Following Jay's excellent lead, I bought the 'correct' rack slides for
my 11/34 a few months ago. Today I took some time and put the 11/34 in
the rack.
The best part was tilting it 90 degrees to get access to the backplane!
woo hoo! nerd heaven!
Oddly, when I rotated it I heard a strange metal tinlking/clinking.
hmmm... took bottom off and found a metal circular key wedged in the
bottom wires. now *that* could have caused some problems!
wonder what it's for. the 11/34 has no key.
anyway, thanks for the inspiration jay!
Hans, are you about on here still? One of our guys at the museum has been
trying to get hold of you without success - I said I'd put a message on here...
I just upgraded servers again and this time I have a (formerly new)
Compaq ProLiant 1600 rack mounted Pentium III Server. It has (going from
memory) the following: dual Pentium III/533 CPUs, 512mb of RAM, a 9gb boot
drive and 6x9.1g 7200 RPM drives in a RAID-5 configuration. It also has the
Integrated Management Display. I forget the measurements, but it?s probably
a 5U height. I also have some spares and accessories for it that?s part of
the package, including rack rails (but they?re for a Compaq rack, which is
different than the standard 19? rack in depth.)
Right now it?s running Windows NT Server with no problems. I upgraded to
a DL360 (1U) and a Quantum Snap NAS to reduce noise in the shop and to
upgrade to Windows 2000 Server and Active Directory.
This beast is heavy so local pickup from Long Island, NY would be
preferred. If anyone?s interested, contact me off-list. I would be looking
for $200 for it. I?ll throw in a 5g/10g DLT drive and cable with the sale.
If I can locate the box for it I might be able to ship it but IIRC that
was expensive.
Rich Cini
Collector of Classic Computers
Build Master and lead engineer, Altair32 Emulator
Free for local pickup in Kaiserslautern Germany:
Fujitsu M2442 9 track tape drive, Pertec interface, 1600 and 6250 bpi.
Excellent condition, 19" rack rails included.
Do not even think of shipping. Too big, way too heavy.
>Subject: Re: ST506 WTB:Micropolis 1325
> From: "Paul Anderson" <useddec at>
> Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2007 20:10:32 -0500
> To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
>I have some 1355 drives, among others,but don't recall the difference. I am
>also having sys problems, so feel free to call me if you have any questions.
>Thanks, Paul
>On 4/5/07, Zane H. Healy <healyzh at> wrote:
>> At 11:02 PM -0400 4/5/07, John Kourafas wrote:
>> >Also looking for a Micropolis 1325 MFM Drive, 71/80MB , I've seen
>> >both the ST506 and Mic. 1325 on eBay for like 600.00 which I think
>> >is crazy...
>> A Micropolis 1325 MFM drive is a DEC RD53. The reason they go for so
>> much is because there are systems still in commercial use that need
>> these drives.
>> Zane
Unlikely to find even NOS 1325s as the most common problem is the head
sticking to a rubber bumper such that it cannot load the heads.
I have three of them I've opened, removed the offending bumper and use.
One was opened recently for that fix as it had not been used and was
good when stored.
>Subject: Re: 11/45 RL02 faults when RX02 is on
>> Ok, is there a known severe RFI problem with mounting a RX02 directly on top
>> of a RL02 in an H960???
You have to be kidding me. I have that arrangement and it's solid. The RX02
bottom is well shielded as it the top of the RL02 logic.
>I've not heard of one, but then again, I've never actually tried that
>mounting arrangement. I know DEC stated that certain peripherals should
>have their own racks, I always figured this was, in part, to sell more
>cabinets, but I assume there might have been some interference issues as well
Most of that was for cooling and accessability for service.
>> I went back to look at the "RL02 faults when RX02 is on" problem. I had left
>> the rear top cover of the RL02 up in the service position (with the drive
>> extended from the rack). I retested without touching anything. Sure enough,
>> the problem was "gone". The RL02 wouldn't fault no matter what. So I put
>> that rear top cover back down and screwed in the 4 screws, then pushed the
>> RL02 back into the rack and voila - the problem reoccured. The RL02 will
>> fault just after spinup IF the RX02 (which is mounted directly above it) is
>> powered on. Aha... I was now thinking a cable problem! I figured pushing the
>> RL02 in and out of the rack seemed to be the causative factor, bending a
>> cable just right or something.
>The spindle motor in each drive of the RC02 is a fairly crude induction
>motor. I could well believe it has enough stray field to cause
>interferende (It's not that well shielded). Maybe that's being picked up
>by the RL's head and upsetting the servo.
>Here's an idea. Take the fan plenum off the back of the RC02 (4 screws,
>IIRC, and uplug the fan calbe). Then unplug the 3 pin connector on the
>back of each drive (115V AC to the spindle motor). Try the system now.
