> On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Doc wrote:
> > On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Zane H. Healy wrote:
> >
> > > Nice system! We're using a few at work. Not what I would call a
> > > system though.
> >
> > Me neither, but I'd have never thought of S/390s as toys either....
> Hehehehehehe...
No, No, Sridhar, you've got the maniacal laugh all wrong, it's
Hi Folks,
Propably not yet 10y old so slightly OT. yet .....
I got a SynOptics 810M ethernethub about 9 month
ago and it served me fine till two weeks back.
When I came home all the power was down because
the groundleak protection was triggerd.
Eventually it turned out to be the powersupply of this
hub that went bad on me. I want to replace it with
another psu but I can't find any info on the way
the ps2-like powerplug is wired.
The 810M needs +5V +12V -12V 0V and ground
Does anyone, familiar with this device, have a clue ???
Sipke de Wal
From: Ben Franchuk <bfranchuk(a)jetnet.ab.ca>
>True. The only real trick I used was on reset. This would clear
>the instruction register and state counter to zero. I would then
Reset for the approach I took was simple...clear the ucode latchs.
the reset(restart) addres in ucode was 000h.
>use that to fetch the first instruction. All instructions would
>start from state 2. IRQ was jam on the bus the IRQ instruction.
>This has changed slightly as of today since I did add a irq input
>and made reset now load a octal bootstrap.
IRQ was simple too.. the first microinstruction for the normal
machine cycle was opcode fetch... unless the IRQ FF was set then
the microaddress loaded was interrupt action address rather than the
mapped opcode. That meant the interrupt system was synchronized
to instruction fetch and also the actions taken were what ever ucode
dictated. IRQ and CALL were the same basic ucode obviously.
Other things I played with is a JSR (pdp-8 style) and CALL(stack
style like z80 and others). Both had advantages but the JSR style
was easier to make fast in ucode{fewer microwords}.
>I have looked a microcode but not having a PROM burner kept me from
>doing anything with it. I found I spent more time writing software
>and emulators than thinking about hardware in great detail.
>Most of the fixing of bent opcodes have been done before I did the
>hardware but I did make a few changes in the exact opcode order.
At the time I did it (1981ish) the emulator would have to run on either CP/M
z80, RT-11(PDP-11) or my fingers. Part of the opcode thing was design,
test, then play what if. At that time I used 350ns 2732s as I had them
and could easily burn them, not fast but, easy to use. Also all the ucode
for lack of a compiler was hand written.
The approach was modular, simple and as much of the circuits repetitive
to make wiring (wire wrap) easy to do and troubleshoot. For example the
microstate machine was tested with one 2732, one LS273, one 74153 and
a debounced pushbutton. That allowed me to investigate things like micro
jumps, looping and startup. From there it was pretty easy to add more bits
to control other logic like RAM, ALU and bus traffic latches.
Using 2901s with that microcontroller was a fairly simple, expandable and
managable machine of moderate speed by 1981 standards. Still it was
fairly large and ate power!
One for the experimental machines tried with that hardware was a 1802 like
register based cpu with 16 registers like 1802 but the ALU and data paths
were also 16bits. Even simple changes like that have interesting effects
on in instruction sets and addressing modes. For example the 1802 does
not have instructions for loading or storing the 16bit register content, you
have to move bytes through the Accumulator due to 8bit busses (even
Once you have a 16bit path other things make more sense(or less!).
Yes, this box is not quite old enough, but it is an AppleTalk &
LocalTalk Router. The protocols probably do classify as "Classic".
Anyway, Cayman.com doesn't have docs online anymore for this, and
I'm gonna try calling/e-mailing them right after this is sent.
Does anyone else have a user's guide, and/or reference guide for
this? So far Google is turning up only 'How-To' for setting it up. I'd like
to get my hans on the paper guides that shipped with it. At least a copy, or
--- David A Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- mailto:david.woyciesjes@yale.edu
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 905818
Since I have had some requests from dealers I went through my storage locker
and pulled out most of the rest of my DEC cards. The highlight seems to be
some complete core memory sets. There are a couple of Floating Point cards, a
GPIB, 11/02 & 11/23 CPUs and Drive controllers.
