Hello, all:
Does anyone have the jumper settings for a Maxtor XT4380S hard drive?
This thing is part of a Sun-clone "shoebox." The Maxtor Web site only has
information on the drive's geometry and not the jumpers. I can't seem to get
the SCSI address to show anything other than 4.
Rich Cini/WUGNET
<nospam_rcini(a)msn.com> (remove nospam_ to use)
ClubWin! Charter Member (6)
MCP Windows 95/Windows Networking
I'd like to see less Microsoft bashing in my inbox; I'm on this list for
the discussion of classic computers, NOT the benefits of Linux vs Windows,
NOR the arguments about HTML. If the FAQ/guidelines for the mailing list
say NO HTML, thats all there need be said... "read the FAQ". Please, lets
cut down the traffic on these subjects and get back to the things we all
enjoy discussing!!!
First, Tim Shoppa noted...
>contains a plaintext version of the message AND the HTML-ified version,
>which is what your plaintext email reader is seeing while Eudora and
>Netscape can pick out the plaintext version.
Then Kip Crosby added...
>That's it. MIME-enabled clients read the MIME part; MSIE4 reads the HTML
>part; MS-Outlook and Outlook Express I _think_ offer the choice between the
>two. Microsoft no longer considers flat-ASCII mail to be an important
>fraction of the traffic.
The more I hear about Billy-boy, and the more I see of his company's
"products" and arrogant attitudes, the less I like either one! Is there no
amount of bandwidth waste or code-bloat that Micro$quat won't stoop to?!
I knew there was a reason I'd started to get into Unix boxes. Thanks, guys!
Bruce Lane, Sysop, The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fidonet 1:343/272)
(Hamateur: WD6EOS) (E-mail: kyrrin(a)jps.net)
"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our own
human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."
<> What HTML utility works on my pro350 under venix.
Venix does not have IP suite only uucp. A version is not installed nor
have I found one. It would however have to fit on the 10mb disk.
<> Same question for my PDP-11s running RT-11?
<> Or my ISP shell account (choice of ELM, PINE or MAIL)?
<Lynx? (which of course can be set up as a viewer for text/html mime types
Keep in mind that the access in that mode is terminal(not a PC) so
graphics is out.
<> Then there is the matter of my laptop (EPSON PX-8 running CP/M-80)?
<You do a lot of mail reading from this machine then? I can list a bunch
<machines that don't have any tools or utilities that handle HTML too, but
<don't use them for reading mail.
I do if I need portability (on the road). I have a scripted modem tool
that interacts with ISPs shell and mail to download mail and send mail.
storage is critical (120k ramdisk!) so bloat is problematic.
<> How about my VS2000 tunning ultrix-4.2 off a 71meg disk?
<> Then there is the matter of my vaxen running VMS-5.5?
<Pine/lynx again.I think one of your problems is that you obviously read y
<mail on far too many different machines. :) How do you keep track of whe
<things are?
Your avoiding the question. If I were limited any of those I'd need
tools specific to them. As there are many people that do not or cannot
afford the latest and greatest it's not a moot point.
In reality my 486dx2/50 with 8meg of ram is the primary mailreader.
However I'm not about to drag up eudora or nyetscrape to read mail as
it's too slow for simple plain text. Of course if you sincerely believe
that using a 486 is stupid I'll gladly accept a P100 donation.
Sorry for any whitespace, folks...
When was this interview taken?
>advocated "Top 40" bloatware from day one. No one should be
>mean, Microshaft has always intended it's products to be "toasterware,"
>easy as plugging toast into a toaster--that is, if you want to write a
>letter to Aunt Minny or play Solitaire from 9am to 5pm every day.
I don't quite see what you mean..
I have concluded a while ago that he isn't quite sane. I mean, in
"Triumph of the Nerds", they said he gets up every day afraid of being
taken over...
