>The message contains Unicode characters and has been sent as a binary
Despite allegedly coming from me, I was not the sender of the above
email. I assure you none of my Macs are infected with this Windows worm.
Someone else with my addy on their machine has been infected. IP in the
header traces back to RIPE Networks in Amsterdam.
Fortunately, it appears the list strips attachments, so the email is
nothing more harmful then a minor annoyance to the list.
At 02:28 PM 1/31/04 -0800, Don wrote:
>On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Carey UNRUH wrote:
>> I've just acquired some Plus Development hardcards for my 286 powered
Tandy 1000 TL/2. I'm looking for the driver loaded in Config.sys called
plusdrv.sys needed to run the cards.
>> Does anyone have a copy of plusdrv.sys? Can anyone point me in the
correct direction?
>> I've done the google thing and looked on Maxtor's website. (Maxtor
acquired Quantum who acquired Plus Development) with no luck.
>Did you check the files at
Try <ftp://ftpdownload.maxtor.com/pub/Quantum%20Products/Hardcard/>
Thanks Don.
I've just acquired some Plus Development hardcards for my 286 powered Tandy 1000 TL/2. I'm looking for the driver loaded in Config.sys called plusdrv.sys needed to run the cards.
Does anyone have a copy of plusdrv.sys? Can anyone point me in the correct direction?
I've done the google thing and looked on Maxtor's website. (Maxtor acquired Quantum who acquired Plus Development) with no luck.
Thank you, Carey Unruh
I got a Zenith Data System Z120 (model EIA-416). It
has 5 S-100 slots with two boards installed. One is a
disk controller board. It has a green build in
CGA-like monitor and two 5.25'' floppy drives. The
case is good. It boots into MS-DOS. I googled and
found it had both 8085 and 8086 or 88. Since I am a
VAX guy I am willing to convert this beast (maybe 50LB
or more) into some resource (another word for money)
that I can use to buy VAX stuff. How much do you guys
think it worthes? If too little I will not place it
onto epay. Thank you.
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Tom Jennings <tomj(a)wps.com> wrote:
> Does anyone have any idea what the diskette format is? It's not DSDD 512
> byte sectors, eg. dd won't read it on a linux box.
If its like the 1630 then the diskettes are LIF format either single sided
or double sided. Have a go at reading the disks on an MSDOS or Windows PC
using the LIFUTIL program. LIFUTIL was released by HP to allow the transfer of
data from HP LIF floppies to MSDOS systems. Initially they sold it, but now
its free.
I've listed more DEC VT520 terminals for sale ($25 each) on the Vintage
Computer Marketplace:
These are excellent terminals that emulate a bunch of other terminals plus
allow multiple physical and virtual connections to different hosts. Setup
is through on-screen windows.
This is quite a deal...I've seen refurbished units selling for around $250.
Go get 'em!
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
[ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage Computers ]
[ and academia at www.VintageTech.com || at http://marketplace.vintage.org ]
I have two Cisco IOS 11.2 Software Feature Packs (IP) available. Both kits
have original serial numbers in the box. I don't have the routers any more
(2500 series). Up for grabs to first responder(s) (private reply please)
for cost of shipping. They're outta here, or they're in Monday's trash.
:-) --Patrick
Hi, Zane.
On Jan 30, 20:38, Zane H. Healy wrote:
> It's not some much that I want to use it, as I want to run it :^)
SoftWindows 5.00 is on one of the O2 demo CDs. I think 4.00 is on one
of the older Irix CD sets.
Be warned, it writes things to various .cshrc files, .mime-types, and
several other places. Various things will either break, or believe
that any file ending in .doc (and others) should be handled by
treacle^H^H^H^H^H^H^HSoftWindows and it will take you a while to track
them all down.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Hey ya'll... need a little help. I recently took apart a nonfunctioning ControlNet Communications Interface (Allen-Bradley) and I would really love to be able to find Datasheets, manufactures specs, and/or schematics/pinouts (this last is most preferable). Here is a description of the board (I tryed scanning the image but it didn't work... too dark, and I don't have a digital camera): the board has 2 floppy drive type connectors (not Hard disk IDE but the similar, smaller, connector used by the floppy drives) labeled J3 and J4, 2 IC's labeled MCM6502CJ25 and underneath is TQQAA9333 (date code I think), the are 4 LED's, 1 AC14 IC, 1 AC174 IC, 1 74AC32 IC, 2 ACT280 ICs, and many others there is a PAL chip labeled PALCE16V8M-15JC/4, 5 IC'S that I've never seen before... 3 labeled DA05M and 2 labeled HP 2601, and last but not least is 1 parallel port AND next to it is a CAT5 connector (the 8 pin phone connector, or T1). Anyone have any info on these? I would love to be able to use them
in a 6502 computer I building but I need the schematics/pinouts for that. Any info would be greatly appreiciated. Thanks.
Lyos Gemini Norezel
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On Jan 30, 18:43, Zane H. Healy wrote:
> Personally the systems I'd like to get Softwindows running on would
> either my SGI O2 R12k/270, or a OpenVMS system :^)
Don't bother. It's like treacle, and it won't run any recent version
of Windows. SoftWindows 4.0 is faster than 5.0, but I think it
emulates a 486, so it won't run pentium-specific code.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York