test-drb June 1999

  • 164 participants
  • 610 discussions

A bit of Xerox history.
by Glenatacme@aol.com
25 years, 8 months

Brain Fart - which Xerox computer started GUI?
by Glenatacme@aol.com
25 years, 8 months

Brain Fart - which Xerox computer started GUI?
by rcini@email.msn.com
25 years, 8 months

ASR-33 more on spacing
by cmcmanis@mcmanis.com
25 years, 8 months

by chemif@mbox.queen.it
25 years, 8 months

Card Reader!!!
by healyzh@aracnet.com
25 years, 8 months

Commodore 64 Software
by manney@hmcltd.net
25 years, 8 months

ASR-33 question
by cmcmanis@mcmanis.com
25 years, 8 months

List of attractive computers
by Historical@aol.com
25 years, 8 months

Cromemco System 1 in Ghostbusters
by CLASSICCMP@trailing-edge.com
25 years, 8 months
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