"For those who own Atari TT030 workstations, I have finally gotten a
disk with Atari's version of Unix System V on it running along with a
diskette with setboot.prg utility that sets the nvram in the TT030's to
recognize and boot from the Unix Hard Disk.
If anyone is interested, I can make ghost images of the 300MB SCSI hard
for you. One word of caution, according the Atari engineer who wrote
Unix, it does not work on all TT030's. Some of the units had bugs and
issues, most came back into Atari's service center where the -33 68030's
were replaced with slower 16mhz CPU's, so while I will guarantee that
image works, I cannot guarantee if your TT will have a problem or not.
far I've tried it out with 3 TT's and they all work. Also Atari Unix
recognize Riebl VME ethernet cards and set them as /dev/en0 so you can
the TT up to the internet directly. I personally am going to see if I
get Apache to work on the TT as it would be great to run a website for
Atari's on an actual Atari computer.
If you want a copy, I need a 300mb SCSI HD to Ghost the image to and
you pay
shipping to and from me.
my friend and i have been looking for this for a while...
is there a way to create a ghost image that is downloadable?
this way we can ghost it into our own drive ourselves?
there are two tt's we are trying to get going...
thanks for any info
- luke
Just what the subject line says... I'm looking for the smallest possible
(working) PS/2-style keyboard that exists... all the junk at my local CompUSA
is either USB, or has function keys and trackballs and infrared, etc.... I
don't want any of that stuff.
Can anyone help me?
- Evan K.
I've found a tan LSI AMD3A+ OEM'd by Zilog (has the Zilog name/logo on the
front faceplate). Never seen one of these before. What did it go to? Any
Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 100MB free storage!
Did you have any luck in getting this running ??
As the article made it sound like you were shooting for an Apple did you
happen to have the DEC card with it ??
I'm siting on one waiting for the M843 card.
Hi Chandra!
I have a "newer" model CompuColor II, the style that has the monitor
and keyboard in the same case.
Yes, the screen buffer was used during floppy I/O! The floppies held a
whopping 40K per diskette. However there is
*NO* truth to the rumor that the CCII is so old that the disk drive
uses a hand crank (grin).
I have the original manual, a third-party user's guide. I also have the
ROM listings for 1978 and 1979 ROMs. I may be a bit
off with the years, but it has been a while and my memory has faded.
If there is something you need me to look up, let me know. The books
and ROM listings are too big to easily photocopy, sorry!
--- John Bell
These machines have a peculiar (to me) memory format, it's not really
obvious, so I worked it out and wrote it up here
simh adds to the confusion, somewhat, because it displays memory by
default in "normal" mode. e -m address does the right thing for
instructions, but it's missing a -option to display numerical data; for
example a "2" stored in LGP memory shows as "4" in simh because of the
spacer bit.
Memory is 31 bits wide, the accumulator is 32 bits...
On Sep 16 2004, 12:39, David Betz wrote:
> I have a PDP-11/23 with an H9270 backplane and am thinking of
> to a J11 processor. I would like to use the KDJ11-B quad size board
> (M8190-YB). Is that going to require me to use a different backplane?
> If so, is there one that will fit in the same space as the H9270
> and use the same power supply?
The H9270 is a serpentine backplane, with QBus on A+B slots and also on
C+D. The quad KDJ11s use C+D for other things (PMI memory, mainly) so
you can't put them in a serpentine backplane slot; they have to go in
one that has straight QBus on A+B and the CD interconnect on C+D.
The only standard DEC 4 x 4 backplane is that H9270, though some of the
Plessey or other third-party backplanes might be the right size.
Either you need to modify that backplane to isolate the C and D part
of the first slot (and then jumper the QBus signals to the C and D
parts of the next slot -- one way to achieve this might be to just
remove the connectors), or you need to modify (with a saw!) some other
backplane to fit, or you need a different chassis, or you need a
KDJ11-A (dual height). If you only need 4 slots you might be able to
adapt an H9281-A, which is 2 x 4, to fit.
The PSU should do (providing you don't exceed the current ratings) -- I
assume it's an H780? Is it in an BA11-M chassis? If so, it's
originally been a PDP-11/03, and someone has upgraded it.
The other thing is that the H9270 is only 18-bit (as are the H9281-x
series, unless they have a "Q" in the part number). That in itself
shouldn't stop a 22-bit processor working (your 11/23 is 22-bit) but it
wouldn't be able to use more than 256KB (128K words) of adddress space.
It would behave as if the top 4 address bits were always 0. You could
upgrade it to 22-bit by jumpering BC1, BD1, BE1, BF1 from each slot to
the next. If you do that, check what you're using for termination --
it's probably only 18-bit as well (if it's a BDV11, there's a fairly
easy FCO for it).
