test-drb February 2004

  • 275 participants
  • 504 discussions

FA: RCA 1802 Cosmac manuals and DEC cards/parts
by rigdonj@cfl.rr.com
20 years, 11 months

HP JetDirect card
by jpl15@panix.com
20 years, 11 months

Some things for sale . . .
by MTPro@aol.com
20 years, 11 months

New vintage video gaming auction site
by vcf@siconic.com
20 years, 11 months

Wow, the "killer POKE" works! (Commodore PET 2001-8)
by tosteve@yahoo.com
20 years, 11 months

Commodore 128 with software and RUN magazines
by vcf@siconic.com
20 years, 11 months

Big eBay bux for Comdyna hybrid
by jpl15@panix.com
20 years, 11 months

Enlight case
by teoz@neo.rr.com
20 years, 11 months

Legal question on swapping gone bad
by teoz@neo.rr.com
20 years, 11 months

JetDirect card spoken for
by jpl15@panix.com
20 years, 11 months
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