Here is the code I have so far. I've shortened it a
bunch but I don't think I can get it much shorter.
I desided not to use any special Z80 instructions
because I want this to work with the H8's as well
( these are 8080 box's but can run HDOS ). It is
down to about 42 ( decimal ) bytes. If anyone can
remove some more that would be great. I'm using
the over writing of the jump address at the end
of the code to stop loading and begin using the
main down loader. This saved quite a bit of code
but it means that I need to load the main loader
backwards. This is a pain but not that big of a
deal, compared to typing in a lot of bytes. For this
code, if someone thinks of some other method that
does something like self modifying code, I'm
game to that. This is a boot strap and the key is
being small. There are no other rules.
I thought it would be a good idea to also have the
ability in the main loader to save the main loader to
disk as a bootable image. This would make it easier
because one wouldn't need to keep typing in the first
bootstrap loader every time one got more images to load,
like a week later.
ORG 2300H
MVI A, 0CH ; 9600 BAUD
MVI A, 07H ; 8 BIT 2 STOPS
ANI 01
> From: Doc Shipley <doc(a)mdrconsult.com>
> I find myself in the highly amusing position of
> siding with Sellam,
> sort of.
> I refuse to take seriously anything that is
> quoted out of context.
> You haven't posted his entire messages, nor the full
> text of your own side of the exchange.
As a matter of fact, I did. Those ARE his entire
messages in full.
They are NOT out of context.
Anyone who would like to read my replies may e-mail me
off list to get them. I will send them in full.
> You did mention in your previous post that you
> *had* used the term "Islamic Idiot", "although not
> referring to Sellam himself." Al, that
> was pretty dumb, at best, and malicious at worst.
So, you don't think that celebrating the death of
courageous Astronauts, and using their death to claim
that Allah was against the U.S. and punished it wasn't
"pretty dumb, at best, and malicious at worst."?
I stand by my comment.
I think people who are trying to make this a war
against Islam, rather than a war against Terrorists
ARE idiots.
And what's funny... It's the Radical Islamics
themselves who keep trying to drag all of Islam into
the fray.
I can only speak for me, but I have MANY, MANY friends
who are Islamic. And I enjoy the lives and work of
many other people who are followers of Islam. And I
would reject in the loudest terms that All of Islam is
> Especially considering that Sellam is well and
> widely known for trumping with the race card, and
> for being very sensitive concerning his heritage.
That's not my problem. I don't take offense when
people talk about Germans, or Italians or Irish. And
if you haven't missed it... Two of the three have been
major enemies of the U.S. in wars in the last century,
and the last one has been the cause of lots of
terrorism as well...
I don't take any of that personally, as being German,
Irish and Italian does not mean I am a Nazi, a
Fascist, or an IRA Terrorist.
If others can't seperate themselves from what other
people do, either they need some help.. Or feel
connected in feeings and desires.
I can't control either. But, I won't be stifled in my
opinions because someone else wants to coddle people
doing wrong because their feelings might be hurt.
Sorry. When someone does wrong, they deserve to
recieve the negative reaction from it. It's how
society shows it's displeasure at wrong actions.
> > I am posting this to the list so that members can
> > observe for themselves the behavior of one of it's
> > members...
> We all know how Sellam behaves on list, and many
> of us have been exposed to his behavior off list.
> I vote "not interested" There's enough crap here
> without dragging up more from outside.
I posted these messages because I want it to stop.
I want him to stop doing this, rather than having it
You say you know about it. How about doing something
about it, rather than letting others be attacked and
harrassed by him?
Because, I'm not willing to just ignore him and allow
him to attack others on the list in the future.
That's wrong.
If he does not receive strong admonishment and
feedback that his behaviour is unacceptable (and just
letting him go on and do it unchallenged tells him
it's ok....), why would he ever stop?
He dominates this list and uses it to support his
business. He receives a HUGE benefit from this list,
that I would not deny him.
In return for that, he needs to control himself and
treat members of this list with the respect he himself
> You know who the maintainer is, if you have a
> problem with someone's behavior on the list. You
> evidently know also how to contact Sellam's
> ISP. If you're being threatened, I suggest
> contacting your local LEA.
I do NOT know who the maintainer is. Can you give me
an E-Mail Address for them?
I simply sent copies of Sellam's Email and a complaint
to "Postmaster@hisdomain". For all I know, that is he
himself, and he got the complaint and is snickering
about it...
So, posting to this list was an attempt to get others
to cooperate in stopping his hate, without resorting
to the "LEA" (What is that?) or another Govermental
> But none of what you've posted here is useful here,
> and it comes off as simple character assassination.
I did nothing to assasinate his character. If
reposting his messages does that, that's his problem.
I don't post anything that I don't want to come back
to haunt me. I certainly don't post messages to people
off the list and curse at them, or call them nasty
names. OR, falsely accuse them of being racist... LOL!
> Doc
Thanks Doc!
I appreciate the time and thought that went into your
Al Hartman
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo
> From: Joe <rigdonj(a)cfl.rr.com>
> Subject: Al, the idiot! was RE: Apple Lisa XL on
> eBay
> Al, what are you, some king of F***** idiot?
