test-drb March 2005

  • 291 participants
  • 840 discussions

Pinout/Replacement for Floppy Drive on HP 9133
by bernd@kopriva.de
19 years, 10 months

19 years, 10 months

Universal floppy disk controller
by Watzman@neo.rr.com
19 years, 10 months

using a DRV11 to run an IDE drive?
by GOOI@oce.nl
19 years, 10 months

Commodore 128 Easter Egg
by billdeg@degnanco.com
19 years, 10 months

program to print out ASCII renderings of punch cards and/or papertape?
by pete@dunnington.u-net.com
19 years, 10 months

formatting an RD54 with on a pdp11/73
by pete@dunnington.u-net.com
19 years, 10 months

Sun 4/330 with faulty serial interface...
by julesrichardsonuk@yahoo.co.uk
19 years, 10 months

origins of "kludge"
by bpettit@ix.netcom.com
19 years, 10 months

RTP IO controllers (Computer Products, Fort Lauderdale)
by hofmanwb@worldonline.nl
19 years, 10 months
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