Michael B. wrote:
In the case of a really old system like that, it doesn't matter what the
network is - the network will never be the problem, unless I use bongos
as the transport mechanism.
I had a computer like that once...
> Maybe the 680 and it's basic isn't fast enough for my program?
This is quite possible as interpreting decimal numbers takes a fair bit of
processing. You may like to try this ..
1 A=61456:B=61441:C=61457:D=1:E=0
3 GOTO 2
.. which should speed things up a bit.
I just modified my program to get rid of the polling. It did not really
speed up the display of characters. ; )
I can now see the full records with some duplicated digits here and there.
Its interesting that the program below free running can only process
characters at 300bps
1 POKE 61441, PEEK(61457)
2 GOTO 1
At a 500Khz clock thats over 1000 clock cycles per loop. SO THIS IS HOW
Micro-Soft got started with slow software??? ; )
So any suggestions on getting started QUICKLY with …
[View More]6800 assembler? Maybe
one that outputs in Motorola punch tape format???
I want to archive Altair 680 KCACR basic before anything else happens to
this tape. I had about 5-6 failed loads this weekend and I don't want to
risk loosing this KCACR basic! : (
[View Less]
Yellow Dog is the most polished distro FWIU. There are
older versions of Mandrake too. Would you get gcc
though I aks myself. Funny...Im not getting an answer
--- cctalk-bounces at classiccmp.org
<pat at computer-refuge.org> wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 January 2007 00:12, Chuck Guzis wrote:
> > Yeah, no kidding--someone game me a Mac 6100/60.
Not very exciting,
> > but I've upgraded the memory to 40 MB and added a
4GB hard disk from
> > parts in my hellbox.
> >
> …
[View More]> So, does anyone have any first-hand experience
with Linux on one of
> > these critters? Is it worth the installation
> I ran a 6100/60 with a NuBus ethernet card in the
PDS slot (with the
> appropriate PDS->nubus adapter) using Debian with
some old mklinux
> kernel, as a NATing firewall with good success, a
few years ago.
> Support for newer kernels is pretty much
non-existant (I'm not sure if
> they support past 2.2; I know they don't go past 2.4
kernels), so you'd
> have to go with an appropriately vintage Linux
> Pat
> --
> Purdue University ITAP/RCAC ---
> The Computer Refuge ---
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> I have one of these and I'm looking information on it. I might be willing
> to trade or sell it. If you have any info or interest, please contact me off
> list.
Thanks, Paul
> And with so much radiation being shot onto metals and like, does it
> became radioactive?
> I have some MSX here that I want to "give it a shot" (pun intended)
> hehehe
Remeber- two types of radiation: particle (Alpha, Beta, neutrons,
protons) and electromagnetic (gamma, X-ray, radio, light, etc). The
particles can make things radioactive, the electromagnetic radiation
Fred Csin wrote
>> Keep it in historical context... Bongos were a significant speed
>> increase over smoke signals.
> ??
> ~1100 feet per second v 186,000 miles per second
> But bongos could operate without line of sight,
> and with or without ambient light.
Well, smoke signals may have lower latency, but bongos would have
higher possible switching speeds and so better bandwidth. Things don't
change much, do they?