test-drb October 1999

  • 216 participants
  • 748 discussions

What's an RX01 drive worth to a commercial user?
by dylanb@sympatico.ca
25 years, 2 months

HP9845B - Monitor?
by guerney@uq.net.au
25 years, 2 months

IBM 9370 Mainframe Specs?
by simmiv@ozemail.com.au
25 years, 2 months

My new toys: Apollo and Osborne 1
by wrm@ccii.co.za
25 years, 2 months

IBM 9370 Mainframe Specs?
by Andy.Keeble@Royal-London-ins.co.uk
25 years, 2 months

SoCal TRW Swap
by jpl15@netcom.com
25 years, 2 months

looking for punch cards
by Jgzabol@aol.com
25 years, 2 months

need docs for N* Z-80A processor board
by allisonp@world.std.com
25 years, 2 months

ReGIS Clock?
by cmcmanis@freegate.com
25 years, 2 months

Looking for Kai Kaltenbach
by dastar@ncal.verio.com
25 years, 2 months
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