test-drb May 2000

  • 172 participants
  • 541 discussions

Finding Vintage Computers - A Primer
by mgregory@vantageresearch.com
24 years, 7 months

Finding Vintage Computers - A Primer
by jolminkh@nsw.bigpond.net.au
24 years, 7 months

Finding Classic Computers
by mgregory@vantageresearch.com
24 years, 7 months

Building PDP-11 Boot Tapes
by healyzh@aracnet.com
24 years, 7 months

additional DEC PDP-11 Manual For Sale
by jdarren@ala.net
24 years, 7 months

DEC PDP-11 Manuals For Sale
by jdarren@ala.net
24 years, 7 months

Building PDP-11 Boot Tapes
by CLASSICCMP@trailing-edge.com
24 years, 7 months

Cool AppleSoft BASIC trick I never thought of before
by pete@dunnington.u-net.com
24 years, 7 months

Computer Value (was Re: value of RK05)
by jfoust@threedee.com
24 years, 7 months

Is this for real -- a new C64/128
by RCini@congressfinancial.com
24 years, 7 months
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