Hello, all:
I began posting the Altair 8800b docs last night. I've posted part 1,
part 2a, all of chapter 5, and the Appendicies. Enjoy,
[ Rich Cini/WUGNET
[ ClubWin!/CW7
[ MCP Windows 95/Windows Networking
[ Collector of "classic" computers
[ http://highgate.comm.sfu.ca/~rcini/classiccmp/
[ http://highgate.comm.sfu.ca/~rcini/pdp11/
<================ reply separator =================>
I'm looking for an old Zenith laptop with the 26-pin type HD. The HD does
NOT need to be working, nor does it need to have the HD - as long as it has
a good controller. I don't need an external P/S, or a battery, either,
since I have a bunch of old 12V P/S's laying around.
I am willing to trade a WANG WLTC laptop for it, which has an internal P/S
problem (popped a cap - probably dry electrolytic) It needs an external P/S
(18V) and battery. The computer has a built-in thermal printer, …
[View More]and HD.
The computer DOES operate, provided it has a battery and P/S (and the blown
cap is replaced). I have the schematics on how to make a battery for it.
I'm not necessarily looking for a Zenith, but any computer (laptop) with a
26-pin HD will do (same requirements - no battery, etc.). I'll be willing
to trade for any computer BUT a Toshiba.
I'm trying to rescue data off of two HD's that I have from Tandy 1400HD
laptops, and I think I may have better luck finding a new computer than a
new HD controller for the 1400.
As always, ThAnX in advance,
-Jason Willgruber
ICQ#: 1730318
[View Less]
>> As long as we're on the topic, anyone have a Ethernet card for the
>> Pro that they'd like to sell? I'm willing to pay CA$H! (The goal
>> is to put Alan Baldwin's TCP/IP for RT-11 on a Pro and run a web server.)
>You mean they're rare?
No, they're not especially rare. It's just that I have an application
for one!
> I picked up a PRO350 a few years back with VR241
>monitor, DEC desk (with the motorised raise/lower column for the monitor)
>_and_ an …
[View More]ethernet card. No, I am not selling it.
And taunting me with stories about how you have one but don't
use it and I can't have it doesn't particularly help me :-(.
[View Less]
>I'm looking for an old Zenith laptop with the 26-pin type HD. The HD does
>NOT need to be working, nor does it need to have the HD - as long as it has
>a good controller. I don't need an external P/S, or a battery, either,
>since I have a bunch of old 12V P/S's laying around.
Hi Jason,
I have a Zenith Data Systems ZWL-184-97 that's missing HD & power
supply/video card. If you want the motherboard (unknown condition), I'll
send it to you fro $12 shipped.
[View More]
Sysop of Caesarville Online
Client software at: <http://home.earthlink.net/~tomowad/>
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I have about 30 chip sets for the 88100 processor and they include 2 88200s.
The 88200s seem identical to me. They are matched by speed, 16, 20 & 25 MHz.
Anyone need a spare set? These are pulls from never used OPUS cards that went
Fedron is still available through Copier service centers. It works but don't
get it on the plastic parts. Use sparingly. I have salvaged several laser
printers with this stuff. As a fix it will work for several months but doesn't
change the fact the rollers are hardening with age. Use good ventilation.
Strange but true: the CX engine predated the SX engine by several
years yet Printer Works didn't produce a CX catalog until several
years after their SX catalog. Yes the SX catalog is fantastic. The SX
catalog has exploded views and covers every flavor of SX printer from
an HP to Canon (that actually makes the engine) to Singer and Apple
(Laserwriter II series), etc. The main difference between models being
the I/O Formatter board.
______________________________ Reply …
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Subject: Re: HP Laserjet Series II
Author: classiccmp(a)u.washington.edu at internet
Date: 12/1/98 1:12 PM
PrinterWorks (Hayward, CA) has (or HAD? could anything that good not
have been discontinued?) "catalogs" for the CX and SX series laser
printers. Besides some basic discussion, they have exploded views and
part number identification.
Fred Cisin cisin(a)xenosoft.com
XenoSoft http://www.xenosoft.com
2210 Sixth St. (510) 644-9366
Berkeley, CA 94710-2219
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Cleaning is an admirable thing to do but don't use alcohol. Use
distilled water and a lint free cloth. Moreover, on an SX based
printer (the HP II was introduced in 1987 I believe) cleaning the feed
roller and separation pad may do the trick but I doubt it. The feed
roller becomes glazed and hard and usually rubber restorer won't help.
In most cases it turns out to be a glazed roller and/or a sticky
clutch which is located on the end of the feed roller. I used to
rebuild the …
[View More]clutches on these in the field (it is a 20 minute job at
best, you need to disassemble the clutch, clean out the old
contaminated lubriplate from the clutch spring, then reapply
lubriplate and make certain you align the feed roller with the clutch
cam) but these whole unit replacements are so cheap nowadays I
wouldn't bother.
