test-drb June 2002

  • 205 participants
  • 502 discussions

don't hook no RA90 to the internal power plug on the VAX6000
by gunther@aurora.regenstrief.org
21 years, 11 months

RA90 not releasing session on port B? How can I reset the drive?
by gunther@aurora.regenstrief.org
21 years, 11 months

Performa 476 Problem
by appleone@mac.com
21 years, 11 months

Diagnosing a non-working Mac Performa 476?
by Innfogra@aol.com
21 years, 11 months

dec parts available
by fernande@internet1.net
21 years, 11 months

the haunted VAX6000 has been exorcized!
by gunther@aurora.regenstrief.org
21 years, 11 months

by jpl15@panix.com
21 years, 11 months

[CCTECH] Cards to Identify
by Innfogra@aol.com
21 years, 11 months

HP calcualteor power adapter
by hansp@aconit.org
21 years, 11 months

CP/M TCP/IP (was Re: CP/M coding question)
by dwightk.elvey@amd.com
21 years, 11 months
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