test-drb June 1999

  • 164 participants
  • 610 discussions

Bernoulli 10-10 (8 incher) available for shipping fee
by go@ao.com
25 years, 6 months

MITS ALTAIR 8-inch Floppy Auction
by edick@idcomm.com
25 years, 6 months

DEC Handbook, What on earth?
by CLASSICCMP@trailing-edge.com
25 years, 6 months

IBM book...
by mid@auk.cx
25 years, 6 months

DEC Handbook, What on earth?
by CLASSICCMP@trailing-edge.com
25 years, 6 months

Compro, S100 & 8" drives
by CLASSICCMP@trailing-edge.com
25 years, 6 months

Desperate for immediate help with Win95 IP stack
by bwit@pobox.com
25 years, 6 months

MITS ALTAIR 8-inch Floppy Auction
by howet@ohsu.edu
25 years, 6 months

OT: Found the solution for my own request for help
by dastar@ncal.verio.com
25 years, 6 months

That awful show on TNT
by dastar@ncal.verio.com
25 years, 6 months
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