test-drb October 2002

  • 261 participants
  • 654 discussions

CP/M and NEC PC8001A items available
by dcohoe@qualitymeats.on.ca
22 years, 2 months

IBM APL for PC help: missing VM232___.AIO
by william.white@us.ing.com
22 years, 2 months

PDP-8L and BA08A : how to connect them ?
by sonnet@sols.ucl.ac.be
22 years, 2 months

HP Series 80 site (for HP-83, HP-85, HP-86, HP-87 and the 9915A and B)
by vassilip@dsl.cis.upenn.edu
22 years, 2 months

Dauphin DTR-1
by rigdonj@cfl.rr.com
22 years, 2 months

decitek reader
by bellmfg@erols.com
22 years, 2 months

Lost digests
by mhscc@canada.com
22 years, 2 months

Destructive labelling (was RE: Tandy XENIX Disks)
by pete@dunnington.u-net.com
22 years, 2 months

Fw: VAX 7000/610 available, Cambridge MA USA
by rschaefe@gcfn.org
22 years, 2 months

Fw: Free Microvax IIs in San Diego, CA
by rschaefe@gcfn.org
22 years, 2 months
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