Last call before the landfill - I need $5 (what I gave for it) plus shipping
(about 35 / 40 lbs) for the IBM 6157 and a box full (over 60) DC-300 tapes.
All are in good shape but obviously used. I'm at zip 42726 in the event
someone wants to check shipping, or you can email me and include your zip
and I can calculate it. Use residential or not as applicable and "one time
pickup" if calc'ing UPS as I don't have a regular daily pickup. It's $1 more
by the way.
If no response by Monday the local trashguys will have something to fill the
truck with. Email me direct at rhblake(a)
We have lost our RT11v5.4B RX50 installation disks (we DO have a
license). Could anyone advise where or how to get new copies.
Many thanks
P. Anderson BSc PhD MInstP CPhys
Senior Lecturer, Biophysics Section
Oral Growth and Development
Medical Sciences Building
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
tel: +44 (0)20 7882 7933
fax: +44 (0)20 7882 7931
e-mail: p.anderson(a)
Flooding can be blocked if you take advantage of proxy bidding. Just decide
what your _maximum_ bid is, and enter that amount (near the end of the
auction, if you want, but not at the last second). Your actual bid will only
be the minimum increment above the next highest actual bid (and not
necessarily what you are willing to go up to). For example, when the high
bid is $20 and the increment is $1, you bid $50, and have an actual high bid
of $21. If someone floods with 10 bids of $1 each, you still win with a bid
of $41: you go $1 over each of the flood bids as each is made.
-----Original Message-----
From: Carlos Murillo []
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 7:25 AM
To: classiccmp(a)
Subject: Re: Amiga items on eBay -- advertising auctions on classiccmp
Another strategy that
is beginning to become commonplace is "last-minute flooding",
when a bidder will send 10 or 20 bids with the smallest value
increment within the last 10 seconds or so of the auction.
> Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 23:35:46 -0400 (EDT)
> From: John Lawson <jpl15(a)>
> Subject: Re: Finds... (mainly Heathkit 3400)
> Hmmm... a Classic Computer Collector's Net on 20 or 40 Meters?
> We'd need to get Sellam licensed... ;}
Have you seen They are linking local amature radio
networks together using the internet as a backbone. Not 20 or 40 meter, but
interesting non-the-less.
Ken Seefried, CISSP
I just got back from out of state with another DEC haul. I filled my Astro van
to the roof with more docs software and misc before Mr. Landfill took them.
Whew! 42 hours with no sleep. I'm getting too old for this.
Anyway, I'm not even sure whats there yet but I did see a few versions of
Ultrix and VMS on many different media. It looks like it is mostly VAX stuff
and I will post it here when I have it inventoried.
A few things I did see while loading...
64Mb for the VAX 8700(box was labled as such)
Ultrix ver 1.0 on Magtape
Many RX50's with Ultrix
Lots of original sales flyers for Vax's
Brand new spare boards for the 750
New replacement RK05 heads
Lots of DECstations
A nice unexpected bonus was finding a PDP8a in the pile and in it was a RL8
to bed....
Brian Roth - System Administrator - Old Computer Repository
Preoccupation is my main occupation.....
>Does any know if the RQDX3-AA controller is supported by RT11v5.4 b, or
>do I have to get an upgrade.
We use earlier versions of RT-11 with RQDX3 controllers so you should have
no problem with support.
Hi Everyone, I realize it isn't classic and will probably get flamed for
this, however ... :-)
I have a "spare" Pentium III / 550Mhz processor in the SECC2 package (w/
Fan) and I also have a motherboard that is a socket 370 mobo. I need a
Socket 370 processor for this motherboard.
Does anyone care to trade this wonderful processor for a PGA version of the
Get your bids in early on this one. Its a rare Adaptec PDP-8e. Back in the 60's DEC licensed their PDP8 architecture to Adaptec to make exact replica's of their now infamous design. Sales were sluggish so they decided to make SCSI interfaces instead.
Truly one of a kind....
Brian Roth
Network Services
First Niagara Bank
(716) 625-7500 X2186
I have several copies of three different HP LaserROM documentation CDs
available, free:
MPE V (V-Delta 9 release) (1990?)
MPE V Business Systems (MPE V) (1988)
MPE XL (3.0) (1992)
Email me if you want one or more.
Stan Sieler sieler(a)