test-drb March 2003

  • 314 participants
  • 633 discussions

FA: HP 9153 with BASIC, 9000 200 computers, 9122C drives
by rigdonj@cfl.rr.com
22 years

Locating older systems & parts... (was: RE: making disk images)
by cb@mythtech.net
22 years

DEC RD54 from Maxtor
by franco.tassone@inwind.it
22 years

Locating older systems & parts... (was: RE: making disk images)
by cb@mythtech.net
22 years

fair price for apple articles
by cb@mythtech.net
22 years

Stratus and 220V
by kenziem@sympatico.ca
22 years

Compaq Portable & Portable III Free to a Good Home
by bill@timeguy.com
22 years

PDP-11/34 PSU Yet Again
by pete@dunnington.u-net.com
22 years

List Management & Reception... (Possible OT)
by Edward.Tillman@valero.com
22 years

HP 7850B plotter
by avickers@solutionengineers.com
22 years
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