I would like pugrading my vaxstation 4000/90 from 16 Mbyte to 32. To my understanding you have to fill
the slots (8) with always 4 identical memory banks. I have already bought 2 * 4 Mbyte ram banks and
need two more. In case someone has two for selling, please let me know
PS: I saw a vaxstation 4000/90for > 350 USD at ebay, can't believe such high price
I found your message on the internet while doing a search for Craig
Electronics. My parents have a sound system (Model H400) that needs
some parts and I have been trying to locate this company. Do you have
any info on who or where I would call / contact to try to find out if
there are some replacement parts available for this model or if there
are companies to do the repair of this item?
Thanks for any help you can supply.
Tambi R. Willis
Assistant to Creative Designer / Tex K. Otto
1514 17th Street # 202
Santa Monica, CA 90404
310-453-4100 v
310-453-4885 fx
> Chris, do you have a crossover ethernet cable handy? Try using that to
>connect the JetDirect box directly to the NIC on the Win2K box, and see
>if that helps. That way you eliminate any interference for any other
>device on the network.
> Of course if your Win2K box gets a IP address from the DHCP server,
>you'll need to switch it to a static address... But since they'll be
>isolated, it won't matter what address you give it.
One step ahead of you. I just pulled my Win2k machine from the network
and plugged it and the JetDirect directly into their own hub (was easier
to use a spare hub then to crawl under the desk and use a crossover
Now the error problem has gone away (not too surprised), but the HP
Downloader on the Win2k machine STILL can't see the jetdirect. Next step,
add my Mac to the mix and see if I can see it over AppleTalk.
The flashing _Activity_ LED (middle one of the 3), with the Status LED On (Left one of 3, also green) should indicate that the unit is receiving network activity.
If it is the _Status_ LED that is flashing, then the unit is either not configured, not able to reach the network, or running a self-test.
In its ever-helpful way, the manual says that if the yellow Fault light is on, disconnect and reconnect the DC power to the unit. If the Fault LED again lights, "then replace the unit." :)
-----Original Message-----
From: chris [mailto:cb@mythtech.net]
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 9:08 AM
To: Classic Computer
Subject: Re: JetDirect EX print server
As soon as I connect the box to the network, it's activity light blinks
for a few seconds, and then the Fault light comes on. If I also have the
box connected to a printer, it dumps out a "Reboot" page to the printer,
and gets stuck cycling like that (Goes to Ok, then fault, prints a page,
repeat until I disconnect from the network).
>>From the manual:
>Chris, what OS are you using with the JDEX? The manual mentions IP address
>only with UNIX. Run hpnpcfg to create the BOOTP configuration files,
>specifying the IP address. The configuration info is downloaded from BOOTP
>each time the JDEX is powered on.
Right now, no OS because I can't get it on the network without it
erroring. I do have a DHCP server that claims it is giving it an IP, but
I can't tell if the device is actually accepting it.
I do have HP's firmware utility on Win2k, but it can't see the device
(but it also can't see any of my working JetDirect internal servers
unless I tell it what specific IP to look at... its auto discovery
feature doesn't seem to work). I also have HP's LaserJet Utility on a Mac
which also can't see the device.
I'm going to look into the hpnpcfg app you mention above, and see if I
can create a BootP file for it. Maybe my DHCP server isn't giving it what
it wants as a BootP response and it is getting confused. (my DHCP server
doesn't fully do BootP, rather it responds to a BootP request with an IP,
but it can't handle config file downloads, so I might need to run
something that can).
>Anyway. When revamping that place later, I took a bunch of
>em home, obviously. So, I have the manuals for both the
>standard JetDirect (white-ish box), the 1-port EX (brown
>box) and 3-port EX (larger brown box.)
>Lemme know which one you need - I dont have the HP numbers
>handy here...
The one I have is marked JetDirect EX, is a white-ish box about the size
of a betamax cassette, and has a single Parallel port on the back with
RJ-45 and BNC ethernet connections.
My guess is, it would be the same one as the 1-port EX brownish one
>And: yes, keep the TEST button depressed for 12 seconds while
>powering it up, and it SHOULD reset. I said "should", because
>many of the earlier firmware versions were buggy as hell.
I tried for 2, 5, 10, 12, 15, 30, and all sorts of other lengths of time.
Should the status lights change to tell me it is resetting? I can't tell
>from the test page if it has or has not reset (the test pages are the
same no matter what I do, so maybe it is resetting each time and I'm just
seeing the page that is printed with default info).
In any case, it errors when I connect it to my network. Again, one unit I
would think it was broken, but two I tend to think I'm doing something
>You are using a bootp server or a DHCP server set to support bootp?
I have a DHCP server running, and its logs indicate that it is responding
to the BootP request and issuing an IP.
>Does the status page show that it's receiving an IP address?
I can't print a status page if I connect to the network. So the only
status page I can print shows no IP address assigned (naturally, since it
isn't on the network yet).
As soon as I connect the box to the network, it's activity light blinks
for a few seconds, and then the Fault light comes on. If I also have the
box connected to a printer, it dumps out a "Reboot" page to the printer,
and gets stuck cycling like that (Goes to Ok, then fault, prints a page,
repeat until I disconnect from the network).
The first one of these, I got a while back from someone who knew nothing
about it, so I assumed it was probably just broken. But the other day I
bought one on ebay for $5 (missing the power supply, which was fine since
I had a power supply already), and it too does the exact same thing. That
kind of makes me think there is nothing wrong with the unit, but rather
something wrong with either the settings, or I just need to upgrade the
firmware. Alas, I can't upgrade the firmware without an IP address
because for some reason the HP Downloader software on my Win2k machine
won't find any of my JetDirect devices until I specify their IP address
(it couldn't find the 3 internal ones I have on the network that work
just fine).
Just grabbed these out of a trash pile here in the hallways of the Yale
School of Med...
- User's Guide, Functions and Macros Guide, Quick Reference, and Getting
Started books for Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS ver 2.4.
- IPC Peripherals MCD-1040 4X 7 disc CD changer library.
I grabbed the books, figuring someone here would want them. As for the
CD changer, does anyone know/have about special drivers for the beastie,
or should work as a standard SCSI CD drive?
--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818