> That certainly didn't qualify as hate speech or
> "mean-spirited". As for backing it up, where have
> you been for the last year? Did you miss the news
> that Enron, Adelphi, World Com and a number of other
> companies have been looted and ruined by their own
> management? Not only did they wipe out their
> companies but they also wiped out the life savings
> and retirements of tens of thousands of their
> company employees and millions of stock holders.
What does that have to do with George Bush?
> That's just one example of the lack of
> administration that I was referring to.
Certainly. But of the Clinton Administration, where
all this happened during... Not the current
> The gouging of the american consumers by the oil
> companies is another. Gas prices have nearly
> doubled in the past six months or have you been
> living in a cave somewhere and not noticed?
I have NOT been living in a cave, and again...
How is that the fault of the Bush Administration?
If you haven't noticed, his actions have caused the
oil prices to start to go back down. Oil prices ALWAYS
peak in Winter, and threats of war in the Middle East
ALWAYS cause Oil prices to go up, whether the Oil
supply is threatened or not.
To suggest that Bush leave Saddam to continue to
develop WMD's, build up a military to attack his
neighbors, and to murder and torture his own citizens
is selfish in the extreme.
It's a price we have to pay to secure the future
safety of the U.S., and the region.
> In both cases the perpetraitors are major
> supporters (read $$$$) of the Bush administartion.
AND the major supporters (read $$$$) of the Clinton
Administration AND ALL political parties...
Any smart major corporations funds BOTH parties...
> Don't get me wrong, I'm a registered Republican,
> but I won't stand by and say nothing while the Bush
> administration stands idlely by and l!
Great to hear that. But, because it's taking longer
than you or I would like, doesn't mean they are
standing Idlely by...
> ets their big dollar supporters rob the american
> public. Why don't you ask the members of this list
> how many of them have lost their jobs entirely or
> have had to take jobs far below their capabilities
> because of the lousy economy and stock market?
I have myself. And I lost my good job not because of
Action of the Bush Administration (that has only been
in office about 28 months...
But due to the actions over 8 years of the previous
To expect the current administration to reverse 8
years (actually 12 years, since Bush 41 made some bad
moves as well in regards to taxes and our economy) in
28 months is impatient.
Especially considering that 9/11 caused TRILLIONS in
damage to this economy. The fact that it is as strong
as it still is, and rebounding is a testament to his
good leadership.
We could be a LOT worse off. I still remember the
Carter days....
And this ain't those.
Anyone who is slamming this administration for the
economy or it's leadership has a very short memory.
Our economy has been A LOT worse off in recent memory,
and isn't so bad now. And is getting better by the
The President just made a speech, that should kick the
market up a few more points today.
I just read an article on the CBS website that says
that MOST Americans believe that Bush is doing a good
job and the economy today is better than a year ago.
That's why I called your post nasty and mean-spirited.
Because it goes counter to the data in the world. The
data that the economy is improving, and that people
say Bush is doing a GREAT job as President.
> If you wanted to hear about classic computers then
> why did you even reply to this message, why didn't
> you just ignore it and go on? No one else felt it
> necessary to jump in and grossly exaggerate what I
> said.
They believe in letting stuff pass, or agree with YOUR
Gross Exaggeration. It was your message that was the
gross exaggeration. Not mine. Sorry.
Go pick up any newspaper today, or listen to the news
tonight. I don't think you'll find much agreement with
your post in them.
> Not only did you feel it necessary to mouth
> off on the CC-Talk list but you also posted your
> batherings to the CC-Tech list!
I am not subscribed to the CC-Tech list. If it went
there, it was purely by accident.
> As a matter of fact, I don't remember ever seeing a
> message from you that was about computers.
You haven't been looking then.
> But you're always eager to but in and shot off your
> mouth when someone expresses their opinion!
Yes, if I disagree with it...
> In the mean time, your village is looking for
> you!
I assume by this you intend to say I am liberal?
Because that is FAR, FAR from the truth.
> Joe
> PS you don't need to bother to reply, you've
> just been added to my permanent kill-file.
> <end of rant!>
Typical. If you took the time to talk to me, rather
than making the harsh assumptions you make in the last
few paragraphs of your post. You'd find we agree on a
lot of things (except your post), and you might even
like me (most people do who take the time to get to
know me..).
I've posted quite a bit in the last few months on
computers. But, I'm out of my depth with the major
iron that people talk about here.
Ask me anything about HP Laserjet II/III, TRS-80's,
Coco's (I worked for Spectrum Projects and wrote for
Rainbow Magazine), Timex/Sinclairs (I wrote the front
end for a lot of Zebra's Products and the manuals),
and Mac Emulation...
And while I used an Imsai 8080 (with a Z-80 CPU Card)
for several years to run a small mail-order business
in the mid-80's. I know little about it, as I only
used it. I didn't assemble it or maintain it.
I can say, it was a nice machine and did everything we
asked of it well. I wonder what Stewart did with it?
