--- CLASSICCMP(a)trailing-edge.com wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce that I've finally organized the PDP-10
> related material in my posession and put it on-line. At
> http://pdp-10.trailing-edge.com/
Cool. Thanks.
> I'm open to comments, suggestions, criticism, etc., on the layout
> of the archives and how they are presented over the web. Fire away!
> And if anyone has any material to add to the archives, I'm willing
> to do whatever it takes to preserve this software.
Suppose I have this account on an XKL-10. Now suppose I want to transfer
some freeware off of it. How do I preserve the 36-bitness with ftp? Do
I just use binary mode for executables and TENEX mode for text?
I only ever got to dabble with the DEC-20 at OSU before it was gone. I was
never a whiz with it. Perhaps there's a FAQ for TOPS out there?
Infinet has been sold. The domain is going away in February.
Please send all replies to
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I'm pleased to announce that I've finally organized the PDP-10
related material in my posession and put it on-line. At
you will find several hundred megabytes of TOPS-10 and TOPS-20
tape images (largely from Megan Gentry's efforts at rescuing
several KS10's in Cambridge earlier this year), individual files
extracted from those tapes, and several
hundred megabytes of DECUS TOPS-10 and TOPS-20 freeware.
You will also find, interspersed among the contents of that page,
numerous plugs for me and my capabilities to archive digital media
for the future, and my absolute dedication to exact tape images.
The TOPS-10 and TOPS-20 material is provided to aid those
folks who have accepted the terms of the 36-bit Hobbyist
license in fulfilling their responsibilities as outlined in
section 3.1 of that agreement. Please see the full text of the
license at the above URL.
I'm open to comments, suggestions, criticism, etc., on the layout
of the archives and how they are presented over the web. Fire away!
And if anyone has any material to add to the archives, I'm willing
to do whatever it takes to preserve this software.
Tim Shoppa Email: shoppa(a)trailing-edge.com
Trailing Edge Technology WWW: http://www.trailing-edge.com/
7328 Bradley Blvd Voice: 301-767-5917
Bethesda, MD, USA 20817 Fax: 301-767-5927
Can anyone help this lady out?
Please reply to: CABOCEAN(a)aol.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 19:18:51 EST
From: CABOCEAN(a)aol.com
Subject: Vintage Computers IBM 5155 Portable
I am seeking software/hardware and a manual for this computer. I gave the
computer to my Dad with the accompanying Smith Corona Typewriter and he is
having a great time with it?
Help, guidance and suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank You,
Sellam International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Looking for a six in a pile of nines...
VCF East? VCF Europe!? YOU BETCHA!!
Stay tuned for more information
or contact me to find out how you can participate
Yes, the terminal is set up exactly the way the MicroVAX 3100 manual said to
set it up, 9600, 8-n-1, I believe.. I can hear the disk spin up. I can
hammer away on the keyboard all I want and the terminal never reads more
than that gibberish...
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
I am having a problem with my Indus GT disk drive that is conntected to my
Commodore 64C. I have already cheked the obvious (plugged in, turned on,
etc.), but it still refuses to power up. Is there a fuse somewhere that
needs to be replaced? Or is it just the power supply?
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Can someone help this guy out?
Please reply to: RABIHfromPA1924(a)webtv.net
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 21:56:08 -0500 (EST)
From: Rabih Albaki <RABIHfromPA1924(a)webtv.net>
To: vending(a)siconic.com
Subject: work slate wk100
If it is possible, Iam looking for the peripheral 8 pin modular
plug to buy for that unit at any cost to me. Iam looking foreward
to hearing from you. Thak you sincerely.
Sellam International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Looking for a six in a pile of nines...
VCF East? VCF Europe!? YOU BETCHA!!
Stay tuned for more information
or contact me to find out how you can participate
>Doesn't the RX33 require a higher rev. of the RQDX3 than is normally
>available? ISTR, that I've got a whole pile of RQDX3's, but only one of
>which is capable of driving a RX33.