Please contact me off list at whoagiii(a)aol.com with offers or if you have
questions. I am traveling this week so it may take me a day or two to answer.
Astoria Oregon
Here is the list:
DEC cards - QBUS
1 M3104 DHV11-A Quad 8-LINE ASYNC MUX, DMA (DHV11)
2 M7264 KD11-F, 11-03 Processor wi 4K word MOS RAM ****
2 M7264 CB KD11-F, 11-03 Processor wi 4K word MOS RAM ****
1 M7264 YC KD11-H, 11-03 Processor wi 0K word RAM, Rev F or later ****
13 M7270 KD11-HA, LSI-11/2 CPU, 16-bit ****
1 M7546 TQK50-AA, TMSCP controller for TK50 tape unit
1 M7680 RK05
2 M7800 DL11, Async transmitter & receiver, 110-2400 baud,
2 M7800 YA DL11, M7800 without EIA chips, current loop only
2 M7856 DL11-W, RS-232 SLU & realtime clock option
3 M7940 DLV11, Serial Line Unit (SLU, Async)
8 M7941 DRV11, 16 Bit Parallel Line Unit
1 M7944 MSV11-B, 4-Kword 16-bit MOS RAM (external refresh)
2 M7946 RXV11, RX01 8" floppy disk controller
1 M8013 RLV11, RL01 disk controller, 1 of 2, Wi BC06-R Cable
1 M8017 DLV11-E, Single-line async control module
2 M8017 AA DLV11-E, Single-line async control module
2 M8028 DLV11-F, Async interface EIA/20mA, error flags, break
1 M8029 RXV21, RX02 floppy disk controller, 18-bit DMA only.
11 M8043 DLV11-M, 4-Line Asynchronous Interface
1 M8044 CB MSV11-DC, 16-Kword 16-bit MOS RAM
10 M8044 DB MSV11-DD, 32-Kword 16-bit MOS RAM
2 M8044 DC MSV11-DD, 32-Kword 16-bit MOS RAM
1 M8044 DE MSV11-DD, 32-Kword 16-bit MOS RAM
1 M8044 DK MSV11-DD, 32-Kword 16-bit MOS RAM
1 M8044 EB
1 M8044 EM
1 M8045 DC MSV11-ED, 32-Kword 18-bit MOS RAM
3 M8045 DH MSV11-ED, 32-Kword 18-bit MOS RAM
1 M8045 DL MSV11-ED, 32-Kword 18-bit MOS RAM
1 M8059 FF MSV11-LF, 64-Kword MOS RAM, single voltage ****
1 M8059 KC MSV11-LK, 128-Kword MOS RAM, single voltage
2 M8059 KP MSV11-LK, 128-Kword MOS RAM, single voltage
3 M8186 KDF11, DUAL HEIGHT CPU,Q-BU ****
1 M8639 YA RQDX1, RD51/52 & RX50 MFM Disk control module
1 M8960 8085 CPU Quad ****
1 M8973 8085 EXTENDED MEMORY,DBL8.5 ****
2 M9400 YE REV11-E, Headers and 250-ohm terminators (18-bit bus only)
2 M9404 Q22 bus cable connector, no terminators
1 W987A Quad Extender
1 W984A Dual Extender
1 H3001 Wi Plate Single Line RS232 Interface No cable
1 H3271 Staggered Turnaround Test Connector (DZ11[-x])