That was at Zebra Systems, Inc. where we made add-ons
for the Timex/Sinclair Computers, Tandy Color
Computer, Commodore Amiga and the Atari ST computers.
Stewart also used to make something called the "Music
Box" and "Rhythym Box" for S-100 Systems and the
TRS-80 Computers. It was the fore-runner of the
Orchestra-80, which Stewart always claimed was a
cheaper knock-off of the much nicer Music Box.
A minor mod of the Music Box software or Orch-80
Software made them run on the other hardware. I think
just a change in which port one addressed with the
music data was all...
Al Hartman
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo
Fellow classiccmp'ers,
A while back, I forwarded an E-mail I'd received to the list. It came from a school tutor who had some questions about Classic-era Apple computers that I couldn't answer. Unfortunately, there was a typo in his E-mail addy, which would have caused any replies to bounce.
That typo has been corrected. Here's the message text again. If anyone can help, please contact him directly.
Thanks much. Attachment follows.
Subject: ..Hi.........Can you help?
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 13:01:11 -0400
From: Randy Sammons <rsammons4(a)attbi.com>
Reply-To: Randy Sammons <rsammons4(a)attbi.com>
To: kyrrin(a)bluefeathertech.com
Can you help me? I tutor math at a juvenile institution
outside of Pittsburgh, Pa. and still use an Apple II E computer(made in
1982). My math program is a very good one...but now down to three 5
1/4" disks which were made in 1984. The software company is long out
of existence.(Instructional Communications Technoglogy,Inc.)
Do you know of anyone who has three useable 5 1/4" disks?..(my
disks say: Apple II (48K) Dos 3.3 Version)..and can my three disks be
..Can these disks be copied to a normal 3 1/2" PC disk?
Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Randy Sammons
Irwin, Pa.
Bruce Lane, Owner & Head Hardware Heavy,
Blue Feather Technologies -- http://www.bluefeathertech.com
ARS KC7GR (Formerly WD6EOS) since 12-77 -- kyrrin(a)bluefeathertech.com
"I'll get a life when someone demonstrates that it would be superior
to what I have now..." (Taki Kogoma, aka Gym Z. Quirk)
Well the last few days have been fun and I got the following items:
A vintage Hasbro Think-A-Tron toy computer that works great.
An AMIGA A3000 needs some tender loving care, will not power up right now.
A Commodore 1403 monitor.
A Grid notebook model 1660 needs some work.
A digital Decpc XL590 not tested yet.
An AT&T 6310 PC.
Several more mousepads and other items too new to list.
At a local Goodwill I picked up the following:
A Sun external tape drive PN 595-1711-01 model 411.
A Sun SPARCserver 20 model 544 with 2-20gig HD's, 256 MB memory and loaded
with software but I have no password to login with.
A Sun SPARCstation 10 model 144 can't get it to boot up.
A Sun type 6 keyboard.
A Burroughs desk top computer power supply external black brick.
> They also seem to bear the name of an aftermarket supplier -
> Systems Industries?- and some sort of system name, which I cannot
> remember, but suggests typesetting.
May be the Atex (?) system, which I understand was very popular and
is still hanging on in some corners.
I've got some pictures around here somewhere from one datacenter of
a major metro New York area newspaper showing racks of what I believe
are rebadged pdp-11/x4's (they look recent, so maybe /84, /94, or one
of the goosed third party CPUs) dedicated to running Atex terminals
in newsrooms.
The systems are using some reasonably modern storage system - might
even be 3.5" form factor. But I wasn't in a position to inspect any-
thing too closely.
If I run across the snapshots I'll scan them and put them up
somewhere for grins.
Do you have a Wyse Setup and test diskette?
My employer resold Wyse systems for several years. I 'May" be able
to get a version of setup and test. Wyse setup & Test diskettes walk you
through configuration. You can enter a drive by "type" from tables, or
free form, Cylinder, Head, Sector , entries. Usually when the battery
is weak these sytems would forget drive configurations, or even
loose track of the Floppy drives.
Do you have any identifying marks FCCID # etc on the motherboard,
Wyse model, date codes. The wyse bios Part number, (version 3.53 was
one of the latter ones). They ran a Wyse Version of MS DOS which,
allowed larger cluster sizes, Wyse systems could typically run
drives larger the the 528MB. If you can characterize your system
a little better I might be able to help
Larry Truthan, truthanl(a)oclc.org. Dublin Ohio, USA
Digest Subscriber
Today I got HP 41C the following items; ac adapter, 5- extra battery packs
model 82120A, Brown carrying case, HP Card Reader model 82104A, a model
82143A printer with an ac adapter for it. Got it all for only $7.
Also got Heathkit VectorScope model 10-101 for $12.
>Is there a keyboard shortcut that will turn the $%^& thing off??
Sorry, I said Command-Option-O, but what you may in fact want is
Command-Option-O toggles CloseView on and off, and Command-Option-X
toggles the magnification on and off. I don't remember if turning off
CloseView will ALSO turn off the magnification, or if they are two
different abilities.
In either case, to permanantly disable it, you still should remove the
CloseView control panel from the Control Panels folder and reboot.