anecdotes."
Come join the 30th anniversary celebration of the Apple II at
KansasFest, the world's only annual conference dedicated to the first
personal computer.
> AS/400's are regularly available here in the Bay Area
>(California). Prices for smaller systems range from $100
>to $250....
>....I've seen many with disk drives (very important for
>AS/400's as they use a AS/400 specific drives)....
If anyone within striking distance of Birmingham (UK) wants an AS/400 with
those all important hard drives, I've got one which you can have for the
cost of coming over and taking it away (strictly pick-up only, it's far too
heavy to post).
I believe it's a model 9404, with an expansion cabinet - each cabinet is
similar in size to a DEC BA123 cabinet, IE not that big.... And that's all I
know about it, I've never even plugged it in!
Contact me off list if interested. Thanks.
TTFN - Pete.