Okay, since nobody had a Newton Messagepad 2000/2100 they wanted to get rid
of, does anybody have an Atari Portfolio, Poquet PC, or even a Tandy Model
200 with storage media & appropriate hardware to transfer my stuff to a PC
that they want to get rid of for cheap, please let me know at the e-mail
address provided above.
David Vohs, Digital Archaeologist & Computer Historian.
Home page: http://www.geocities.com/netsurfer_x1/
Computer Collection:
"Triumph": Commodore 64C, 1802, 1541, FSD-1, GeoRAM 512, MPS-801.
"Leela": Macintosh 128 (Plus upgrade), Nova SCSI HDD, Imagewriter II.
"Delorean": TI-99/4A, TI Speech Synthesizer.
"Monolith": Apple Macintosh Portable.
"Spectrum": Tandy Color Computer 3, Disto 512K RAM board.
"Boombox": Sharp PC-7000.
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
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In a message dated Tue, 14 Nov 2000 3:57:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, Sellam
Ismail <foo(a)siconic.com> writes:
><< On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Adrian Graham wrote:
>> After my crash in the summer my solicitors want to >know how much it would
>> cost to replace the Apple /// that received a mashed >keyboard (physically
>> broken veroboard along with several tracks). A quick >ebay search reveals
>> none currently for sale, and I must admit I've only >ever seen 2 offered in
>> the UK and they're the 2 I've got! Any clues as to >the current replacement
>> value? Obviously this has to include availability >and it must
>> work......similarly for the HP Apollo 9000-400 I'm >claiming for.
>I'd put a value on it of somewhere between US$50 to >US$100, based upon
>I sold one on eBay just before VCF 3.0 (1999) for some >$500-$600 (can't
>remember the exact amount), but believe me when I tell >you that was a
>Sellam Ismail >Vintage Computer
I'll admit, they are uncommon but not rare. I myself bought a complete
working /// with functioning profile and matching monitor for <$15 at a radio
rally. Apple ///s on ebay have seen up to $200 and more and that's without
the hard drive. A few years back, i gave a broken one to a friend who
subsequently ebayed it and got $60 for it!
I was reading Invention and Technology magazine today about how Pioneer 10
is STILL functional, but one of the problems they're having keeping it going
looking for the heliopause is the pdp11/14 that compiles its commands
is getting very hard to keep alive. I don't do old minis, but it seemed to me
this was the kind of thing folks here would love to involve their classic
iron in. Not sure who you'd contact, but according to the article the
operations supervisor is Ric Campo.
Jim Strickland
BeOS Powered!
Hi folks,
After my crash in the summer my solicitors want to know how much it would
cost to replace the Apple /// that received a mashed keyboard (physically
broken veroboard along with several tracks). A quick ebay search reveals
none currently for sale, and I must admit I've only ever seen 2 offered in
the UK and they're the 2 I've got! Any clues as to the current replacement
value? Obviously this has to include availability and it must
work......similarly for the HP Apollo 9000-400 I'm claiming for.
As for the P500 I've been told that there were both European AND US
versions, the european one being massively more common than the US one.
Since none of the websites I know about that mention the P500 include this
info does anyone know how accurate it is? I'm getting another one this
weekend to add to the collection as well as a boxed MOS KIM-1 and heavily
expanded PET8296 :o)) More news on that lot when it arrives.
Adrian Graham MCSE/ASE/MCP
C CAT Limited
Gubbins: http://www.ccat.co.uk (work)
<http://www.snakebiteandblack.co.uk> (home)
<http://www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk> (The Online Computer Museum)
From: Eric Smith <eric(a)brouhaha.com>
>I don't have documentation, so I'm not disputing that, but this
>makes me very curious. How is it that the RX8-E card (M8357) can deal
>with any of:
>1) RX01
>2) RX02 in RX01 mode
>3) RX02 in RX02 mode
The board has dual interface modes. The RX02 has multiple modes
as well. The best way to no results is to try a RX02 in a Qbus box
with RX01 controller. Made that error once, wasted a lot of time
even though it hurt nothing.
I have a Bondwell B310+ laptop, the hard drive of which has been wiped clean.
The machine resists my every effort to boot it from floppy. I have tried 1.44MB
and 720K floppies, with DOS 7.0, 6.22 & 3.3. All attempts produce the same
results - either "Non-Sytem disk or disk error" or "Disk I/O error". The
floppy's spin & seek behaviors seem fine.
I have seen a number of posts online, with the exact same issue on the B310+,
and there has been mention of a special boot floppy for this machine. I need any
help on information, thanks in advance. If you have a boot disk image, please
send it and let me know what special format (if any) the image uses.
Bill Layer
Sales Technician
Hi, I've been lurking for a week or so. I'm not a computer guy
per se...my brothers got that! but I pick up some stuff. I
have basement full of mostly mid 80s 8088 boxes, as well as some
Kaypro cp/m machines, and some newer wintel machines. See:
for an (incomplete) overview.
As for Nixies and home brew computer displays, one of my
brothers is into Nixie tubes, so I've kept a lookout for
them...and recently found an old piece of Danish test equipment
with 5 nixies in it, which was destined to go to the landfill.
It had been sitting outside, and was not in very good
condition...but I pulled the display board out, and it seems to
be usefull (see link above for a pic). If you want to drive
Nixies from a TTL BCD signal, just score some 74141 type
devices, they were made for the task!
Also....I was digging thru some old stuff while cleaning in the
basement, and found a Motorola 6802, 1982 vintage. I wonder if
it's usefull?
Jim Forbes
in Arizona
can anyone tell me where I might be able to find 1(one) ADM 5 or ADM 3 text terminal? Always wanted one, but they're hard to find and I would rather not pay the exorbident prices on ebay for one.
Also, has anyone here had any luck hooking one of them up to a unix/linux box?