1 Heathkit Serial I/O H-11-5 With cable to strange square plug Date 011879
1 National Instruments GPIB11-1 Rev A Quad ****
2 Plessey 701065-100H Single Serial Mil spec connectors Quad
1 Scientific Micro Systems FD0100I L/E-HIP 7939 Floppy Controller Quad
2 135 Q-Bus Digitizer Inf Rev C White handles Tek? Quad
1 Dilog DQ342 Rev C Tape controller emulates TS11/TU80,TSV05 NICE Quad ****
1 Dilog MQ696 Rev D 20 Mhz ESDI, FLOPPY, MSCP ****
1 Emulex TC1510201-SXC .25 Cassette Tape controller, wi Cable
1 Emulex TC1510201-SXD .25 Cassette Tape Controller, wi cable
1 Tektronix CP4100/IEEE 488 INTERFACE 1/83 Quad ****
1 Datasystems DLP-11 Quad Line Printer I/F
1 Dataram Assy. 62404 Rev D 8704 8 Meg Ram Quad
1 MM Memory 20-4930-01 Rev B 4 Meg Ram Quad
1 Ikonas IKQ 85/32-301-017-10A, BROKE WHITE TABS Quad
BAR CODES *3130101710AL*, *W0304701* & *11966*
1 MDB MDB-1710 Prototype section board Quad ****
1 MDB MDB-11WWB Rev C Prototype card Quad ****
4 MDB MLSI-DLV11 #40320 Serial cards
1 Data Systems Design (DSD) A4432-3 LSI-11 1978
1 Intel 05-0848-006 LSI-11 Memory card with only 5 chips socketed ****
1 Digital Pathways RMA-128 Memory card with 32 64K chips
2 Motorola Memory Systems MMS122N3032 Memory card with Gold piggy back 32K
4132 DRam chips 1 Rev B (not working), 1 Rev C ****
1 Datafusion OSB11-A-01 Two Cards Dual Width Termination
1 Data Translation EPO43 Rev F 11/82 wi DT15150 DC/DC Converter ****
1 Data Translation DT2764-SE EPO50 Rev H 06/82 A to D Board
1 Netcom NDLV-11 Serial Card
1 2501 2045 Army Green handles Seiko mfg Jumper two card set
1 4711 00 Army Green handles A/D Sample Hold 2501-4711-00/4 Wi Datel
Ultra Fast A/D Converter ADC-EH12B3 Missing 2 TTL chips
1 4990 Army Green handles 1923-4990/1 wi ADC DAC1207, 05/64 OEM sticker
Single width card.
4 G110 Core Memory set for PDP 11/40 ****
4 G231 16K XY Selection, Current source, Address Latch,8K Decode. ****
3 H214 Core 8KX16 8K 16 bit ****
1 H215 Core 8KX18 (375) 8K 18 bit ****
2 sets H222A MM11-DP 16KX18 (375) 16K per set, unsure of the sys ****
G652 ****
Unusual cards 6 wide - Cannot tell if Uni or Q
1 ? SDLC PCB127 Rev C
2 ? Q BUS SYS PCB136 Rev B Appears to be a test board. Has TST/NOR, HIT/RUN
& RESTART switches. Also has LEDs for TEST NO., CODE, STATUS wi LSB & MSB.
