Please help me surely someone can.
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On January 1, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
Wow, sounds like Windows!
Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL "Less talk. More synthohol." --Lt. Worf
+AD4- John Allain wrote:
+AD4-The two problems I'm aware of is that the CD's aren't
+AD4-9660 or PC compatible, so you need a VAX. Also most
There is a Windows (or DOS??) reader available
on the OpenVMS Freeware V4 CD at:
My recollection is that there was an even better
one on the V3 Freeware but I cannot locate it on the
V4 or V5 disks (I know some stuff was pruned to
make room for newer stuff).
Of course, once you get that far
you'll find that the binaries
are mostly OpenVMS BACKUP savesets
(and if they aren't, they'll be PCSI...)
and the docs are almost certainly in Bookreader
format (and the Windows Bookreader product
never made it out of the door).
You +ACo-might+ACo- be able to make some use of this
using the SIMH and TS10 VAX emulators, but
I've not got around to firing those
up yet and playing.
Please read this message:
I don't know how many of you use to get FAQs (I don't myself) but
I happened to run by this message and thought I would pass it along.
They're in need of funding as they've lost their previous sponsorship.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
* Old computing resources for business and academia at *
> > Oh, I know. But no self-respecting scooter tramp, or British auto
> > enthusiast for that matter, can let a reference to Lucas go by.
> > "It's the Law."
> I have heard about the "love" people have towards Lucas. I have some old
> radar stuff they made for World War 2, and...ummm...I am not impressed...
How's the joke go? Why do the Brits drink their beer warm?
Lucas Refrigerators....
Then, there's Lucas, Prince of Darkness...
You DEC old-timers out there will probably chuckle at my little
"discovery", but I'm posting my findings for us who are "DEC challenged"....
Yesterday I was pulling my hair out trying to get my VAX 4000-500 to
recognize an external RRD-43 CD-ROM that was attached to a KZQSA SCSI
adapter. No matter what I did, it wouldn't recognize the fact that anything
SCSI was connected.
The problem turned out to be the address that the KZQSA was set to. It was
set to address 761400, and the 4000 was reporting the card to be a DEFQA,
which to even a DEC newbie as myself, was VERY wrong. A search through the
"VMS wizard" archives at turned up the statement that the KZQSA
was shipped with a default address of 761300.
So I fiddled with the address jumpers and set it to 761300 and *voila*, the
4000 found the KZQSA. I hooked the external SCSI enclosure to the card, and
it found the CD-ROM.
It was able to boot VMS from the CD, and I'm on my way.
Again, don't laugh too hard, I hope this message helps others who are
"Unibus Ignorant"....
- Matt
Matthew Sell
On Time Support, Inc.
(281) 296-6066
Join the Metrology Software discussion group METLIST!
"One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad
"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer" - Adolf Hitler
Many thanks for this tagline to a fellow RGVAC'er...
Hi all.
First of all, best wishes and good health for 2002!
During the holidays I had a look at my 11/53.
It boots fine, this is what appears on the VT102.
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
<head load/unload on the RX50>
Micro/RSX system startup procedure <in double-width font>
Copyright (C) 1986 by ..
Time and date: 13:44 31-dec-01 <filled in by myself>
Startup will take between one to three minutes to complete.
SFD -- Device not variable speed multiplexer
$; Installing Software via Command File LB:[VGS5000MC]VGS5000.CMD
Task "TT0 " terminated
Odd addrfess or other trap four
$; Installing Software via Command File LB:[EDP]EDP.CMD
31-DEC-01 13:45 From MICROD::TT0: to ALL:
$ <EOF>
Have a Good Afternoon
31-DEC-01 13:45 TT0: logged off MICROD
So, I guess, this looks good.
I do not have any experience with RSX or Micro/RSX.
At the $ prompt MCR accepts only "login", "hello", and "help".
Now, I vaguely remember from this list that when you enter
login, the account is either "master" and the password is "system"
or vice versa. Neither combination is accepted.
Is there a way to get in, or remove the account file?
Or should I try to load an other OS as I want to add a DEQNA?
- Henk.
Just ran across your posting on the Tek 4041.
I've got both the Operators and Basic Programming Manuals for the 4041 and two of the computers with tapes!