______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Re: HP Laserjet Series II
Author: classiccmp(a)u.washington.edu at internet
Date: 12/1/98 12:05 PM
How old are the machines? When is the last time they were CLEANED? I am no
genius but the idea of CLEANING the rollers is, to me, a good one. Hope this
suggustion helps you.
John Amirault
Max Eskin wrote:
> This is a couple of months off topic,but I'll post it anyway. At my school,
> there are a couple dozen Laserjet Series IIs. I've been trying to install
> four into one room, and for some reason almost every single one claims a
> jam right as soon as I tell it to print ( a self test, for example). The
> hardly gets out of the tray, it's generally just starting to get past the
> roller that pulls it in when the printer returns an error. Sometimes it does
> this, sometimes it doesn't. Any ideas?
> Thanks
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[View Less]
A word of caution on replacing parts on these SX printers: when you
reseat the connector for the main motor to the DC Power Supply, make
certain the snap connector 'snaps' and that it isn't doesn't feel
'mushy' or you may discover you have a false main motor error (error
code 54 I believe) after having buttoned up the printer. Reseat the
connector at least twice. Before replacing the top cover power it up,
there are no interlocks involved and you needn't have the control
panel …
[View More]attached to run an engine test. On the left or right side (I
forget which side) bottom of the HP II you will see a hole about 1/8"
in diameter. If you press the rubber membrane covered microswitch
inside the hole the engine test will run and print a sheet with finely
spaced parallel lines running longitudinally on the copy. This will
verify the main motor connector was reseated properly and that the
feed roller was replaced properly.
On an SX (HP II, III, IID and IIID) engine always reseat these snap
connectors prior to replacing parts such as the laser scanner (reseat
both at the scanner and dc controller, and all sensors at the dc
______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Re: HP Laserjet Series II
Author: classiccmp(a)u.washington.edu at internet
Date: 12/1/98 11:22 AM
On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Marty wrote:
> I have repaired literally hundreds of HP II's and HP III's over the
> past 10 years. The paper feed problem you mention is a piece of cake
> to repair (replace) and the parts are readily available at a very low
> price. Following are the parts you need:
> Atlantis 1-800-733-9155 (Norcross, GA)
> Impact Sales 1-800-280-4521 (Madison, WI- ask for Don)
> PC Service Source 1-800-727-2787 (Dallas, TX)
> Printer Works 1-800-235-6116 (Hayward, CA)
Ya know.. this is what I get for even *dealing* with our MIS
(Mostly Incompetent Shi*theads) dept... you'd think after 10 years
with the same company I'd learn... I should have researched the
roller prob myself....
Anyway... I'm going to offer to take all those 'dead' HP IIs off
the company's hands, and then *fix* the damn things, and **sell**
them... or trade them for Stuff... the last time they dumpstered
a whole storeroom I got tons of swappable Stuff.. woo hoo! I love
Thanks VeryVery much for the roller and parts supplier info..
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From: John Lawson <jpl15(a)netcom.com>
To: "Discussion re-collecting of classic computers"
Subject: Re: HP Laserjet Series II
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I have repaired literally hundreds of HP II's and HP III's over the
past 10 years. The paper feed problem you mention is a piece of cake
to repair (replace) and the parts are readily available at a very low
price. Following are the parts you need:
Atlantis 1-800-733-9155 (Norcross, GA)
Impact Sales 1-800-280-4521 (Madison, WI- ask for Don)
PC Service Source 1-800-727-…
[View More]2787 (Dallas, TX)
Printer Works 1-800-235-6116 (Hayward, CA)
I will supply you with tech support to replace these parts. Email me:
You will need to remove the top cover, front support plate and dc
power supply. Removal of the high voltage power supply is recommended
to facilitate access to the left screw holding the feed roller
assembly but you can snake a screwdriver in without a problem.
______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Re: HP Laserjet Series II
Author: classiccmp(a)u.washington.edu at internet
Date: 11/30/98 11:50 PM
On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Max Eskin wrote:
> This is a couple of months off topic,but I'll post it anyway. At my school,
> there are a couple dozen Laserjet Series IIs. I've been trying to install
> four into one room, and for some reason almost every single one claims a
> jam right as soon as I tell it to print ( a self test, for example). The
> hardly gets out of the tray, it's generally just starting to get past the
Ahhh, yes.. this one I know well. The company whose time clock I
punch has about three dozen of these old guys in a store room..
they all have the same problem.. and it is: the very front set of
rollers (the pick-and-feed rollers) over the paper tray have become
hardened and non-gummy with age. The fix is: replace the rollers.
The problem is: no rollers available. The solution: give them up for
adoption, and when nobody wants them... well, you know the rest.
One could kludge together something to go around the old rollers,
but the sveral things I tried just didn't perform reliably, mainly
causing double and/or multiple feeds...
They they brough me a brand-new modern HP 4L and I quit being
frustrated by the old one.
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Subject: Re: HP Laserjet Series II
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