Last year I bought a PDP-8 and a HUGE load of extra circuit cards,
drives, manuals and all kinds of extra items from a DEC dealer that was
going out of business. I've never had time to do anything with it and now I
have some serious family problems that are probably keep me pretty busy for
the forseeable future so I've decided to get rid of the -8 and all the
related items. If you're interested in the PDP-8s be sure to check my
auctions. <> I have a LOT of
stuff so it will take some time to get it all listed so keep checking back.
> I struck out on the IBM 3480 heads, IBM took them back.
To give people some context, I bought 16 3480 drives in Chicago, and field
stripped them last week for the heads to use in a tape recovery project. I
had asked William when he was out in CA if he knew of any other drives
More details on the drive conversion as it develops. There is a proof of
concept running in Canada, but I am unable to get details, so I'm having to
start from scratch (the same as I had to do for the DECtape interface).
Is it true that the Otrona Attache won't boot if the
clock batteries are dead?
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> (on the off chance that someone else might want to tinker
> with this stuff)
I might. I have a similar drive from a similar system that could do
with imaging. I've not tried it yet as it had a roll pin running
around loose inside when I got it.
See the images at the bottom of this page ..
Someone alerted me to this site tonight where they copied about 1,000 words
straight from my web page.
In the "license research report" section, everything up to the Newton
paragraph is plagiarized from my site.
There is a link at the bottom of the page but there's no explanation to
visitors about which facts came from which sites. It's one thing to quote a
sentence or to set off a block paragraph, but blatantly copying 1,000 words
pisses me off so much. They took some pictures as well which aren't mine,
but which I had explicit permission from their owners to use.
Also at the bottom, it says "researched by..." -- they call a simple Google
search and cut-and-paste session "research" these days? That's pathetic.
I will try contacting the site owners with my complaint. Hopefully it wil
get rectified like last time.
Hello, after having had this system for almost 10 years, I decided I
can't really do it justice as a collector. I'm sure there's people
in the Montreal region (or of course further away if you're willing
to drive a bit - I'm looking at the Ottawa crowd here (Dave? Kirk?))
that are interested in this.
This is a Northstar Advantage System - working but drive problems.
The drives can probably be repaired with little effort, but I do not
have the time to play with it. It comes with this documentation:
Northstar Advantage Technical Manual (contains schematics)
Northstar Fortran-80 Manual (original blue binder)
GBASIC/GDOS documentation (Fat old binder)
MBASIC (Microsoft) documentation
Northstar Advantage User Manual (x2)
29 Hard-Sectored Floppies, including about 10 empties.
One of those is the original Advantage Demonstration/Diagnostic
Diskette (2.1.0 AQH)
5 are from the North Star Computer Society (PD software)
and the rest are various CP/M and NDOS format disks with software,
including F80, Small C, Turbo Pascal 1.0, dBaseII, Wordstar
Some of the disks may have been damaged by improper storage, and this
may have done in the drives as well - I suspect mold, the system
spent way too long in my parents damp basement. I'm hoping someone
can properly archive the data.
In exchange I'm kinda looking for Commodore stuff - ideally, I'd like
to get my hands on an Amiga 1200, a 1581 drive, or other uncommon C=
stuff. I am also always looking for synthesizer stuff, and HP calcs.
(BTW anyone got spare HP-IL cables????)
Or just convince me it's going to a good home :-)
"What I want to do is use a modern 2.5" IDE drive in a
How modern? What machine? XT or AT class?
"the problems I am likely to face are
related to the sizes of the drives..."
Won't *any* drive work, but only to the point that
the BIOS supports it's size?
"It looks like the 8/16 bit issue could be a killer --
but I
*think* that won't be in this case..."
Why? Please enlighten me.
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Most laptops/drives are compatible with traditional
IDE "desktop" drives (via an appropriate adapter cable).
Does anyone know how backward compatible these drives
are with legacy machines? Assuming I can hack the
BIOS to recognize the drive (since most laptop drives
are much larger than older BIOSes could support),
are there any other issues to be concerned with?