For my online PDP-8 I have it attached to a serial port on my web
server/gateway machine (which also meets the 10 year rule, a Swan 486
upgraded to 133 MHz runing Linux).
I have a program I wrote which is run from inetd when somebody telnets
to the port. It sets up the serial port and knows enough telnet protocol
to tell the other end to go into unbuffered mode.
It logs the serial traffic to /tmp and errors to syslog. The errors are
harmless cmd and option ignored messages for parts of the protocol it
ignores. It also uses a lock file in /var/lock to prevent multiple
I also have the PDP-8 power controllers on the PC parallel port with a
custom board so I can power up the machine when someone want to use it.
David Gesswein -- Run an old computer with blinkenlights.
Does anyone here have a TI Explorer or TI 1500? I'm especially after the
original manuals and software that came with it, specifically a program
called "LMENU" (something like that).
If anyone has it and wants to make a little dough please come forward.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
* Old computing resources for business and academia at *
John Allain wrote:
>Get the PSU part number and I'll look it up,
>or check:
Prodigy says that URL is not found. However
works....Oh. I get it.
AAARRRGGHHHH! ;-) But no H7109 listed.
And Antonio supplied:
> The PSU is an H7109-00.
Google for H7109-00 turns up nothing.
Google for H7109 turns up two dealers (the cheapest in Irving, TX(!), at which list an H7109-C as a "VAXSTATION 4000 VLC
POWER SUPP". This is the same thing, yes? Anybody have experience with, or
opinions on, that dealer?
There are also multiple other H7109 (-A, -B) listed, which look not to be
what I'm after.
Tony Duell wrote:
>Most DEC machines have at least one power-OK line from the PSU.
I want to figure out which that one is.
>OK, how many pins is the connector between the PSU and the mainboard?
Will count, but order of 9.
>You've identified +5 and +12 (and ground) -- presumably on the disk power
Exactly. It was an informed guess - Orange insulation for +12, and red for
+5, and Black for Ground.
>Can you find those on the mainboard connector?
There were similar colors on wires from the mainboard PS connector to the
Power supply. I actually measured the voltages on the Power-supply side of
that connection, not on the mainboard or the disk-drive connector. I
checked that the resistances between what I thought were the corresponding
pins on the mainboard PS connector and the mainboard disk-drive connector
were 0 (with everything unplugged), just to be sure. Probably I should
double-check voltages on the disk-drive connector, to rule out connector
problems at the mainboard-PS connector.
>What's left?
>Probably at least one -ve voltage. And maybe a power-OK line.
Oh, I also found -12V (found by accident - needle swung the wrong way) and
it was about -11.5 V (I think). That was a blue wire. Forgot to report
that. There were about 5 wires I did not check. I'll look at them tonight;
if I'm lucky, the power-OK indicator, if present, will switch from one
state to the other while I'm watching it. Hopefully it'll stay in each
state long enough that I can see the needle move.
>One of the few components that gets better when warm is a faulty
>electrolytic capacitor.
I have not figured out correlation between temperature and working status.
Yesterday morning it worked for a long time when booted up from cold, then
failed. Cycling power did not make it work better.
>It's a pity you don't have a 'scope (to look for
>ripple on the PSU lines) or an ESR meter (to check all the electrolytics
>on the secondary side of the PSU).
I've been thinking that, but unlike my wife's hobby (sewing) my hobby does
not turn a profit (or rather, displace household expenditures). Though I
might claim some credit if I ever get around to fixing that $%^&*
Anyway the o-scope and ESR meter budget is zero at the moment. Sigh.
>This does sound like power trouble. If not, then maybe gently warming
>(hair dryer) and cooling (freezer spray) the components on the mainboard
>will identify any that have gone thermally intermitant.
Ooo, neat idea. The hair dryer I have. Don't have freezer spray, but maybe
I can use a bike tire or something. Is there any reason (other than the
possibility of slowly fatal electrocution) not to try the same trick on the
power supply? I'd have to run it opened up and avoid touching the
heat-sinks, etc, but I don't recall any reason it shouldn't run that way.
- Mark
Yesterday I picked up a Apple Cube, Pro KB, the two clear plastic speakers,
power brick, and VGA extension cable from a guy outside of the auction. Had
I got there 20 minutes earlier I could of had all the above and a 17"
monitor all for $60. Now if I could just locate a cool looking clear
plastic G4 tower and a Apple flat panel for under a $100. :-)
Also got a IBM PC XT model 286 (5162) needs to be cleaned up a bit before a
test run can be made. Got a strange looking device by Imsi called a PC
Stylus. And a Apple High Resolution RGB monitor.
> You haven't made it clear about punching. Does it
>correctly when you use the punch?? If it does, it
>be the keyboard, distributor or codebars. All of
these must
>work to have the punch work correctly. The punch is
>mechanically connected to the code bars of the
When I punch single characters to tape, they punch
incorrectly. When I hold REPT and punch to tape, the
correct character is punched.
I had the keyboard apart last night. Cleaned the
contact wires and the common terminals. Tonight I am
planning to reset the contact wire clearances as the
manual comments on contact bounce being an issue.
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> anyone know what machine this panel comes from?
> The seller claims it's a PDP-11 but I don't see enough bits.
> Possibly a PDP-8 or educational unit? I've never seen the
> lights along the side - on an '11..