I ran across the same problem - no 4041 keyboard.
You didn't mention whether you have any of the option ROMs in your 4041. They are in a pullout tray behind a snap in brown panel below the front keypad (use a coin in the slot in the top of the panel). If you have the Program Development ROMs you will be able to write 4041 BASIC programs - otherwise your machine will only execute 4041 programs from tape :(
Since you say you've been able to type some commands on your keyboard converter - I would say you might have the Program Development ROMs. I've got the full set Program Development v2.1 #1 and #2, 4041 Graphics, 4041 Plotting, 4041 Signal Processing and the 4041 Utility ROM.
Here are some control key sequences (listed as RS232 control keys) to try:
Control-A Autonumber
Control-B Break
Control-C Abort
Control-D followed by 1-9,0 User Defined Functions 11-20
Control-E or Backspace Rubout
Control-F followed by 1-9,0 User Defined Functions 1-10
Control-H Rubout
Control-I or Tab Horizontal tab
Control-K Kill to end of line
Control-N Recall Next
Control-O Insert
Control-P Recall Previous
Control-Q Continue 4041 output
Control-R Recall Line
Control-S Stop 4041 output
Control-T Step
Control-U Clear
Control-V Autoload
Control-W Move cursor to beginning of line
Control-X Delete line
Control-\ Move cursor left
Control-] Move cursor right
Control-^ "Meta"-prefix
followed by C CONTINUE
followed by L LIST
followed by R RUN
followed by other chars ignored
ESCAPE Suppress immediate execution of the following control character
The 4041 BASIC is a lot like 4050 series BASIC, but it has added commands for tape directories, GPIB, and uses a Stream specification format for devices.
My experience and 4041 Operators Manual says that RS232 must be configured before it becomes operational. Their recommendation is to create a file that is automatically loaded and run first on a tape when you press the AutoLoad button on the keypad.
The Tek System Verification tape actually prompts you "TERMINAL CONFIG(1-YES,2-NO)" at the beginning and allows you to key in RS232 parameters which are then saved to the Verification Tape.
Using your "keyboard" try the following commands:
If you have two serial ports on your 4041 you may have to add a zero device number to each of the lines (COMM0 instead of COMM).
Permitted COMM parameters and ranges:
BAUd 75,150,300,600,1200,2400,4800 default 2400
IBaud any integer from 2 to 9600 if 0, use the BAUd parameter
BIT 5,6,7,8,9 default 8, includes parity if used (BIT=5 has no parity, BIT=9 must include parity)
PARity NO,ODD,EVEn,HIGh,LOW default NO
STOp 1 or 2 default 2, for BIT=5 and STOp=2 uses 1.5 stop bits
FLAgging NO,INPut,OUTput,BIDirectional, default OUTput
EDit RASter,STOrage,402,ANSi,850 default RASter
FORmat ASCii,ITEm default ASCii. ITEm allows full 8bit codes
TYPe-ahead =>100 default 100. max 32K
DS OFF,ON default ON. Data Set Ready output line
CTS OFF,ON default ON. Clear to Send output line
DCD OFF,ON default ON. Data Carrier Detect output line
ERR LOG,REPort default REP. errors displayed immediately
CONtrol YES,NO default YES
CR CR,CRLf,LFCr default CRLf
LF LF,CRLf,LFCr default CRLf
For the BASIC OPEN command, from my programmers reference guide:
OPEN #logical unit: stream spec [,string var]
ex: 1020 OPEN #1: "TAPE: FILEB (OPEN=UPDATE)",LU1$
Logical Unit 1 is designated as the tape file FileB, to be
updated. LU1$ is given the entire stream spec string.
Here is an input from GPIB device example:
INPUT #"GPIB(PRI=21):": Var
The numeric value Var is read from device 21 on GPIB
I found GET in the full Programmers Reference book - it issues a GPIB Group Execute Trigger command.
Syntax: GET[(numexp[,numexp]...)]
Bus Traffic:
[ATN Listen-Address-1]
[{ATN Listen-Address-2}...]
Hope this helps,
Monty McGraw
Spring TX
Tek 4041,4052,4054,4631,4662,4957... :)