If interested, you may watch the Apple-1 auction action here:
The auction starts at 8:00 AM PDT.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
* Old computing resources for business and academia at www.VintageTech.com *
On April 19, John Allain wrote:
> > Why do people use PeeCees, again? Pathetic, indeed.
> I encoded some family geneology into set of frame HTML
> pages once. It turned out to be something line 600 small html
> files, 300 KBytes or so. When I went to put it on a floppy, it
> took over 30 Minutes to write!
> Pathetique!
So everyone's complaining about PeeCees, but some people are still
using them. THIS is what I don't understand.
Dave McGuire "Mmmm. Big."
St. Petersburg, FL -Den
On April 20, Sridhar the POWERful wrote:
> > My mistake...it was my impression that z/Architecture is very similar
> > to that of ESA/390, more so than the other evolutionary steps in the
> > S/360->S/390 family architectures.
> 64-bit addressing, twice as many instruction formats. That's a pretty big
> change. The change from ESA/370 to ESA/390 wasn't that drastic.
Ok, I must've been thinking of something else. The original point
stands, however, that these are mainframe architectures.
Dave McGuire "Mmmm. Big."
St. Petersburg, FL -Den
I'm trying to install Warp 3 Connect on my 9577 from floppies. I made
the floppies from the cd-rom, but when I try to install it, I don't get
the network options to choose. It's as if I didn't even have a network
card installed. I have a 3Com 3C529-TP
Does it have to be installed by cd-rom to get network support? The
manual doesn't seem to mention floppies, only the cd-rom.
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
On April 20, Sridhar the POWERful wrote:
> > Umm, I have to disagree with you there...the machines in question are
> > indeed of a mainframe architecture, and some IBMers were calling them
> > "servers" many years before the zSeries was even an itch in IBM's
> > pants.
> That's a mighty big itch.
> > Regardless of what industry buzzwords the marketroids are trying to
> > take advantage of...those machines implement the S/390 architecture,
> > which is a mainframe architecture descended from mainframe
> > architectures.
> Actually, those machines don't implement ESA/390. They implement z/Arch.
> But z/Arch definitely evolved from ESA/390 R4.
My mistake...it was my impression that z/Architecture is very similar
to that of ESA/390, more so than the other evolutionary steps in the
S/360->S/390 family architectures.
Dave McGuire "Mmmm. Big."
St. Petersburg, FL -Den
> On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, Sellam Ismail wrote:
> > Try MSNBC.
> I find their journalism a bit too yellow too. I tend to
> watch the BBC world news.
I used to prefer ITN World News, with Daljit Daliwahl,
but lately, it's not being carried locally. And I can't
seem to find the streaming version on their web site...
Hi everybody,
I may have a line on a couple of (probably not yet on topic)
coke machine sized AS/400s in the Champaign area. I don't
think I have space for them, but I'd like not to see them get
Please let me know if anyone would be interested in these things.
I'd like to have some people I could point them to who'd be willing
to take these either for some cost or not (depends on the guy who's
got the systems...), and save them from being shredded. :)
Don't know anything else at this point.
Christopher Smith, Perl Developer
Amdocs - Champaign, IL
/usr/bin/perl -e '
print((~"\x95\xc4\xe3"^"Just Another Perl Hacker.")."\x08!\n");
On April 19, Russ Blakeman wrote:
> HOT day here, musta been rambling, although I'm not sure they even classify
> the 390 as a mainframe - most literature and such refers to it as a server.
The do indeed classify the S/390 as a mainframe...because, well,
that's what it is. :-)
The 390 architecture is an evolution of, and is largely compatible
with, the S/370 family and related architectures...which (as far as I
know, I'm not a mainframe expert..yet!) started with the S/360 back in
the 1960s.
Dave McGuire "Mmmm. Big."
St. Petersburg, FL -Den
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 10:17:46AM -0500, Doc wrote:
> > On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, John Allain wrote:
> >
> > > I encoded some family geneology into set of frame HTML
> > > pages once. It turned out to be something line 600 small html
> > > files, 300 KBytes or so. When I went to put it on a floppy, it
> > > took over 30 Minutes to write!
> >
> > OK. This is completely off topic, but it has bugged me for years.
> > You guys are more likely to know, and care, than any other forum I hang
> > in. I use a Linux PC as my daily workstation, file server, DNS, MOP
> > server, etc. Given hardware limitations, it's stable enough.
> >
> > I can start a lowlevel format on a floppy, go and surf the net, read
> > my email, compile software, or play a game while (45-75 secs) that happens.
> > Do that in Win<anyversion> on the same hardware, and I might as well
> > go make coffee. Same comparison applies to printing large documents.
> > WHAT is M$ doing that operating a floppy disk drive takes ALL of a
> > 1.4GHz CPU and 512M of memory? I wanna know!
> I remember this behaviour from Windows 3.1 - format a floppy and you
> might as well go grab a book. Enter OS/2: start formatting a floppy and
> do something else on the machine until it is done (which didn't take
> long). I suppose that:
> - since Windows 3.1 couldn't do real (preemptive) multitasking (only
> cooperative), it basically stopped everything else,
> - this code was carried through to whatever flavour of Windows is sold
> currently (hell, I had system error boxes with the Windows 3.1 widget
> set pop up at me on some lusers Win9X machines),
I can cut/copy text from any GIU program and paste into any text window.
I can cut/copy text from any text windows into any GUI program.
I can format floppies while running IE5.5, Outlook98, and OE5.5, with a
Modula-2 programming environment running and a copy of the CDC 6000
emulator running the Chippewa Operating System.
Under Windows 2000. On an 800MHz P-III w/256MB of RAM. Not a killer
Windows sucks for anough real reasons that it's really not necessary
to perpetuate myths and half-truths....
Ok, My Milage May Vary... -dq
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zane H. Healy [mailto:healyzh@aracnet.com]
> >when Warp came out. It was so cool to be able to play a
> game while using
> >Prodigy on my Hayes Smartmodem 2400 at the same time.
> >
> >Peace... Sridhar
> I see I wasn't the only one doing that :^) I also liked
> being able to cut
Careful, or you'll be setting around in a storage locker, writing
BASIC programs on your PC Junior before you know it ;)
Christopher Smith, Perl Developer
Amdocs - Champaign, IL
/usr/bin/perl -e '
print((~"\x95\xc4\xe3"^"Just Another Perl Hacker.")."\x08!\n");