>Obviously the RC02 can't run (the spindles won't be turning), but if
>there are no disks in the drives the system can't realise this. Have the
>RC02 powered up (so its PSU is running, and all the logic is powered) and
>see if the RL behaves now. If so, it pretty much confirms it's
>interference from the RC02's spindle motors.
I've been doing it for years and it works for me.
A guy on a Dutch marketplace website is offering a Basic Four computer.
De description reads 'Baisc Four computer, complete with monitor, printer,
cabling, documentation and a box of tapes.'
Link to the ad is…
Not affiliated in anyway.
>Subject: Re: ST506 / ST412 - never see any 3 1/2"?
> From: Brad Parker <brad at>
> Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2007 12:59:57 -0400
> To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
>Just curious, "back in the day" I touched a *lot* of 3 1/2" ST412 style
>drives, mostly 10mb and 20mb.
>But these days I never see them. All the drives I see on ebay and elsewhere
>are 5 1/4" monsters.
I still have a few of them. Most are the 10mb and 20mb size making them
handy to keep.
The ST225 was a great drive but the st251 was a thermal nightmare. As
a result any 225 is likely good and most 251s are likely bad(unless NOS
or low time).
My favorite st412 interface drive is the Quantum D540 (31mb 5.25 FH)
also know as DEC RD52. I must have ten or more and they all work well.
as drive of that style go it was fast and near unbreakable.
>Any idea why? I'd love to have a handful of 20mb 3 1/2" drives to use
>for various things but I never see them.
>I'm talking about drives from Rodime, Seagate, Lapine, etc... cerca 1985.
Most were unreliable, Miniscribe comes to mind. I have a few But use them
and they work fine but I had to trash a pile of them to get a few good ones
(when they were new!!!) and the ones that were good stayed that way.
I likely have one of the largest assortments of ST506/412 drives from my
first ST506 (5mb) to Maxtor2190 many still in use. That does not include
the IDE piles and scsi piles.
Dwight, that is great news. I have a Cat dot matrix printer, but using an HP laser printer would be nicer. I wonder if the newer PCL 5 and 6 printers are backwards compatible? Are you using a LaserJet II?
I'd like to get a copy to type in. Thanks!
----- Original Message ----
From: dwight elvey <dkelvey at>
To: cctalk at
Sent: Sunday, April 1, 2007 11:55:42 AM
Subject: Canon Cat HP printer driver
Hi All
I've been able to create a driver to output to a HP printer running PCL.
One needs to be able to enter the Forth mode. There were a few application
softwares for the Cat that have locked out the Forth access. I've not gotten
to these yet to look at how to re-enable the Forth mode. Still, most only
have the normal Cat without anything extra. This code should be fine there.
There is quite a bit that one can do with the Cat and just the ROM that came
with it.
Normally the Cat only had drivers for Canon printers and the FX80 type
( that were copied by several dot printers of the time ). Since the printer
formatted printing, it required a driver specific to the printer.
Since I didn't have a Canon printer and was happy with my HP, I was
interrested in adding code that would drive my HP.
The Cat has an interesting feature in that it copies the entire RAM to disk.
This means that any code entered can be made to come back on each
boot without any additional operations.
The Cat is programmed in Forth. I figured that I could make the needed
modification my self. That was several years ago when I first got the Cat.
What I didn't realize was that I had no idea how to decompile the current
code or what the various escape sequences meant to the Canon printers.
The first big break was finding a couple of manuals at the Stanford Special
collections library, left by Jef Rasken before he died. These gave me the
needed information on both the Forth and quite a bit on the printer drivers.
Understanding a few other bits and pieces came from one of the developers
of the Cat ( Charlie Springer ). I never did find anything other than a
document on the LIPS codes used for the Canon Laser Beam printers.
I did fine some for the FX80 and the Canon Bubble Jet.
With this information I've been able to determine quite a bit about writing
the driver for the HP. I realize that most people would never use any of
the printer escape sequences but Canon should make them a little more
Back on subject. I've created a driver that one can type in. I've not setup
propotional spacing yet but it does handle most of the needed operations.
I've not looked at any of the foreign character printing yet but as long
as one stays with regular the character set, it should be fine.
One can use it for its intended purpose ( editor, mail list, speadsheet or
whatever )
or one can put their Forth code in and print is all out on a HP with my
I hope to get it posted on Bruce's DigiBarn Canon Cat page but until then,
if anyone is interested, send an email to me.
dkelvey at hot mail dot com
I just saw another Cat on ebay. That make three I've seen in the last year
or so.
Exercise your brain! Try Flexicon.…