>rethink his crapware strategy. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that
>is a dark corner in a sub-basement somewhere in Redmond where a small
>of hackers are already working on a potential Microsoft Linux
>just in case. I'm taking bets on Netscape doing the same thing--a
I'll bet Win95 is compiled on Linux! But AFAIK, Gates's BASIC
interpreter for the altair required a RAM add-on pack! Truly bloatware
>from day one. Why Gates decided to flip the switches on the front
panel several thousand extra times mystifies me. Maybe that's why
you're all getting Altairs with worn out switches;)
>David Wollmann |
>dwollmann(a)ibmhelp.com | Support for legacy IBM products.
>DST ibmhelp.com Technical Support | Data, document and file conversion
>IBM http://www.ibmhelp.com/ | legacy file and media formats.
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Just in case someone has missed their advertising blitz, the Discovery
Channel is showing a special called Robots Rising tonight at 9pm ET. From
the little preview on the Discovery web site (what I can see of it with
lynx) it looks like there should be a lot of shots of classic machines in
Sorry, I don't keep e-mail addresses handy.
> Sorry , I missed the previous parts to this thread , but I do have a
> copy of the 3-part FAQ. Where should I forward it ?
Could the one who was asking please e-mail Larry Walker at:
...removing the anti-spam features of his e-mail address of course.
Sam Alternate e-mail: dastar(a)siconic.com
Computer Historian, Programmer, Musician, Philosopher, Athlete, Writer, Jackass
Coming Soon...Vintage Computer Festival 2.0
See http://www.siconic.com/vcf for details!
<But seriously, is it so hard to patch Linux mail for HTML?
<>There is the little matter of some several million (or more)
<>unix(linux, and related cuzins) systems out there where HTML is
<>far from a standard.
First off Standard in this case refers to established and present on
every system.
My reference to cusins referes to the non-public source unixes like Venix
and also the non-unix, non-DOS, non-NT OSs that exist. Since I'll never
run nyetscrape on the z80, 8088 or PDP-11.
Sure it's possible (trivial) to write your own handler to strip the
excess baggage, but I personally feel its rude to impose it on the reader.
<That said, it is certainly very possible to damage individual chips and/o
<subassemblies with static electricity, and precautions such as anti-stati
<bags, tubes, and workplaces make perfect economic sense to the
<manufacturers, distributors, and professional installers of this
<equipment. In other words, not the entire industry is a scam - they're
<quite satisfied that ordinary affordable measures and work practices
<are important.
The basic wrist strap safety ground is usually adaquate. More often some
basic care is all that is needed to insure nothing bad happens.
However, The last day or so in eastern MA, I've been able to draw sparks
over 0.25" with ease and there is no question that can be damaging.
<> Umm, HTML is pretty much a standard no matter what platform you are on
<> is most certainly not platform dependent. The standard for 1.1 is spec
<> in RFC 2068 and for 1.0 in RFC 1945. If you mean that there are not st
<> tools to read html'ized mail under unix/linux, I say Netscape is availa
<> for almost any linux and most other unices running on sparc/intel/alph
<> hardware. I don't argue that HTML rich text is fine for mailing lists
<> however if you are going to argue that it is not you should formulate
<> proper argument.
What HTML utility works on my pro350 under venix.
Same question for my PDP-11s running RT-11?
Or my ISP shell account (choice of ELM, PINE or MAIL)?
Then there is the matter of my laptop (EPSON PX-8 running CP/M-80)?
How about my VS2000 tunning ultrix-4.2 off a 71meg disk?
Then there is the matter of my vaxen running VMS-5.5?
The assumption of HTML standard, is modern CPU, lot's of ram, fast modem
big disk and bandwidth to waste when the message doesn't warrent any of
the above. This is particulary true when in some cases the message is
repeated twice in clear text and HTML. Myself I find ti analogous of a
ham firing up a full kilowatt to talk to the guy across the street,
excessive and burdening to others.
Both RFCs are not retro specification and do not make HTML required.
They do make clear what HTML is and hwo to deal with it.