Here is what I posted a couple days ago to info-pdp11. BTW, someone else
commented that the actual CPU on the M7341 is a i8008.
"1.1 Introduction
Digital Equipment Corporation's Microprocessor Series (MPS) consists of a
group of four M series modules and an optional operators control panel,
designed to efficiently perform a range of process control and
decision-making functions that were previously uneconomic subjects for
automation. When used together, these modules can from low-cost digital
control systems that exhibit the characteristics normally attributed to
more costly minicomputer-based systems. With this capability, systems
structured from MPS modules can perform the functions of dedicated
controllers, operate as a Central Processor Unit (CPU) in intellegent
terminals, perform data aquisition and analysis tasks in the laboratory,
and automate a host of industrial processes
General Description
The Microprocessor Series is listed below by model number and name:
* M7341 Processor Module
* M7344-YA 1K Read/Write Memory Module
* M7344-YB 2K Read/Write Memory Module
* M7344-YC 4K Read/Write Memory Module
* M7345 Programmable Read-Only Memory Module
* M7346 External Event Detection Module
* KC341 Monitor/Control Panel
In a systems context, the M7341 Processor Module (PM) acts as the central
processor unit with the remaining modules performing supporting functions.
Activity in a given system, then, is directed by a unique stored program
contained in a read/write and/or a programmable read-only memory and
executed by the PM. A major factor in the structuring of an MPS system for
a specific application is the development of this unique system program by
the user. To support user development of application software, Digital
provides the Microprocessor Series Software Tools (MPSST) package that
includes the following routines:
* Microprocessor Langauge Editor (MLE)
* Microprocessor Langauge Assembler (MLA)
* Microprocessor Read-Only Memory Programmer (MRP)
* Microprocessor Host Loader (MHL)
* Microprocessor Debugging Program (MDP)
* Master Tape Duplicator (MTD)
In addition, the Microprocessor Program Loader (MPL) is available to users
of the optional KC341 Monitor Control Panel."
In looking further at the handbook it appears that the MPSST package is run
on a PDP-8/e, /f or /m and is papertape based. The MRP expects a MR873
PROM writer to be used in conjunction with the PDP-8.
Looks like an interesting device, to bad the one on ebay is just the front
>Google for H7109 turns up two dealers (the cheapest in Irving, TX(!),
> which list an H7109-C as a "VAXSTATION 4000
VLC POWER SUPP". This is the >same thing, yes? Anybody have experience
with, or opinions on, that dealer? There are also multiple >other H7109
(-A, -B) listed, which look not to be what I'm after.
I opened up my VLC and it has an H7109-C PSU in it.
Some googling suggests that an H7109-A is for a VT1000
and an H7109-B is for a VXT2000. They may well be similar
in size from what I remember of the respective enclosures.
I'd power up and check a few voltages but my multimeter
is in the office ($70K logic analyser, $20K scope, no
multimeter - at least not with leads I can find!. Tsk)
Isn't $50 a bit steep for a PSU? Can't you either borrow
a known good one or at the very least pick up a VLC
>from ebay for less than $50? Last time I opened up one of
these PSUs (admittedly a VS4000-90 one) it didn't look
that hairy (OK - all I had to do was dig out enough dust
and cruft to let it spin its fans and come up ...). If you
knew that a replacement PSU fixed the problem, you'd
know that you had a tractable problem and where to concentrate.
Equally if a new PSU did not help even with only the mainboard
connected, you'd know that you were likely to be in for a
*much* harder time.
On Nov 12, 14:42, John Lawson wrote:
> Since I'm (mostly to very dumb) when it comes to these things - I would
> like to ask for opinions/advice/recommendations from the List on what the
> best way would be to attach one of the terminal ports on the machine to
> the Net, to allow folks to telnet in and play with the system remotely.
> I was thinking phone-line -> modem-> Net-to-serial-box-> 11/44 port.
Do you have some sort of "always-on" connection from the your local network
to the Internet? Or do you use dialup?
The easiest way is to use a terminal server box:
net -> terminal server -> 11/44 port
A suitable terminal server might be smething like a Shivaport (recent hence
moderately expensive), an old Emulex Performance 4000 or Performance 2000
(if you can find a cheap one that's not died), a Racal Interlan, a Xylogics
Annex, or any of several other possible brands that you might pick up
secondhand. Not Windows Terminal Services or the LTSP (Linux Terminal
Server Project), though -- they're for thin clients for Windows/Unix.
DEC used to make a suitable box themselves.
Although they're called "terminal servers", most -- including all the ones
I've mentioned -- can be configured so you telnet in to them and make a
serial connection out to one of the serial ports, which looks to the
machine it's connected to as if a serial terminal has connected to it. On
many of them, the serial port you connect to can be automatically chosen
according to the port number you use in the telnet command (eg telnet
tsrv01 3003 might be used to establish a connection to whatever's on serial
port 3 of tsrv01).
We use several of them to get remote access to the console serial lines of
key switches and routers across campus, and I have a couple at home which
allow my Unix machine to connect to the serial ports on various machines,
including a couple of PDP-11s.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Well, I don't have any manuals, or even or a terminal, or for that matter,
the side of the case... But I do have a TI 1500.. If you get software and
manuals, I could use copies please...
Will J
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