Fred Cisin <cisin(a)> wrote:
> Yes, there was a PC-DOS 1.00
> Yes, there were single sided drives
> Yes, they sucked
The drives, or PC-DOS 1.00?
> I didn't void my warranty for 72 hours.
Smaller, faster, cheaper: about a month ago I bought a $30 broadband
router from CompUSA. I powered it up once to poke at it and make sure
it powered up. Then I soldered a JTAG connector in and connected the
-Frank McConnell
It kills me to let this one go, but it is too far away for me to get.
Damn, damn, damn. I'd love to have it myself.
> Hello again Jim,
> Yes, you can forward my information to the classic computer list but please
> obscure my email address until we have a positive taker.
> The model is a PCS-II with 32K Ram & uses BASIC language,. It was
> originally purchased in 1976 and we have an instruction manual and some 5.1
> /4" floppy discs or minidiskete's as they used to be called. We also have a
> printer which is compatible with the computer and which we can also supply
> free of charge. If you need any more info then please let me know.
> Many thanks,
> Syd.
As for the whereabouts, from another email:
> Syd Atherton.
> Design Engineer
> Tyco Flow Control,Dewrance
> Technology Management Centre.
> Moss Lane View,
> Skelmersdale,
> Lancs.
> England.
If you are interested, please contact me and I'll forward it to Syd, as
he doesn't want his email published on a public repository like this.
Hi folks,
I've finally published the schematics and software for
the Documation M-series card reader interface I built
this summer, which connects the reader to a PC with
USB. I've built two of them, actually, one for my HP
version of the reader that uses differential signalling,
and one for the standard Documation TTL interface,
which is going to the Computer History Museum. The
schematics and firmware for both are included.
The schematics and software are available
at It's
all GPL'd.
The zip file doesn't include a bunch of reference
information mentioned in the manual but you can
download them from the URL's provided in the
.PDF'd manual (although for some reason the hyperlinks
aren't active, sorry).
Someday, when I have time for fun again, in the far,
far, distant future, I'm going to extend the
IBM 1130 simulator to use this interface so you
can run real card decks into it :)
_| _| _| Brian Knittel
_| _| _| Quarterbyte Systems, Inc.
_| _| _| Tel: 1-510-559-7930
_| _| _| Fax: 1-510-525-6889
_| _| _| Email: brian(a)
_| _| _|
If the manuals don't show up elsewhere, I have both the 880D30 and
880S8 manuals. I am actually using them right now, as I am trying
to recover files from the 8 MB drive, but you are welcome to
photocopy them, and keep the originals, send me the photos. I actually
think I may have 2 copies of the 880D30 manual, in that case you
can have one.
Joe Heck
Reply to original sender below, not affiliated with seller, etc, etc.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 05:23:20 -0000
From: max6328 <maxa(a)>
To: TekScopes(a)
Subject: [TekScopes] Old scopes and equipment in need of a new home
As I posted before, I just cannot keep this wonderful stuff any
longer. Have had for many years and never have time to work on them.
Most have traces and trigger. Am short a few plug-ins for the 647s
Still looking for these.
I have approximately inventoried my garage. More in storage
locker.List is still growing but this is more complete than before.
I want to sell as one LOT as I do not have the time to sell piece by
4-Tek 547
1-Tek575 curve tracer
1-Tek 661
1-Tek 556
2-Telequipment S54AR
2-Tek647Rack mount
1-647 parts frame
1Tek 564 storage
1 561B
1-561B Military version rack mount
1-Tek 647 Rack
2-561A Rack mount
1-Tek 585A
Misc Plug-ins
1-Lavoie Labs clone LA265L
1-4 trace plug-in for 561
3-boxes of manuals for above
2 Scope carts
1-General Radio 736A wave analyzer
1-HP302A wave analyzer
1-Tek 127 dual plugin supply
1-Tek 132 single plugin supply
1- Measurements Model 80 RF gen to 400 MHz
2-TS497B/URR clone of Measurements Model 80 RF gen to 400 MHz
1-HP650A test oscillator, phase shift type to 10 MHz
1-Sierra Electronics Wave analyzer
1-HP 200CDR
1-Auto Radar trap circa 1959
1-Tek 122 preamp
1-GR RF bridge 1650A
1-Pek Labs 10V 50A Arc lamp supply
1-Rhode and Schwarz secondary time standard (second to NIST in
1-Sorensen DCR600-2.5 amp supply 600V at 2.5 A max
Equipment located in Saratoga Ca adjacent San Jose in the south SF
bay area..
Yes, I know it is very sad.
Any interest??
Max Artusy
408 867 5461
Original Message:
>Hi Roger,
>I saw you had posted something about a Quantum Lightning Drive. I have an
>Apple branded Quantum ProDrive LT SCSI. You have any idea how to set the
>scsi number on these things?
>Thanks--if you can help.
See <
Good lick! Steff
I finally got around to posting some pictures of the Alpha Micro 1000
that I picked up a couple of weeks ago. Here's a link;
Unlike the AM-100 this one has no buss system in it but does have a
connector for an optional I/O
card on the left size (facing the computer). It also has a connector for a
daughterboard on the right side. Mine has an AM-706 memory card there. I
also have an optional I/O card installed in the left side. The card in mine
is a PIICEON SR 1000-8P. It adds 8 additional serial ports to the system.
(there are 3 serial ports built in). The main circuit card is a large
custom card that is almost as big as the case. The card hinges up to
the power supply and hard drive and floppy drive (if equipped). This one
has no floppy drive but does have a 190 Mb Maxtor hard drive. I've been
able to get it to run self test and everything passes fine except that the
system says that there's no har drive contoller in it. Since it doesn't
think there's a HD controller it never boots. I haven't gotten around to
troubleshooting it so at the moment it's just collectiung dust.
Hi guys :)
The time of my life has finally rolled around that I can have a good crack
at getting my VAX 11/750 up and roaring (as i'm sure David Brownlee would be
pleased to note!)
I'd like to canvass your opinions on the absolute minimum of hardware that I
need in there (I know f'rinstance that I can remove the floating-point card
and the RDM) to have something that should at least get to console.
I would also like to know what sort of power load we would be talking per
card, if anyone is privvy to that sort of information, or at least an
informed guess.
Same applies for the system blower - does anyone have a ballpark figure on
how much air it should be pushing?
[ps apologies for any previous badly formatted copies of this message.
Mutter mutter crappy webmail clients mutter...]