Does anyone know what format this CD is in? Someone I know has been trying
to access his copy which he just got with no luck. I've not gotten a copy
yet, but I'd been hoping to stick it in one of my Linux machines and NFS
mount it on the VAX.
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| healyzh(a) (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| healyzh(a) (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| For Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| see |
| For the collecting of Classic Computers with info on them. |
| see |
Sorry... I don't know about such things. I knew about PS/2 parts
(keyboards, mice, etc.) then PS/2 SYSTEMS (last summer), then PS/1 systems
(about 2 months ago). So, other than the fact that they DO EXIST, I know
nothing about them. I'm guessing Microchannel, but I've never seen such as
system myself.
I don't know if he was willing to GIVE IT TO ME. Anyway, what's a
"garden variety" PS/1? What are un-garden variety PS/1's?
>If it's a garden-variety PS/1, strictly he should pay you to take it, but
>you can be a nice guy and let him give it to you. After all, that way it's
>off his hands.
>Kip Crosby engine(a)
>Computer History Association of California
<Does anyone know what format this CD is in? Someone I know has been tryi
<to access his copy which he just got with no luck. I've not gotten a cop
<yet, but I'd been hoping to stick it in one of my Linux machines and NFS
<mount it on the VAX.
It's VMS file format, files-11. I doubt it can be read as linux NFS for
the same reason though you can read individual blocks.
Someone here has a couple of 64 GS's - I had only heard of them in
passing before, and thus don't know their interest. I looked on the web
but found almost nothing - are they worth getting hold of? Not saving as
such, as the owner isn't threating to destroy them or anything, but
simply worth owning. :)
It's been a reasonable week for me, computerwise. Other than being
offered a mainframe, which was fu, I picked up the Atari 800, 800xl,
heaps of software, and (a personal favorite) a Vectrex. Ok, so it is
only a games machine - but I have wanted one for 15 years, and I finally
have one. And for $15, too. :)
Sorry about the headers, I use Lynx and Hotmail, but I now turned them
off, there should be no problem. About souping up Commodores, wouldn't
a 20MHZ CPU have a different instruction set than the original CPU and
thus require a different ROM? And if it has a changed ROM, then how is
a Commodore? Where can I get info on this? How much RAM would these
super-Commies have? What CPU?
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A trip to my local thrift today netted me some IBM technical manuals that I
needed. However, I didn't get it all. Still available are the following:
1) Hardware Maintenance and Service 3363 Optical Disk Drive.
2) Technical Reference 3363 Optical Disk Drive
3) Personal System/2 Model 30 286 Technical Reference
These are the IBM boxed three ring binders; the first two are still in
shrinkwrap. The other is clean and apparently complete. The price on each
is $5.00 plus 6% tax and whatever it costs me to ship them from here in
Ohio. If anyone wants/needs these, I'll go back and "rescue" them.
Also they have an Apple IIc and a dual floppy disk drive there for $50. It
looks clean, but there are no guarantees beyond that. There were no
manuals/software evident. There is also an Apple monitor there for $15. I
don't know if it is/was part of the IIc system. I say that because its been
sitting there for about a month, but the IIc just appeared. It's the right
color and looks as if it belongs with the IIc, but...........
Oh yeah, some time ago I picked up a CP/M Primer for the Epson QX-10. This
is a manual that shipped with the QX-10 and a duplicate in my collection.
It cost me a dollar, so if anyone has a QX-10 and needs this, contact me and
I'll pass it along.
Finally, a while back someone was looking for dBase II reference materials.
I just acquired eight or ten third party books on dBase II. I think I could
fix you up with something, el cheapo.
Cliff Gregory
Does anyone have any inforn=mation about a Tektronics 4041 DDU? I is a lon
dbox that has a 5 1/4" floppy drive and hard drive mounted in the front. I
was told that it is for one of the Tek computers.
Slow but good this week. picked a PDP 11/73 with two small mini manuals
for $15; digital pro 380 not tested; Global teleport/mercury 14.4 modem for
free;LaserWriterII for $15;GTCO corp Digi-Pad controller type 5A; something
called a Nic Nicolet with 2 3.5 FD's no idea what it is not opened yet $15;
HP 1040A HPLC-Detection-System $15; Mettler GA44 printer very small uses
paper the size on a handheld calculator free; some Mac items like keyboards
and mice all were free; Panasonic RGB interface ET10g rack unit for
free;another PC8300 notebook by NEC for free; a Manzana model MDQ 3.5 ext
drive for free; Irwin 8-bit controller card free; ESDI card with 4 1-meg
simms on it by CompuAdd $5; and lot more items that do not meet the 10 year
rule. All in all it was a good week. It three of us my wife, daughter, and
myself to get the PDP off the pickup, the place I got it from used a
forklift to put in my truck. Out in the snow it was alot of fun. Keep
computing John