> Carlos Murillo wrote:
> > Aztecs bred a special dog race, called "izcuintle", for
> > culinary purposes. They're pretty ugly as they are
> > hairless. But they're supposed to taste like pork.
> They also ate people too, that tastes like pork too.
"Long Pork"
> At 02:10 PM 12/13/01 -0700, Robert Feldman wrote:
> >Do you (or someone you know) have a pet guinea pig? They were originally
> >domesticated and raised as food, in Peru. I must say a good barbequed cuy
> >(which is what they are called there) is quite tasty, though not much meat
> >on them.
> Aztecs bred a special dog race, called "izcuintle", for
> culinary purposes. They're pretty ugly as they are
> hairless. But they're supposed to taste like pork.
Don't know the breeds, but you can add the Koreans,
Chinese, and Philipinos to the dig-comsumer list...
Monkey is popular in the latter two as well...
> >Model: A6S0300
> >Memory Option: A6S0304
> >SN: A3322146
> >Manufactured: 3322
> Mine is the same model# with a date code of 3248. You said
> you bought the machine as a plain '2' and upgraded it to a 2/5?
Yep. The vanilla 2 was a 512kb machine with the 400K floppy, which is why it
was pretty useless, the 2/5 has the profile but still half a meg so it won't
run some of the 7/7 apps so I got the extra ET card from ebay. Took me
nearly a year to get a complete spares kit :) The 2/10 was completely
I'm not entirely sure whether the extra IO board I got is from a Lisa 1
since it doesn't have capacity for the battery pack. There's pix on my
museum site if anyone wants to check for me!
> I've not checked for the 'proto' marking mentioned on one of
> the connectors, but I know it's on the front panel. I've got four
> memory cards here, one of which still had it's price sticker of
> $1495.00 marked down to $995. One of the ones not installed also
> ahas the ET marking.
Is there an Apple brand on there as well? I'm assuming ET might be the
Adrian Graham, Corporate Microsystems Ltd
e: adrian.graham(a)corporatemicrosystems.com
w: www.corporatemicrosystems.com
w2: www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk (Online Computer Museum)
> On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Douglas Quebbeman wrote:
> > > Maybe, but doubtful. This was more of a tape backup device. It uses
> > > DIGITAL cassettes. If you've never seen one, they have a square notch
> > > just off the center of the top of the cassette, and they have two slide
> > > tabs to turn write-protection on/off. Otherwise, it looks just like a
> > > regular analog cassette tape.
> >
> > Yeah, I've got a drive from an old Burroughs teller machine...
> >
> > Had a bunch of Burroughs stuff I dumped about five years
> > ago, though I still have a direct-wire 1200 baud modem...
> I have a complete (almost working) Burroughs computer.
For a long time, I kept a cage that contained a card
rack and a fixed-head disk drive. It would power up,
and make characteristic "booting" sounds. I just wasn't
interested in computers much during that late 80s/early 90s
when everything started to go Microsoft...
> On December 13, Douglas Quebbeman wrote:
> > > > BTW, now that you're _down south_, has anyone turned
> > > > you onto the burgers at Crystal's ?
> > >
> > > I don't believe I've had them yet, no...are they good?
> >
> > They're sometimes known as "southern sliders"... when you
> > see them, you'll know why...
> I will try some. :-)
> > And re: squirrels, lemme tell ya, I wouldn't be alive
> > if they *weren't* food... there were times when squirrel
> > wasn't the usual delicacy, but the only damned thing my
> > ancestors could find to eat.
> Oh yes, my ancestors too...but as long as it was THEM and not ME! ;)
Ok, Ok, I've never been accused of being civilized...
Hi all,
> >I always wondered why the 2 existed in the first place,
> since without a hard
> >drive and only .5mb of memory it was useless for anything other than
> >MacWorks.
> Once you take a look at your's, since you said it started
> life as a '2' and you upgraded it to a 2/5, would you mind sending
> me the model/serial/date numbers off of it?
Here's the scoop:
Model: A6S0300
Memory Option: A6S0304
SN: A3322146
Manufactured: 3322
Unfortunately there's no prototype info, but both of my memory modules are
dated 1982 and one of them has the 'fabled' ET logo.......
Adrian Graham, Corporate Microsystems Ltd
e: adrian.graham(a)corporatemicrosystems.com
w: www.corporatemicrosystems.com
w2: www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk (Online Computer Museum)
> My first post seems to be from 1996/10/08. I am, quite simply, not
> worthy.
Me too. </aol>. My first post was an ultrix problem on 6th Oct '95; not bad
I suppose, only 4 years after TBL's first announcement of that there web.
Mmmm text only sigs :)
Adrian Graham, Corporate Microsystems Ltd
e: adrian.graham(a)corporatemicrosystems.com
w: www.corporatemicrosystems.com
w2: www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk (Online Computer Museum)
On December 14, Boatman on the River of Suck wrote:
> > Oh yes, I agree 100% that it's all just a matter of what we're
> > culturally used to...but that knowlege will not stop the huge tide of
> > spewing vomit that will ensue if someone puts brains in front of my
> > face.
> Still doesn't stop you from waving your pit beef sandwich in mine. 8-)
Deep down, you like beef, Sridhar. You're just in denial. ;)
Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL
Hi, all.
I have a vaxstation 3100 m38 running NetBSD, and I'd like to be able
to use the local monochrome display. I've removed the SPX color adapter,
and made up a cable according to the pinouts on Kee's VS3100 page. His
pinouts are composite on pin 9 and ground on 3 for a BC23K-03 cable.
However, with the cobbled cable attached, I don't get any output.
Question 1: Did I miss a jumper on the mainboard?
Question 2: I assumed that the pins were numbered in the same order as
an AUI ethernet connector. Looking at the female, I have 1-8
right-to-left, and 9-15 R-t-L. Is this correct?
Question 3: I'm using an IBM Power17 display. Multisync, separate-sync,
composite-sync and sync-on-green capable, I would think it would work
with mono input on the green. It does work fine with the SPX adapter.
Question 4: I also have a Digital VR160 display, but everything I've
read implies that it won't do monochrome. Is that true?
Has anybody been successful with a monochrome display on this box? Any
help would be most welcome.
Sounds like the same tapes as the Burroughs cassettes I've used
and still have a few of. If so, case construction and tape
characteristics aside, they also have BOT/EOT holes 17.7 inches
>from the leader..
--------------------Original Message---------------
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 20:42:06 +0000 (GMT)
From: ard(a)p850ug1.demon.co.uk (Tony Duell)
Subject: Re: Need manual for Everex digital cassette drive
> > just off the center of the top of the cassette, and they have
> > two slide
> > tabs to turn write-protection on/off. Otherwise, it looks just like a
> > regular analog cassette tape.
> No problem, just file a notch in your "analog" cassette. ;)
Is your data really worth that _little_ that it's not worth buying the
right tape?
> I'm not sure that would work, but given the improved resolution, etc, in
> cassette tapes during the last several years, it just may.
I am pretty sure the coercivity of the tape in the 'digital' cassettes is
considerably high that that of the tape in normal audio cassettes...
- -tony