DEC Cards that are 4 wide but not able to tell if Uni or Qbus
2 M7364
2 M7365
1 M7366
Unibus Unibus Unibus
1 M3105 DHU11-A, 16-LN ASYNC MUX,DMA
3 M7133 KDF11-UA, 11/24 CPU, LINE CLOCK, 2 SER
3 M7485 YA UDA50-A two with both jumper cables,
3 M7486 UDA52, UDA SI one with one jumper cable
2 70-18455-6K Red cable sets for above
1 M7867 DUP11-DA, SDLC or DDCMP Sync Interface
1 M7891 DK 128-Kword 18-bit parity MOS memory
1 M7900 RK611, RK06/07 Unibus Interface
1 M7901 RK611, RK06/07 Register Module, Hex
1 M7902 RK611, RK06/07 Control Module, Hex
1 M7903 RK611, RK06/07 Data Module, Hex
1 M792 YL RX11 floppy loader
3 M8265 KD11-EA, 11/34A data paths module
2 M8266 KD11-EA, 11/34A control module
1 M8267 FP11-A, 11/34A Floating Point ****
1 M8743 AP MDECS-AA, 512-Kbyte ECC RAM
5 M9202 UNIBUS connector, inverted M9192-M9292, 1"APART W/2'C
1 70-20956-10 Cable set
Other Mfg. UNIBUS
1 Emulex CS2110203/F1E 16 Ch RS-232 Communications controller
1 Emulex CS2110203/F2B 16 Ch RS-232 Communications controller
1 Western Peripherals TC131 Tape Controller
1 Plessey Peripherals 701840-101J 2-50 pin & 1-26 pin connectors
1 Intergraph PCB360 Rev A Ethernet & 1 Meg Ram
1 M&S Computing PCB209 Rev B Vector Data Generator
OK, Bill, you wanted a PCI-based RS/6000?
One of our clients is trading up to an H80, and IBM just lowballed them
on their trade-in. They're putting thei old server on the market. It
ain't a classic or even uncommon, but I thought some of you guys might
be interested.
S70A 4-way
SSA - just adapters, they're keeping the drawer.
8 ethernet adapters, IIRC. 2 10/100, 6 10bT, subject to my CRAFT
PCI graphics, I think GXT120.
They're looking at about a $10,000 price tag, and a March 1 release
date. This guy has been lovingly & lavishly maintained.
Anybody interested can contact me for detailed specs.
--- "Jeffrey S. Sharp" <jss(a)subatomix.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Ethan Dicks wrote:
> > I have been told there's a KS-10 somewhere in this town When I track
> > him down, I'll at least get pictures. I'll also see if he's bored
> > with it and make an offer.
> Wow, thanks. I'd appreciate any information you have.
Just found out yesterday that he doesn't have it anymore. No further
info. I asked if it was sold or scrapped or what, but my contact had
no idea. This guy would have gotten it from CompuServe circa 1994,
so I don't even know if he got rid of it recently or not.
P.S. - Still working on the SC-35s and SC-40s. *No* idea if I'll ever
be able to get one as they drop off service eventually. There are
still several dozen in active use in Columbus.
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--- Robert Schaefer <rschaefe(a)gcfn.org> wrote:
> Just out of curiousity, where is this town?
> Bob
> >
> > I have been told there's a KS-10 somewhere in this town (owned by a
> > former CompuServe employee...
Columbus, OH, home of CompuServe. Unfortunately, as I've already
written, I found out yesterday that at some point between 1994 and
last week, this guy got rid of it in an unspecified manner. :-(
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I aquired an Apple Scribe printer last night (went back to the Thrift
Store and they hadn't repriced it, so I asked, and the guy let me have it
for $2).
It worked briefly, it printed the first 4 lines of a test pattern and
then jammed.
It looks like it may just need to be greased (the print carriage is
really hard to slide by hand, but not so hard that I am hitting motor
resistance, I just think after all these years, the guide bar may have
dried up enough).
But, before I get into opening it and regreasing it... I was seeing if
anyone had a manual for it and can tell me what the blinking light
indicates. When I turn it on, the Select Light blinks in patterns of
three (three blinks, pause, three blinks, pause...).
I did a quick google search, didn't turn up much (but found some places
to buy a new ribbon, and found a few "museum" listings for it). Apple's
TIL also didn't cover the lights (but has some control info so I can see
if I can get it to work with one of my computers).
Finally, does anyone know if there was ever a Mac driver for it? Or if
the Imagewriter driver will work with it? Apple's TIL seemed to indicate
it was just for the Apple II series (they leaned towards talking about
the IIc in conjunction with it, but since everything seemed to say the
application in use is what drives it, I would think just about any Apple
II with a serial card should be able to work with it).
I do know the archives showed someone else on the list found one of these
back in June, but there wasn't much said about it.