From: technoid(a) <technoid(a)>
>Excellent. What are the specs on the machine or do you know yet?
I thought I'd start posting some of my notes as I jump into this machine
that I'm already beginning to love dearly. This first post covers the
COSMAC's features, organization, archetecture and instruction format if
anyone is interested:
More soon... Please let me know if I misrepresented anything.
- Mike: dogas(a)
From: technoid(a) <technoid(a)>
>Excellent. What are the specs on the machine or do you know yet?
I thought I'd start posting some of my notes as I jump into this machine
that I'm already beginning to love dearly. This first post covers the
COSMAC's features, organization, archetecture and instruction format if
anyone is interested:
More soon... Please let me know if I misrepresented anything.
- Mike: dogas(a)
I was wondering if anyone had an idea about an 11/23+ I picked up recently.
It's a normal looking 11/23+, but the UART closest to the console connecters
is replaced by a 40 pin socket. The socket has a ribbon cable attached which
goes to a small board (2x3.5 inches) that contains a UART and a couple of
other chips (notebly a dallas ds2010). Looking at the socket, it's not a
rework, I believe the board came this way from DEC. The small board has a
part number 010-01135-00 rev b etched on it.
Bill King
> I recently saw some top corner of a VAX 4000 in a documentation on TV
> including some other VAX-related DEC-stuff standing around there. But on
> movies, it seems to be hard to spot a VAX.
Perhaps in the German movies, but you can see a room full of 11/725's and
in a movie called "D.A.R.R.Y.L".
I picked up a second FLuke 1722 today. This one does have the keyboard
(at last)! But I still haven't found the operating system software for it.
Can anyone help? It uses Fluke's F-DOS. I'd also like to find a manual
for it.
The 1722 is an instrument controller. It has a built in touch sensative
screen that measures about 5 x 7 inches. It also has one built in RS-232
port and one HP-IB port and it's controlled by a TMS9900 CPU.
>Ok, all this has me trying to upgrade to VMS 7.0 since a) I have the Media
>kit and b) I'd like to try clustering dissimilar machines. I found a CDROM
>drive that can boot the CD, and it boots into standlone backup. What are
>the two commands to prepare the local hard drive and then unpack on to it?
OK, here comes...
Assumptions, DKA700 is the cdrom, DKA200 is the target disk.
$ backup/image dka400:VMS070.b/save dka200:
when done copying you will be asked if the system is to continue type YES.
Then halt the machine.
To actually run the install...
>>>Boot DKA200
The rest will be obvious.
>Amongst the things which I saved from the skip I have 4 >IBM 8" floppies,
>the labels say:
>P/N=4410338 E.C.=571989 DIAGN.DISK. 1
> FC2,DD9,C17-FA0,FA6,FA7
>P/N=4247991 E.C.=571931 DIAGN.DISK. 2
>P/N=4247992 E.C.=571989 DIAGN.DISK. 3
>P/N=4247993 E.C.=571931 DIAGN.DISK. 4
>CONTENTS, C11,C12,C14,C15,C17-FA0,C18,C19,
> C1A,C1B,C1F
>Can anyone tell me what these are and what they were for?
>I realise that they were for diagnostics of some sort >and assume that the
>**M.T.=5412** is probably a machine >type, but I am not familiar with IBM's
>designation >numbers.
>At the bottom of the label is what I assume is a date in >the format
>77/01/05 - if my assumption is correct then >these must be 30 years old.
Someting else intresting about those disks: The "CONTENTS" section is
actually a *directory*! Many IBM minis & mainframes that used FDD's did not
have an FAT on the disk! The result: you had to provide the track & sector
location on every disk access! a similar scheme was used in the prototypical
(and unreleased) Commodore 900 workstation.
David Vohs, Digital Archaeologist & Computer Historian.
Computer Collection:
"Triumph": Commodore 64C, 1802, 1541, FSD-1, GeoRAM 512, Okimate 20.
"Leela": Macintosh 128 (Plus upgrade), Nova SCSI HDD, Imagewriter II.
"Delorean": TI-99/4A.
"Monolith": Apple Macintosh Portable.
"Spectrum": Tandy Color Computer 3.
"Boombox": Sharp PC-7000.
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
One of my VLC's is sans drive and I noticed that the bracket is different
>from the one that M3100 uses. Does anyone have a spare? If so tell me what
you'd like for it.
BTW, Thanks Zane, I got VMS installing. I don't know what changed between
7.0 and 7.2 but I do know that 7.0 is going to be more complete than 5.2 :-).
Ok... I'm sorry, but this is just too darned funny!
Trust me. Ok? Don't ask, just type it in.
Keep the peace(es).
Bruce Lane, Owner and head honcho, Blue Feather Technologies // E-mail: kyrrin(a)
Amateur Radio: WD6EOS since Dec. '77
"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our
own human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."
>And one other question which I've not found or figured out myself... How do
>I get a directory listing of *just the subdirectories*? I've figured out
>how to search for a particular filename or extension recursively thru the
>subdirectories, but what's the VMS equivalent to DOS's dir /ad or linux's
>ls -lAF|grep '/$' ???
If you want to see the names of the directories, do
Note that it's possible for a "regular" file to have a .DIR extension;
if you want to tell the difference do a DIR/FULL one it and look to see if the
"is a directory" attribute is on.
If you want to see what's in the subdirectories, do
DIR [.*]
If you want to see what's in the subdirectories, and the directories below
them, usw., do
DIR [...]
(The above gives you what's in your current directory too. Do a
DIR [.*...]
to see only what's below.)
See, isn't that sweet? No funny flags to pass, nicely useful wildcarding,
both signs of a truly CUSPy utility.