I'll give this list a shot a something meat I have had for a while -
maybe I can get a nice trade.
I have a big logic trainer that I would like to move on. It is pretty
neat and unique for three reasons:
1) It is based on vacuum tubes. Inside are a number of 12AX7oids that do
the work. I think this dates to the very late 1950s.
2) The logic is really odd. It is binary, but the logic levels are not
voltage levels, but phases. Hell of a way to run a railroad, in my book.
3) Its Japanese. Yes, Japanese. Apparently part of an early minicomputer
project that came out of Japan called Parametron.
So what I have is a really odd duck - a Parametron LT-2E, with power
supply, spares kit (with spare tubes!), and the reamins of a manual. It
is a pretty big desktop unit, but I think I can ship it FedEx ground in a
couple of boxes (from 10512).
As of now it is untested, but tomorrow I think I might look into powering
it up. There is some paint flakage and a little corrosion in the aluminum
body, but nothing to scream about.
So I am fishing for a trade. A good trade, as I know this thing is worth
some real money. What do I like? Big is good, old is good, IBM or Univac is
good, but I am open to ideas. I can trade up or down with cash, if we can
not quite equal things out.
Try me.
I'll try to get some pictures shot tomorrow.
William Donzelli
Did you write this and have you had any luck?
P.Demus - DEMUS DATENSYSTEME hpd at demus.de
Mon Dec 8 17:10:43 CST 2003
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Hello !
i'm trying to decode the disc structure of a HP7912 hard disk attached
to a HP 64000 uC System. build in 1985! yeaaah
I managed to copy the HP7912 sectors on a MO-disc SCSI on series hp 9000
/ 300.
i read in the MO disc image on a PC. now i have a 54MB image file.
has anybody some infos about structure and tables of the directory of
the HP64000 disc format ??
it's not HFS (HPUX) and NOT LIF....
i decoded the directory entries for name and date and size of file. now
there are two 16bit words describing first and last page used for
storing data. i have no idea how this 16bit value is belonging to a
sector number.
any hints ??
thanks peter
DEMUS DATENSYSTEME GmbH . Steinbergstr. 24
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http://www.demus.de . mailto:info at demus.de
I'm just getting caught up with a backlog of email, so this post might
be a bit late.
Anyway, I have an HP Jet Direct EX (J2382B), complete with cables, power
supply, manuals, and disks, free for postage (about 5 pounds, from
I also have an HP internal Jet Direct card (J2341A) for a LaserJet 4,
with manuals and disks, also free for postage (3-4 pounds).
Since I get the list in digest form, reply directly to me at
r<underscore>a<underscore>Feldman<at>hotmail.com if you are interested.
Hello all,
I just received a large lot of NEC APC III software and docs... Naturally,
this means I need an NEC APC III to go with it :-). I know it's a
not-quite-PC-compatible. Anyone have one they'd be willing to part with? I
assume I'd need the keyboard and system unit. Is the video output some sort
of standard, or would I need the monitor as well? Any help or hardware is
For the list, I'm willing to make copies of manuals or software. Disks I
can mail no problem, manuals will require you to pay my copying costs (all
manuals are a significant number of pages). Also, I'd need ZIP codes or
country to estimate shipping. One last note ... This is not super high
priority for me (in fact, I haven't gotten back to everyone from my last
round of stuff :-( ), so don't expect lightning speed out of me on copies.
If you can wait, I'd much rather scan these (600dpi), and mail a CD-ROM.
The software is as follows:
- APC III System Checking Diskette v5.0
- MS-DOS System Diskette v2.11 Revision 1
- MS-DOS System Diskette v2.11 Revision 3
- MS-DOS System Diskette v2.11 Revision 4
- Digital Research Logo ((c) 1984, "REV 00")
- MS GW-BASIC 2.01
- MS GW-BASIC Demonstration Diskette Version 1.0
- SLE* GW-BASIC and Utility
- SLE MS-DOS System Diskette
- Digital Research DR Draw (1983)
- Digital research DR Draw Fonts (1983)
- MS MASM 1.25
- MS-DOS BIOS Listing (5 disks, 1985)
- GSX System Diskette (1984) rev 01
- GSX Drivers Diskette (1984) rev 00
- GSX System Diskette (1984) rev 03
- GSX Drivers Diskette (1984) rev 01
* - SLE=Software Library Expander -- Allowed NEC APC III to run "more
programs". Part hardware, part software. Maybe some sort of PC-emulator??
Manuals are (I have multiple copies of most of these):
- MS-DOS User's Guide
- GW-BASIC User's Guide
- MS-DOS Guide for the SLE
- GW-BASIC Guide for the SLE
- MASM Manual, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
- DR Logo User's Reference Guide
- Beginner's Guide to DR Logo
- MS-DOS Programmer's Reference Manual (Includes supplement for APC III)
- DR Draw User's Guide
- GSX-86 User's Guide
Rich B.
Chuck - hold the phone - I've got the following SCELBI books in easily
scannable form:
- 8008 Editor Program
- 8008 Assembler
- Machine Language Programming for the 8008
- SCELBI 8H User's Manual
- 8080 Editor Program
I also have the 6 issues of the SCELBAL update already in .pdf form.
All this stuff is slowly finding it's way to Jim Kearney's new,
improved, enlarged and expanded super-brite 8008 archive, along with
some more info on Nat Wadsworth and the SCELBI computer. If there is a
particular title you need access to, let me know and I can move it up in
the queue; otherwise it will be a few months before this all gets to Jim
If you want to scan "Galaxy Game for the 8008/8080", "First Book of
Games for the
8008/8080", and "Monitor for 8080" that would be great!
I hope that a heart-to-heart with the head librarian would get you the
books - never heard of a library that didn't cull non-used material to
make room for hot new stuff on the x86!
Hello Bdale,
I have a 1631D connected to a 9153C hard drive.
When I try to format the harddrive, the 1631D timesout before the format is completed.
I was wondering if you a copy of the service manual because I want to increase the timeout value in the ROMS so I can format the HD.
What CPU is the 1631 running on?
Another option is to use the HAL pin on the cpu while the hard drive is format and release it before it is done.
Thanks for your help.
Hi folks....
I looking for the software for the IBM ISA card: Apple
Turnover. I know these card can read/write apple disks
with an IMB-PC. I got the board, but don't have
neither tha cable or the software.... Could anyone
help please ???
Many thanks,
Silvio Finotti
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