Was someone here looking for the Cipher F880 docs?
I finally found the CD I'd burned of them, so if
anyone needs them, I'll dump 'em out on the FTP
site for temporary residence...
Hello all,
Does anyone have, or know where I can get a 3.5" boot disk for an Apple
IIc+? I have an old ProDOS 5.25" disk, but it does not recognize the 3.5"
(As if you couldn't guess, I'm keeping the IIc+ :-) )
Rich B.
Does anyone have an online resources for scanner repairs?
Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861
email: terryc(a)woa.com.au www: http://www.woa.com.au
WOA Computer Services <lan/wan, linux/unix, novell>
"People without trees are like fish without clean water"
On Tue, 24 Jul 2001; "Jim Oaks" <jimoaks(a)one.net> wrote:
> Mike do you have any commodore,TI, related items?
I was going to say no on both counts but then got to thinking, I may
have 1 or more cassette cables for the TI/99. If there is any interest
I will go digging sometime.
As to Commodore, the answer is no. I could tell you the story of
what would have amounted to truck loads of stuff that got away a
couple years ago. But that would lead to depression for many list
members, so I will refrain.
> > > > spttim10.aqm B 5120 850209 Time support package for DC Hayes
> > >
> > > That looks like a compressed .ASM source file. All you
> > > should need to do is to uncompress the file.
> >
> > With what tool?
> It's been a while. UNSQUEEZE?
I just dumped a copy (circa 1985) in
In reference to Super Snapshot. V5.22 is now available and can be bought through J.P.P.B.M. who btw own the rights
Their new mailing address is
J.P. PBM Products By Mail
Box # 60515, Jane/Wilson P/O
Downsview, ON. M3L 1B0
> about today. Meanwhile, I'll cross my fingers and assume I'll have
> other media choices in the next 5-10 years that'll encourage me
> to re-copy my CD-Rs, which have patiently waited in their
> fire-proof case.
Something better than keeping them in a fire-proof case is to keep copies
off-site. After all, what else are relatives for, other than to keep a
locked box containing backups of your important data.
> > > NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII
> > > spttim10.aqm B 5120 850209 Time support package for DC Hayes
> > Chronograph
> >
> > That looks like a compressed .ASM source file. All you
> > should need to do is to uncompress the file.
> With what tool?
It's been a while. UNSQUEEZE?
Eric Dittman
I have the EICO Model 635 Tube Tester and the Operating Instructions and
Tube Data Information. This book contains the;
General Description
General Information
Tube Testing Procedure
Testing Picture Tubes
All Vacuum Tube Switch Settings
Parts List
Schematic Diagram
Would be willing to make a copy and send. Requester to pay for repo
costs and shipping.
I am having trouble with socket "A" in mine. It's a 10-pin socket, looks
like a standard 9-pin with a 10th in the center of the socket. Would
appreciate info on where I can get another socket.
Bob McKee
It's unlikely that I can pick up Max.
FYI: Max, the old email address is changed due to far
to much spam.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Pope <bpope(a)wordstock.com>
To: classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org <classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org>
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: Someone please give a ride to Max Eskin to VCF East
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Max Eskin <max82(a)altavista.com>
>> I realized that I have no way of getting to the VCF. There's no way in
>> that my parents will let me drive there, and I don't want to ask my
dad to
>> drive me either. It's about an hour away from my house. So could you
>> perhaps forward me some kind of list of people living in the boston
>> whom I could contact and ask for rides? I e-mailed Allison Parent, but
>> she hasn't responded. I don't remember who else from classiccmp lives
>> around here.
>> Thanks,
>> Max Eskin
> Where abouts are you located? I am in Waltham. I am planning to leave
>around 9:00 am and stay for the entire day.
>Bryan Pope