The normal backplanes for a KDJ11-B are H9276 (22-bit, 4 x 8, straight)
which is used in a BA11-S; H9278 (22-bit, 4 x 8, first 3 slots
straight, rest serpentine) which is in a BA23; BA123 backplane (22-bit,
4 x 13, first 4 straight, next 8 serpentine, and the last slot is
power-only) which doesn't have an "H" number. However, BA11-N systems
with an H9273 backplane were sometimes field-upgraded and may or may
not have had the extra four address lines wired.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
>From: ard(a)p850ug1.demon.co.uk
>This is a really trivial question, but I wasn't really a BBC micro hacker
>in the old days,
>I am planning some upgrdes to a BBC Model B+ (the fact that this
>particular B+ lives in the bottom of an Acorn Cambridge shouldn't
>matter...). One of them is to combine some of the ROMs (the B+ can take
>27256 32K byte EPROMs), thus freeing up some ROM sockets and put a RAM
>chip in one of them. I then have to fiddle the write-enable line [1] (should
>be easy) and I have 32K of sideways RAM.
>The hardware doens't worry me (I have schematics...). But how do I load a
>ROM image into the sideways RAM? Is there some loader program I need (and
>where do I get it)? Anything I should know about the image file on disk
>(anything about the start/end/entry addreeses in the direxctory, for
Hi Tony
It depends on the form of the image. There are no standards for these
things. One can create wave files to send audio as though there
were a cassette player. I've been involved in creating a number of
methods to bootstrap old computers. Having a built in cassette load
is something that I've not tried. Most cases, I have access to a
monitor program on the target machine and I'm able to enter a small
bootstrapping program.
In most cases, information about load/end and start address are
missing from many images. One is suppose to know this to use the image.
Often doing some disassembly of the image can recover information
as to where in memory it should exist. Most programs start at the
beginning but not all.
What kinds of images are we talking about? Are these machine language,
BASIC text or something?
Of course, I'm not familiar with the term sideways RAM. Do you mean
shadow RAM or just parallel RAM? Could you explain a little?
I would guess that you may have to write your own loader. At the
simplest, it is rarely more than a few lines of code.
>[1] I believe it's a good idea to be able to write-protect the sideways
>RAM, but I don't want to drill holes in my Cambridge. Has anoyne ever
>used the cassette motor line for this? Seems like an obvious thing to use.
This makes sense. Also look for a unused data port bits on I/O chips.
Most of these smaller machines had unused port bits someplace. These
usually had a default value written to them by the machines code
so that you could use the opposite value as a write enable.
Hello, all:
OK, here's where my lack of intimate knowledge of C shows. I'm
working on a graphics board add-in for the Altair32 Emulator. I have 16 of
the following declarations, one for each color supported by the board:
const COLORREF colGray = RGB(128,128,128) ; // 8
The RGB macro converts an RGB color value to a different datatype (a
DWORD) for use with various Windows APIs, such as the one I'm using to draw
color boxes. The colors are in order per the video board docs, so I create
an array of COLORREFs:
static COLORREF colColors[] = {colGray, colMaroon, colNavy,
colGreen, colOlive, colTeal,
colBlack, colRed, colBlue,
colLime, colYellow, colCyan,
colWhite} ;
This array is used with a nybble from system memory to create the
drawing brush for the FillRect call:
firstbyte = HINYBBLE(screenbyte) ;
hbr=(HBRUSH)CreateSolidBrush(colColors[firstbyte]) ;
FillRect(hdc, &rc, hbr) ; // hdc and rc declared earlier
Now, here's the problem. I get compiler error C2099 on the
declaration of colColors. C2099 translates to "initializer is not a
constant". I'm sure that the solution is something obvious to the
trained eye, but I'm not seeing it. Can someone identify what I'm missing?
Rich Cini
Collector of classic computers
Build Master for the Altair32 Emulation Project
Web site: http://highgate.comm.sfu.ca/~rcini/classiccmp/
On Sep 5 2004, 22:37, Wai-Sun Chia wrote:
> Check these out then:
> BA11-M (11/03) DEC/PDP logo in glorious DEC maroon:
> http://hampage.hu/pdp-11/kepek/pdp1103.jpg
That doesn't look original to me.
> BA11-S (11/23) DEC/PDP logo in a either a darkgrey or VT100 brown
> background and DEC bricks and PDP font in white:
> http://www.shiresoft.com/pdp-11/11-23/11-23-front-panel.jpg
That's simply the result of a colour cast in a badly lit/badly exposed
photo, probably taken under tungsten lighting. It looks just like mine
except for the cast; mine is plain DEC grey with a black and white
> BA11-S (11/23PLUS) same as above:
> http://hampage.hu/pdp-11/kepek/1123PLUS.JPG
Where's the colour in that? It's a standard 11T23 system, identical to
the one in the next room to me -- and I can assure you that the only
colour is the yellow and red on the RL02 lamps.
> I love the one in DEC maroon background! :-)
I think someone has adulterated it. I'm sure that's not original.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York