So this is an official DEC product? KFPSA?
Which modern PC-based *nix does this work on? Linux, *BSD?
On 3/18/06, 9000 VAX <vax9000 at> wrote:
> On 3/17/06, Wai-Sun Chia <waisun.chia at> wrote:
> >
> > On 3/18/06, Jochen Kunz <jkunz at> wrote:
> > > Interresting. I did not know this. Now I remember. I have two PCI DSSI
> > > adapters that are based on the NCR / Symbios 53C825 Wide SCSI chip. But
> > > what I had in mind when I wrote the above was...
> >
> > Even more interesting is the existence of PCI-based DSSI adapters??!!!
> > I didn't know this.
> > Pray tell more. Pictures, specs, brand/model, etc.
> There was one with pictures on ebay not long ago. Actually there are two on
> ebay right now without picture.
> In the same vein, dare I ask: Is there a PCI-based UDA clone or a RQDX
> > clone?
> >
> >
I am looking to purchase some type of old printer/computer that will print like an old IBM printer that was used in auto manufacturing plants in the 1960s.
The font is much larger than any typewriter I have seen, but even that would serve my purpose if it were available.
Can you help me out or steer me in the right direction?
darryld1 at
I just obtained a rather beautiful specimen (specimen
- an Italian astronaut LOL LOL). So I hearby announce
my desire to network with other owners of the same.
And does anyone know if an 8088 add-on was ever
offered?? It seems like the most natural thing to me.
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Says it has unspecified "missing components". No bid on this yet,
closes today.
Speaking of items on where there is no bid, I was
told that they get relisted until they sell. If it doesn't sell a
couple times, then they bundle it with something else they think will
sell to move it outta there :-).
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline"-- code samples, sample chapter, FAQ:
Pilgrimage: Utah's annual demoparty
Can anyone help me get hold of a copy of the above? I understand there are 2
versions, 1 was shipped with the system and
the field services version, which is a separately licensed product.
My BA23 uVAX II is throwing machine checks, it seems like diags are the
first place to start, any other suggestions?
I have a TK50 on the box, is there a way of MOP booting diags?
Pete Edwards
"Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future" - Niels
Anybody have some DEFTAs to spare?
I'm planning to build a high performance dual ring FDDI network for my
DEC3000s and DEC5000..
I need 3 of them..more if budget permitting..
Contact me offlist.
DEC had a SBB module that converts HVD to SE for FWD SCSI. Can't remember what it's called now,
but the block can be dissected to the board, which has standard 68-pin internal & external connectors
(external for HVD, internal for SE). 3.5" form factor, standard power. Pretty convienient
Yes, I found Dave's instructions for hooking the 8" drive to a PC to transfer
the images awhile ago, and like you realized I would not be able to get to such
a project anytime soon hence my short-circuit request.
I hadn't thought about going in the other direction and hooking a 5.25" to the
APC. Has anybody else tried this?
>Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 16:08:26 -0800 (PST)
>From: Chris M <chrism3667 at>
>Subject: Re: NEC APC boot disks CP/M-86 and DOS
>To: "General Discussion: On-Topic Posts Only" <cctech at>
>Message-ID: <20060316000826.89285.qmail at>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>if you get the little asterisk on yer screen there,
>you're probably alright. I recently pulled the floppy
>drives out of one of my APCs aiming to plug them into
>a pc using Dave Dunfield's instructions (those NEC
>drives use a 50pin plug, so I'm going to have to
>either etch an adapter board or do something else
>freaky). Once there, I presumably could not only image
>the disks I do have (condition unknown) - Dos, DBase
>II, and Autocad I think - but also create boot disks
>from Dave's or my images. I don't put alot of stock in
>old floppies, but when the golden day comes, I could
>mail you a disk or two, don't know if they'd work or
>not, but that's not going to be this week. Probably
>not next or the week after either. The other option is
>to set up a modern pc with a hd 1.2meg 5 1/4" drive,
>burn images to that, then plug that into your APC.
>Worth a try.
>--- Dave Dunfield <dave06a at> wrote:
>> Anybody out there willing to snail mail me a
>> couple of 8" boot disks for the
>> original APC? I've got 2 of these sitting around
>> with no software, wanted to
>> test them out. If so please contact me off-list.
>> I have images of MS-DOS, CP/M-86 and UCSD Pascal
>> boot disks for the
>> APC posted to my site (ImageDisk format).
>> --
>> dave06a (at) Dave Dunfield
>> dunfield (dot) Firmware development services &
>> tools:
>> com Collector of vintage computing
>> equipment:
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I asked this on the REScUE list a week or so ago and belatedly
realized *this* would be a better forum. So...
Does anyone happen to have access to an NCD-19c/88K running
firmware (i.e. boot ROM) more recent than 2.6.0? (this is
displayed at the top of the screen during memory test/IPL;
it is also visible from the NCD "console" once NCDware is
Likewise, I am looking for boot ROMs newer than 2.6.1 for
the NCD-19r (different beast).
If so, I would love to get my hands on a copy of the ROMs (I
can duplicate them if you are willing to loan them to me for
2 * mailing_time).
I'd also be interested in new versions of the ROMs for the 14c
(I'll have to see what the most recent version I have for these)
Alternatively, if there is a repository on-line someplace
that has these images... (?) I'd be willing to start
archiving ROM images if there is a need (I have a few
older versions -- though chasing down release notes for
all of them may be a chore)
Yeah, I know, they're all boat anchors... :> But, with a little
TLC they seem to just keep humming...
Thanks for any help!