It depends on what value of "normal" you have :-). Only the very oldest
RQDX3's won't drive a RX33, but for some reason these tend to be very
common in collections of scrounged RQDX3's!
>OTOH, Tim's comment about the 3rd Party controller I suspect just did me a
>big favor with the MV3 that I'm currently working on.
Hmm - I think that instead of attributing that to my profound insight, it
should instead get chalked up to dumb luck, because I don't have the slightest
idea what favor I just did for you :-)
Tim Shoppa Email: shoppa(a)trailing-edge.com
Trailing Edge Technology WWW: http://www.trailing-edge.com/
7328 Bradley Blvd Voice: 301-767-5917
Bethesda, MD, USA 20817 Fax: 301-767-5927
"Oddly enough the only 5.25 drive for a mac I know of only reads PC formats.
correct. it used a nubus card with a 756 controller on it to allow people to
read DOS discs on nubus macs.
the AII compatibility card for LC's allowed for external discs, though, but
>from memory I don't recall any way to use it as a disc controller on the mac
Attached is the E-mail I got from the fellow who needs those Apple IIe
disks read. Given the situation (I don't have the hardware), and that he
may be interested in joining our ranks (my assumption), I'm just going to
forward his note here and let those who can help contact him directly.
He'd probably be willing to pay at least a small fee, though I probably
would have handled such a simple request at no charge if I'd had the
MatchPoint stuff.
Thanks much.
-=-=- <break> -=-=-
From: Joe Nunnelley <Joe-Nunnelley(a)stlabs.com>
To: "'sales(a)bluefeathertech.com'" <sales(a)bluefeathertech.com>
Subject: Request for a quote for data conversion
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 17:43:53 -0800
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2448.0)
I would like to get a quote for converting data from an older format to
either a hard copy or to a PC compatible ASCII format on disk.
The Item: Two 5 1/4 inch floppy disks with text documents stored by an
Apple II e computer (circa 1983). These text documents were created using a
word processing software called "Zardax" (Zardax 6.0 to be more specific).
I have the Zardax program and The Diskware DOS 3.3 from Apple (both on 5 1/4
inch floppies).
I am searching for someone who has an Apple II e and who can move the data
>from the disk to another format (paper or PC formatted and ASCII text
document.). Please let me know if this is something your organization would
be able to do, and if so, how much it would cost.
Joe Nunnelley
Bruce Lane, Owner and head honcho, Blue Feather Technologies
http://www.bluefeathertech.com // E-mail: kyrrin(a)bluefeathertech.com
Amateur Radio: WD6EOS since Dec. '77
"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our
own human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."
> Greetingz classiccmpistas.. I am in the market for a floppy drive
>for the MicroVax II... the machine I wish to add to has a TK50 and
>an RD54 (I think) and a Cipher 880 looking like a TS11.
> Even if there are aftermarket units existing, I would still like to
>get a DEC unit. I saw one on a nice uVax at one of the recent TRW
>swaps here in SoCal, but its custodian wanted $300 for the chassis
>and was rather offended when I suggested that he had got the decimal
>point shifted one decade to the right.. ;o
You'll have to be more specific about what sort of floppy drive
that you want to hook up. 8 inch? If so, RX01 or RX02? In this
case you'll also need a RXV211 or clone controller in the Q-Bus
backplane. 5.25 inch? If so, RX33 or RX50? In these cases you'll
just attach to the existing RQDX3/breakout box. 3.5 inch? If so,
you'll need a third-party Q-bus controller to run the drive, unless
you get your hands on a prototype RQDX4 :-)
Tim Shoppa Email: shoppa(a)trailing-edge.com
Trailing Edge Technology WWW: http://www.trailing-edge.com/
7328 Bradley Blvd Voice: 301-767-5917
Bethesda, MD, USA 20817 Fax: 301-767-5927