From: "Joe R." <rigdonj at>
> only ever found ONE keyboard. I used to have a full set of manuals for the
> 4041 including the service manual but I gave all of it to Mike Haas and I
> think he's since sold them. I think my buddy in Sanford probably has
> manuals for it but I don't know when I'll be over in that area again.
First off, if Dennis gets to be 'Dennis K.', then I'd like to become 'Mike H.' in these
cases too.
Yep, I remember that 4041 well... I didn't get a keyboard or any tapes when I got Joe's
machine, but as usual with Joe, there was some nice manualage included. Looked
like a very robust BASIC & GPIB environment.
You do need a keyboard or pre-programmed tapes to run it. It can auto-execute programs
off tape, and a few line program there could redirect the console out a serial port... theorettically.
That keyboard connector looked pretty easy to hack in a homebrew keyboard. I think the
protocol is just serially coded ASCII codes at slow ttl levels, but I no longer have the docs or machine... Sorrry
- Mike: dogas at
> >Plain and simple, this reporter did not do their homework.
> >
> Hi
> You forget, they write stories. You can say anything that
> you like in a story.
> Dwight
Whoa buddy! You've asked for it now. Last time I made disparaging
remarks in this list about our beloved and respected journalism
community the crap rained down hard :-)
There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand
binary and those who don't.
Hi, is it still available? Where are you? Thanks.
--- plato computer <computer at> wrote:
> If someone wants a Macintosh Plus - (operational
> condition unknown),
> simply let me know, and I'll package it up and send
> it to you. There's
> an external disk drive by a company called MCS, but
> that is unknown as
> well. Just simply all I ask is that you reimburse
> me for shipping.
> Aaron
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
I aquired an aged BA-123 a while back. It has an RQDX3 and the
interesting "distribution board" for the MFM disks.
The floppy (dual RX50) has a cable coming out of it which just hangs in
the air.
I'm guessing that some kind soul removed a card which some how connected
the floppy cable to the disk distribution board. I say this because at
the end of the BA-123 backplane there is a spacer and then two "qbus
like" slots. The bottom slot has the MFM disk distribution board
connected plugged into it and the top slot is empty.
Anyone have a clue about this?
I'll probably ditch the RX50 in favor of a stock PC 5 1/4" drive but
I'll still have to connect it to the RQDX3 somehow.
On 14 Jul 2005, Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at> wrote:
> You have more than one cube and slab? That's just greedy! ;-)
How about two turbo slabs?
How about if they have consecutive serial numbers?
How about several spare mice and keyboards?
BTW, I am planning on bringing the above to VCF Midwest 1.0 and it
will be for sale.
Actually greedy is when you have 113 Next machines. I couldn't help
it though, a local university was about to drop them in the dumpster
when I got wind of their plans. I rescued the whole lot and they
now have new homes.
Mike Thompson
Trying to organize all the magazines I picked up a bit ago, I came
across some issues of "Computer Notes". Jan 77, Jul-Nov 77, Jan 78.
They look like a Pertec company produced mag about Altair projects. Has
anyone ever heard of the magazine?
Jim Brain, Brain Innovations
brain at jbrain.com
Dabbling in WWW, Embedded Systems, Old CBM computers, and Good Times!
allowed the use of a 400 line monitor with a cga card
(200 lines). If you have info on this type of device,
an original schematic, or possible newer
circuit/suggestion, please let me know.
Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page
I asked the seller what the gray pigtail was for and how you
would use this with a 16500, and as usualfrom an eBay seller,
got no reply.
I have several of these, and when I opened them up they are
completely passive with no connections between the PS2 and
HIL connectors. The pigtail plugs into a 10 pin RJ style on
the back, and the other three connectors run over to it.
Anyone want (cost of shipping) a lock and key (with panel) from a powerstation 530 (I'm guessing- it's still at work). Also from a smaller one, think its a 7012. We dissasemble them at work and I saved these after the thread on these locks and keys. Thanks,